View Full Version : Mike is pressuring me to get another dog...

02-16-2004, 03:43 PM
He wants another dog so bad. It's driving me nuts. I'm so torn because of course, I'd love to surround myself in hundreds of dogs. But I am so afraid to chance the heartbreak that I went through giving Teddy away.

Teddy is doing really good. I get updates on him all the time, but I don't talk about him to you all to much because my heart hurts when I think about him. I miss him so bad. He was such a misfit in our home, but I regret giving him away so much... I'm constantly thinking of what ifs and could haves when it comes to Ted.

Anyways, I want another dog, but I'm so scared. What if this one wound up being a nutcase too? There is no way I could bear to lose another animal. I never thought that I was the type of person to even give up like I did Teddy. And then just a year ago, I'd put Rosco to sleep because of his aggression. I've went through heartache twice last year. I don't think my heart could survive if I was forced into a situation again.

But if it did work out, which dogs do normally work out 99% of the time, it would be so awesome. Rosco and Teddy were the only dogs that I got as babies, and they didn't work. Everyone else, I got as adults so I knew for certain what I was dealing with when I got them. Perhaps if I get another adult, it'll be ok.

I don't know. Just rambling my thoughts. Sorry.

02-16-2004, 03:57 PM
tonya, as much as i enjoy puppies, i will only adopt my next dog from a (senior) dog rescue. puppies are way fun, but with a (senior) dog from a foster home, often you can get good discriptions of the dogs' likes, dislikes and behavior. and (senior)dog rescues give second chances to deserving (senior) dogs. i don't want to push too hard(;) ) but i think a (senior)dog rescue is the way to go. regards, joyce

Rio and Me
02-16-2004, 04:05 PM
Tonya I sort of know how you are feeling, as i sold my beloved horse because i had not enough time for her, when i thought they were selling her a was deffinatly going to get her back, but now i know they are not selling her i am glad yet long for another horse or her.
I whould love another horse but it would must probly have to be her for me to want it (if you know what i mean).
What joy said was great, an older more needy dog whould be great as there caractor is showing more, and you would be able to see if they would fit your life.
Ky and rio