View Full Version : frisbee

guster girl
02-17-2004, 06:19 PM
My puppy is too young right now to catch a frisbee, but, I'd really like that to be something I can do with him when he's older. Does anyone have any advice on how to train a dog to catch a frisbee or know of a site I can go to? I'd also like to get him involved at some point in water games. I've seen those competitions on TV where the dog runs and jumps off of a pier into water and they are judged on how far they jump (like long jump in track and field). that would be cool! :) anyway, I'm open for ANY suggestions and/or advice. Please let me know your ideas!

02-17-2004, 06:23 PM
With Molly it just comes naturally. :p
She's loooooooved frisbees ever since we first had her. She'll catch it in the air, play with it by herself, or bring it to you so you can play tug-o-war with her. I just call it an obsession. :rolleyes:

Sorry I'm not much help..

guster girl
02-17-2004, 06:31 PM
No problem! I just like the interaction, so, it's cool that you replied! :) I'm thinking about just introducing him to a small frisbee that I THINK I still have somewhere. I'd really like for him to play that game, but, I want lots of ideas from the pet talkers so I can make sure I find something he will enjoy! The owner of my boyfriend's bar is practically like his dad, and, he has a pool that his dog's swim in. When it gets warmer and Finn gets older, I may introduce him to the world of water. :) Should be interesting.

02-17-2004, 06:33 PM
Hmmm, you're boy's Finn, right? The Labbie?:D Well, the best advice I can give you is just to expose him to all of those things, frisbee, a ball, the water, retrieving NOW! Most Labs loves trying to retrieve anything, and given an incentive, will follow your lead. I introduced my Lab Star to the frisbee when she was Finn's age, rolling it along the floor, letting her mouth it, making it a special toy to covet. Once she was older, and was able to run it down and jump in the air to catch it, she was a natural. As a puppy, I would roll a ball along the floor or outside on the lawn and she'd come running back to me to roll it again. Try that and see how he responds to retrieving. You shouldn't let Finn do any flat out running for at least 6 months, to prevent doing injury to his hips. I took Star down to the water at Finn's age, just to get her use to the feel and sound and movement of water. At about 4-5 months, I held her and walked into our pool and guided her along as she tried to padddle. After a few trys, she was doggie paddling away on her own!:D After that, I couldn't keep her out of the water, especially if I threw a ball in! Labs are for the most part, natural athletes and will do just about anything to get that ball, stick, frisbee, wherever it may travel!:D Have fun with Finn and enjoy his puppiness! It's great to know that there's a Lab Mom out there that understands that Labs are high energy (NOT HYPER) and enjoy the active life! A well exercised and mentally challenged Lab is a happy Lab! You might also think about agility...though most recommend not before age 2:) I bought Star some equiptment for the backyard too and she loves practicing on non class days! And if you can hook up with other Lab Moms that would be great. A Lab puppy will quickly follow the lead of an adult Lab!

guster girl
02-17-2004, 06:57 PM
Thank you so much for the information! I'm really looking forward to doing active things with Finn. He's so cool already. I've found a couple of dog parks within a half an hour drive that I plan on visiting with my boyfriend. There's a regular park about ten minutes away, too, that would require Finn to stay on-leash, but, it's still a nice park with lots of room to romp. And, there are usually a lot of people and I want to socialize him as much as possible. I have definitely considered agility, and, am even going to look into the Canine Good Citizen program. I know it's expensive, but, it would be worth it. I will get Finn down to the water as soon as possible and will probably go within the next couple of days to get a frisbee if I can't find the one I had before. I didn't know that about not letting him really run for a few months, thanks for saying that. I'll talk to my vet, too, since you brought that up. She met Finn yesterday and is completely in love. She is actually more of a cat person, and, has taken care of my pets for years. Bruno (my dachshund/cocker dog) was put down in June at age 15 and Dusty (my siamese/himalayan cat) passed away in December at 17. She was their doc and she loved them and cried with us when they left. She is now taking care of our Bengal kitten, Lock, and, even took photos of Finn yesterday on the exam table with her digital camera. He is quite handsome, though, so I can't blame her. ;) thanks again for all the advice.

02-17-2004, 09:29 PM
Sounds like you're on the right track in every way! Definitely get right into basic obedience after Puppy K and shoot for the CGC! It's pretty tough, but Labs are smart!:) And the socialization you'll get in the classes is so important! You're vet sounds like a wonderful person. Please accept my deepest sympathies on the loss of Bruno and Dusty:( I know how difficult it is to lose a beloved furkid; having a vet who really cares and shares in our sadness is a godsend.

Oh, check out www.justlabsmagazine.com It's a great magazine all about Labs. You'll love it! Lots of advice, informative articles and irresisitible pics! Hugs and Labbie butt wiggles to Finn from Sandra and Star (And sister Husky Cody, too!:D)

guster girl
02-17-2004, 09:43 PM
thanks for the comment about bruno and dusty. Yeah, it was really hard. Dusty had been with me since I was ten (he was actually my birthday present) and he passed away on my dad's birthday, december 12. And, Bruno was just my little buddy. I got him as a one-year-old when I was thirteen and had just moved from the US to Germany. He was a life saver. I have his urn at home, though, and, Dusty is buried at home in South Carolina. Good little souls, though, that's for certain. :) I knew I'd get other pets, but, no one will ever replace those two men. They took some of me with them. I am definitely looking forward to working and playing with Finn. I've never really had a big dog, and, I've only had limited experience around Labradors. But, I've always known about their qualities as a friend. So, this should be a lot of fun for everyone involved. It'll be cool, too, cuz you guys here at Pet Talk can watch him grow up with me! I'm a wannabe photograhper, so, he will be well documented. ;) Thanks again for the remarks.