View Full Version : just when my life feels like its getting better it goes BAM

02-15-2004, 12:41 PM

i know this isn't about pets but i need to get this out:( ok those who have seizures or a loved one w/ seizures may understand this better.

today i woke up and my parents were going nuts and i was half asleep and confused :confused: anyway they said i had a seizure:eek: which i have no recolection of it i mean i put up a fight about it ,i kept saying no i didn't have a seizure.but then again my parents don't hear the TV very good and i live upstairs so i oviously had one what else could it of been.shortly after my fight w/ my parents they go down stairs and i sit in bed till i feel like its ok to get up.

then i came in here and got a awful nose bleed i'm guessing from the seizure or seizures i had.right now i feel tired and hopeless i'll never be cured unless some miiricale comes along.why me why anyone for that matter annacent people are suffering epilepsy and yet no cure.at the moment i really hate my life.

webster had seizures too (my first dog i got to love) i'm so glad he no longer suffers but i miss him like crazy.i felt so close to him.

tommorow i'll more likely have bruises.right now i have a hheadache.to think i was starting to think my life was finally getting better then BAM i am back at square one.

thanks for listening i needed to get this out.all i can do is cry.


02-15-2004, 12:58 PM
I knew a girl back in high school, she'd have seiuzures.. but she had an operation.. and now she's cured, I think.. the last time I saw her was few months ago, and she has a job.. she is dong pretty well.. I'm happy for her. Isn't there anything that can help you?

02-15-2004, 01:05 PM
i feel bad that this is happening for you. i wish there was some medicine or miracle that could make it better for you. does your doctor know that you are still having seizures?

02-15-2004, 01:21 PM
My dog, Josie has seizures..I know what it's like to see her go through them and its awful. I don't know of any people though..I hope they can find something to help you :(

02-15-2004, 01:30 PM
I am sorry that you have to endure such a hard thing, I hope you have no more seizures. I worked with a sweet girl that had them. I know it was hard for her. I hope they come up with a cure.:(

02-15-2004, 02:16 PM
Im sorry you have to go through all of this,it must be pretty scary.I think my cousin had seizures awhile ago, but i think he took some kind of medication for them.

02-15-2004, 02:16 PM
Im sorry you have to go through all of this,it must be pretty scary.I think my cousin had seizures awhile ago, but i think he took some kind of medication for them.

02-15-2004, 02:16 PM
Im sorry you have to go through all of this,it must be pretty scary.I think my cousin had seizures awhile ago, but i think he took some kind of medication for them.

Miss Meow
02-15-2004, 02:49 PM
How scary for you and your family! :(

I hope things look up for you and better treatment is found so you can live more comfortably {{{hugs}}}

02-15-2004, 06:53 PM

thank you so much for the replies :) i've had epilepsy since birth so i basicly know what to excpect ......................i'll never get used to it though.

i am on meds for it 22 pills a day :p and their controlled as long as i remember my meds:rolleyes:

as for treatment i wasn't a canidate for brain surgery,so i settled for the VNS (vagus nerve stimulater) it works pretty well its not a cure but it is a big help for me and many others.

only down part about oy is every 5 or so years i have to get the battery replaced (which means getting cut open) its a minor surgery.this past august i had my first battery replaced here is a image of a VNS


its basicly like a pace maker only it sends pulses to the brain to be more clearer its a brain pace maker. it goes off every 5 min for 30 sec and if i'm luckly to have a warning of some kind i have a magnet that stops the seizure like that by sending stronger pulses to the brrain.the magnet even helps if i'm on a cluster (meaning i have one seizure after another ) anyway it shortens the cluster depending on the seizure it self of course.i have all types of seizures:rolleyes: anyway thanks again for your replies:) take care :)


02-15-2004, 07:27 PM
Sorry! My dad had a seisure AT BIRTH... and he still gets them to this day! So, yes I know what its like to live with someone who couldat any moment go into seisure. He hasn't had a big one for years (thank goodness) but we never let go of the fact it could happen at any moment.

My dad cannot be around flashing light - they bring on seisures... does that happen to you? He has to limit his computer use because the screen flickers ever so slightly and it can cause a seisure. All these little things that we take for granted!

So, take care and get some rest!