View Full Version : A Call to All State of New York Residents

02-13-2004, 06:23 PM
I am asking for help from all pet lovers to respond to the following proposed budget cutting measure. Basically Gov. Pataki wants to stop the yearly inspections of breeders that sell over 25 dogs a year as a cost cutting measure.

I urge everyone to write Gov. Pataki and their own legislative representatives to ask that this measure be stopped. It is at best a short term cost cutting solution as it will give unregulated breeders an opportunity to mass produce puppies and increase the pet overpopulation problem, causing an increase in shelter admissions (which cost more money) and dog control issues (which costs more money). It is at worst a cruelty issue as unregulated puppy mills will continue to do their dirty business with even less care than they are forced to give now.

I would propose instead the funding come from the breeders themselves by increasing the licensing fees that breeders have to pay with licensing fees increasing exponentially with the number of dogs sold (i.e. 1 litter sold a year - $100 fee - 10 litters a year $5000 fee or something like that)

Here is the link for the initiative:

Pet Dealer Licencing law (https://secure2.convio.net/aspca/site/Advocacy?id=546&JServSessionIdr008=0cb8xmw831.app17a)

Thank you


02-14-2004, 03:54 PM

02-14-2004, 04:07 PM
I don't live there but my letter on the way. How stupid is that. You need Julinne Backas governer.