View Full Version : Canon Powershot A60 Help

02-18-2004, 07:25 AM
I no many of you have the Canon Powershot A60 which I just got I am having trouble getting rid of the red eye I have the red eye reduction on is there another way to do it better? Here is a sample pic of what I am talking about Please any help will be greatful

PS I am not in the stone age anymore I have a DIGITAL CAMERA!

This is my boy FizzGigg in his best St Patricks Day outfit!

02-18-2004, 07:54 AM
I have Canon PowerShot A80 and I get a lot of red eye too. We use iphoto on our mac which has an additional way of reducing red eye while you are editing the pictures. Play around with the software, I'm sure you'll find something to help it. Have fun with your camera, and get creative. We love ours.

02-18-2004, 07:58 AM
I wish I could help. I too, have the same camera, but Kia always has horrendous red eye if I use the flash. So I just try to take the majority of my pictures with lots of artificial or daylight and I keep the flash off.

Maybe KayAnn will have some suggestions. :)

02-18-2004, 09:03 AM
Does anyone know of a digatal camera that has a setting on it to cut red eye out?

02-18-2004, 09:50 AM
I think this camera has built in red-eye reduction. I've never gotten red eyes but I've gotten yellow and green eyes. :p

For pictures where I actually care whether there's yellow/green/red eye (photoshoots), I usually have a lamp beside them or blast all the lights in the room. Then I set it to action mode where it's less likely to blur and take it from there. The lighting makes all the difference in the world. I just did a little photoshoot with a lamp beside them and they nearly looked professional.

02-18-2004, 09:52 AM
a lot of cameras have a red eye option, but they just don't work very well. Red eye is a problem with compact cameras because the flash is so close to the lens.

Some color eyes are more prone to red eye then others...my brown eyes hardly ever have red eye, and my wife's blue eyes always get red eyes.

My cats get really bad glare from the flash. Don't know about dogs.

The best way to get rid of red eye is not to use the flash

02-18-2004, 10:07 AM
Originally posted by b0bth0ny
a lot of cameras have a red eye option, but they just don't work very well. Red eye is a problem with compact cameras because the flash is so close to the lens.

The best way to get rid of red eye is not to use the flash

That's correct, almost all digicams have red eye reduction. Except maybe the really cheap ones, and I think they even have it.

I've found that I get a lot more red eye (or in our case, purple & green :) ) with animals than with people. Very few of my human shots have red eye, while most of my animals shots do.

I do the same thing and try to take most of mine outdoors, or with bright lights on indoors.

Cinder & Smoke
02-18-2004, 12:39 PM
Originally posted by binka_nugget
I've never gotten red eyes but
I've gotten yellow and green eyes. :p

For pictures where I actually care whether there's yellow/green/red eye (photoshoots),
have a lamp beside them or
blast all the lights in the room.

Then I set it to action mode where it's less likely to blur ...

The lighting makes all the difference in the world.

Good Lighting! This is the Magic Bullet!
Try NOT to use the camera's Built-In Flash
(even with Red-Eye Reduction turned on)
unless there is no other way to brighten up the scene with
another source of STEADY-Burning light(s).

Ive noticed that the Rapid-Fire PRE-Exposure *flashes* that
Canon uses in the A-60, A-70, and A-80 model cameras,
and MANY Other small digi-cams also use
when Red-Eye Reduction is turned ON -
often makes the situation :eek: WORSE with Animals.

Animals don't seemed to be *tricked* by the PRE-Flashes -
many actually *stare* AT the camera - which accentuates the problem.

Here are a couple of Articles on the Theory of Red-Eye;
and steps to avoid, reduce, or edit-out the problem. >>>

Megapixel.net - EXCELLENT Red-Eye article (http://www.megapixel.net/html/articles/red-eye.html)

Desertusa.com - General Tips - Red-Eye and Problem Coat Colors (http://www.desertusa.com/mag99/june/stories/animals.html)

PaintShop PRO 7 (if ya got it) How to Edit Article (http://www.khiba.com/PSP/Fall2000/11212000.htm)

You can do a http://www.Google.com search using the two terms
[ "red-eye reduction" ] and [ animals ] for
several pages of articles on the subject.

02-19-2004, 06:54 AM
I wanted to thank you all for the help. I will try all of your methods. I still cant figure out why my regular advantic (Vectis 2000 which is the smallest film camera on the market) camera (Film) gets ride of the red eye and my new digital Camera doesn't? HUH I'm stumped!