View Full Version : I've created monsters!

02-15-2004, 09:42 AM
Last weekend, Petco was having a special where you buy a bag of dry food, you got three pouches of wet food. I gave one pouch to the cats this morning. Allen had a few bites but walked away... Pouncer on the other hand was in heaven! He was so enthusiastic about the food, that in his licking, everything was pushed off the plate

Nicki sat on the floor whining and staring at the food, so I told her she was allowed up this ONCE to share in the wealth

She must have REALLY been into it because she actually went nose to nose with Pouncer

Nicki got all she wanted and Pouncer was left trying to off the last remnants of wet food goo... he was licking so intently that a minute later I heard CRASH - he managed to lick the plate off the table! But if you look closely, the plate seemed pretty clean before he tried to lick it cleaner.

PS: I figured out how to wiggle and jiggle just right, so I'll be able to post pictures for a few days. I'll be sending the camera off to be reapired next week anyway.

02-15-2004, 10:36 AM
LOL! they certainly licked the plate cleaner than clean! Pouncer, what a good boy you are, sharing with Nicky! :)

02-15-2004, 11:09 AM
I've had the same experience with that pouch food.... my cats tend to like the JUICE better than the slices of food. That is why all the pieces always end up on the floor!!! I've quit buying the stuff, as no one wants to clean up the dried out pieces off the floor.... except for the dogs of course! :rolleyes:

02-15-2004, 11:23 AM
Originally posted by kimlovescats
I've had the same experience with that pouch food.... my cats tend to like the JUICE better than the slices of food. That is why all the pieces always end up on the floor!!! :rolleyes: LOL! Once again, I know I'm not alone! I wish they sold just the juice! :D

02-15-2004, 12:41 PM
That is the way Sunny eats that kind of food! He eats the broth away and don't eat the pieces of the meat! He just likes the broth!

Cute pictures! Thanks for sharing!

02-15-2004, 12:45 PM
Aww Pouncer, you're so adorable and what a sweetie to allow Nicki to share in your good fortune.

I use to have the same problem with the cats licking just the juice and leaving most of the food. So now I mush it all up and that took care of the problem.:)

02-15-2004, 02:01 PM
Cute, cute, cute! My kitties are the same. Just the juice. Serving their food in bowls instead of plates has solved the "counter chunks" problem.

02-17-2004, 11:39 AM
Now , that is Pet Love the way that Pouncer and her Canine Pal , share thier Food. I really wouldnt call that the work of Monsters! Very Nice Photo!

02-17-2004, 01:05 PM
I agree with you Catmandu, They are pretty sweet!

02-17-2004, 02:41 PM
I am so proud of my cat when he licks his plate clean..
I just put it back in the cupboard.

No water to waste, no soap to use and I don't need to wash dishtowels so often!!!

:rolleyes: :eek: :( :p :confused:

02-17-2004, 03:16 PM
Yes - we allow our cats to do that not only for their plates but also for our plates. Saves a lot of energy.

02-17-2004, 03:22 PM
Funny Richard, LOL! I don't what we would do with our good humor guy!:D

02-17-2004, 03:31 PM
funny barbara, LOL! Thanks for your humor too! Humor makes the day so much brighter!

You may have discovered a way we can save energy!:D