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02-17-2004, 02:10 PM
Thomas the cat offered gym membership

A cat is being bombarded with mail including credit card deals, gym offers and free internet surfing time.

Thomas the Tabby cat has been receiving mystery mail six years. But owner Mike Davies was astounded when an 18in tube came through the door on Monday addressed to Thomas Catt.

In it was a membership offer from a local gym, Esporta Health Club, including a poster of a human body headed with the words: "Thomas, this is what we'll do for you this year".

Mr Davies, 49, of Coombe Road, Weston-super-Mare, Somerset, insisted he has never put his 11-year-old pet's name on any mailing list and is baffled and "quite amused" by his apparent popularity.

Though the overweight feline is on a special diet, Mr Davies said he said did not plan to take up the gym offer as there was no treadmill for cats there.

A spokeswoman for the gym said: "Esporta purchased the data record of Mr Thomas Catt from Consodata Lifestyle Register. It looks like somebody has clearly at some stage filled out details for their pet."

The pet's first piece of post was a credit card offer in 1998 addressed to just "Thomas" but since then "Catt" has been added as a surname, Mr Davies said.

Post has included an offer of a £250,000 loan, information about funeral plans, free internet surfing for 10 years and even a credit card offer from Goldfish. Mr Davies said: "He gets about six items a month and I think the postwoman is a bit fed up with it now."

Story filed: 15:19 Thursday 22nd January 2004

I believed the story until I read about the Credit Card from Goldfish.......where do goldfish keep their credit cards?

:confused: :confused:

02-18-2004, 12:47 AM
Possibly inside one of those castle that blows bubbles?

02-18-2004, 08:56 AM
I want to know how fish use the computer to order things.:) However it is a fitting credit card for a cat.

Actually there is a financial services company in the UK called Goldfish. So the story could still be true.

02-18-2004, 09:12 AM
I put Michael , on a TV Guide Subscrition , to get a free Gift. And in one week , he got an offer to borrow 10, 000 Dollars , a credit card , a dating service , and an invitation to go on a Cruise , with endless meals!I was a little jealous , as Michael now had Money , A Cruise , and A Honey to share it with , which is more than I could say!