View Full Version : New Horse Drawing

02-15-2004, 08:18 PM
Here's a new drawing I just did. Enjoy

Thanks Willie for my sig it's really pretty how do add pics to your avatar?:)

02-15-2004, 08:27 PM
omg your GREAT at shading!!!!!!:D You are very good!

02-15-2004, 08:36 PM
not bad! you should join wetcanvas.com, with simple adivice over the net they can help you make it look awsome! trust me lol that horse pic I drew? I could not darw a horse for the life of me when I joined the board, they helped me with my techniques, and they crtiqued my work, and that drawing you saw was my first horse I had drawn :D trust me lol they are good! lol they made me redo the first drawing I showed them, this time though giving me tips while I did the drawing in stages, and I thought my first one was good! the new one was awsome, I had no idea I could draw like that! :D

02-15-2004, 08:50 PM
I love it, LauralG. :)

02-15-2004, 09:02 PM
Thankyou Everyone:) I would love to join that website wetoncanvas? That sounds very helpfull lots of talented people here on PT.

Thankyou Willie for my sig I just love it it is so pretty.:)

02-15-2004, 09:23 PM
I think it is great that you can draw so well. When you do your poetry you can do drawings to with them! You are truely gifted!

02-15-2004, 09:46 PM
wetcanvas I will give ya the link :P

wetcanvas (http://wetcanvas.com/forums/)


02-15-2004, 10:21 PM
:) Thankyou I do images on Truepoetry unicorns mostly and thankyou for the link to the wetcanvas I will certainly look into it. More projects soon. :)

Thankyou Willie for my sig I just love it it is so pretty how do you add pics to you avatar?:)

Rio and Me
02-16-2004, 03:49 AM
Wow thank you i didnt expect that so soon,lol
I will print it out and inlarge it.
thank you again
Ky and Rio

02-16-2004, 09:07 AM
:) Your welcome after you asked me to draw your dog I took a peek I hope I got the right one lol you have a little jackrussle dog is his ear bigger than the other? He is so cute I did a rough sketch of him last night I will redo it and email it to you by tonight. You gave something to do on a long boreing sunday afternoon. Thanks did you get on to truepoetry to read some of my stuff? If not I have alot of stuff poested here and some art work as well. You just have to backtrack alot to find it. I noticed you do not have a sig I hope I'm helping you out with a sig. lol I post my stuff as soon as I do it. you can usually catch me under General. Do you have any other pets and did you like the first sketch of Jilly or would like me to redo it? I'm just a amature poetry and writing is my passion and I think that is my love. Ok well let me know. :)

Thankyou Willie for my sig I just love it .:)

Rio and Me
02-16-2004, 01:26 PM
I like the picture you did for me of jilly, there is no need to redo it its brill, i cant draw,lol
I dont know if you were meaning me about drawing the dog, because i dont have a jack russel, Rio is my dog in my sig.
Thansk again
Ky and Rio

02-16-2004, 01:53 PM
You are welcome I loved doing jilly and like I said it gives me something to look forward to. lol do you have a a pic of Reo? I joined wetcanvas they help you out in your areas of drawing that you need help with for me it's shadeing. I will love to draw Reo for you do you have a bigger pic of him ?:)

Thankyou Willie for the sig I just love it. How do you add pics to the avatar thing?:)

Rio and Me
02-16-2004, 02:14 PM
Well since you offerd id would love you to do one of my precious girl.
Here she is this is the best i have on the comp at the mo
Thank you ky and Rio

02-16-2004, 03:59 PM
It looks good :)

02-16-2004, 04:05 PM
Rio, she is so pretty!

Rio and Me
02-16-2004, 04:12 PM
Owww there are compliments smacking me in the face at the mo,lol this is great ,
Rio knows she is great without the compliments, thats why she thinks she can do what she pleases,lol
Ky and rio
PS thank you for your kind words,

02-16-2004, 04:22 PM
I'm done drawing Reo for you it will be in your email in a few minuets. I was going to draw it tonight but me and my son are going out for dinner tonight. I hope you like it. Let me know this is my first dog drawing I every did in a very very long time I enjoyed doing it. Just one favor though could you please leave my name on the bottom of my drawings that mean alot to me thankyou. :)

Thankyou Willie for the sig I love it.:)

Rio and Me
02-16-2004, 04:32 PM
Im sorry but i cant get into my hotmail accont at the moment :(
Could you be so kind as to put it in PT as an attachment then i can save it and print it
Of corse i will leave your name on it, you drew it for me.
Thank you
Ky and rio
PS what time is it with you right now?
Its 10.40pm at might here

02-16-2004, 04:36 PM
All ready done. I just posted it. Bye for now lol got to go to the store. :)

Thanks Willie for my sig I love it :)