View Full Version : Hey Phred

02-13-2004, 10:18 AM
Do you have an Oregon connection??:D

(I used subterfuge to take this picture so it's a little out of focus)

02-13-2004, 10:40 AM
:eek: LOL, that's too phunny! :p

Cinder & Smoke
02-13-2004, 11:48 AM

Dad sed NEET-O! :cool: :)

He's alluz *thinkin* bout gettin wunna thoze here in Oh-Hi-Yo,
but we fink he's too cheep ta spring fur it! :p

He figgers there isn't anudder *dim-wit* inna State that would
want one - but they want too much $$ munnie fur
"special plates". :(

Now we wunder How Many *Phredz* there are??
(Guess there's at least TWO of 'em! ;)

Tubby & Peanut's Mom
02-13-2004, 01:02 PM
Tell your dad he might want to check it out. In Illinois, if you put a number behind the words, there's an initial extra cost but after that the renewal is the same as any regular plate. Like Phred 1 would be the same as a regular plate but just Phred would be extra....in Illinois that is. Maybe Ohio is similar?

Phred 1 = personalized plate
Phred = vanity plate

Evidently in Illinois vanity costs more than personalization. :rolleyes: :D

02-13-2004, 01:13 PM
To funny! :D

02-13-2004, 03:37 PM

For a moment, I thought he moved to Oregon without letting us know! TOO FUNNY!!! :D

You mean, there are OTHER Phreds? :eek:

Cinder & Smoke
02-13-2004, 06:16 PM
... and he did sum sniffin on the
Ohio License Plate webby site...

Originally posted by Tubby & Peanut's Mom
In Illinois... initial extra cost ...
... renewal is the same as any regular plate.

Evidently in Illinois vanity costs
more than personalization. :rolleyes: :D


Musta gib "PHRED" to sumbuddie else = NOT available.

"PHRED" wiff or wiffout nummers front or back - dint kompute = :confused:

FD PHRED gotz an OK! :D
(Dad started fumblin fur hiz Plastik Munnie Kard)...

Then he started figgerin da *KOST*...
Furst :eek: came when he read How Much our *old* plate wuz
gonna be This year = $55!
WHOA! Last year it wuz onlee $44... ????
(Fine Print = they needed summore munnie - so they "raised da price"!)
Dad'z gettin :mad: !

Summore fine print sez
"Personalized Plates" kost an EXTREE $35 - well...
Dad'z still thinkin... "FD PHRED" look purdy :cool: ...

MORE fine print...
Bye da Bye - dat'z $35 EXTREE EVERY Year!!
:eek: $90 BUCKz!! *every* year!!?? :mad:

Then we looked at gettin wun wiffa Purdy Eagle Head onnit -
Yup! $35 EVERY year - extra! :(

We fink we're just gonna be blendin in wiffa krowd
dis year - wearin our ratty old plates!. :rolleyes:

02-14-2004, 06:32 AM
I thought about going the vanity plate route too, when we only had Cincy and Sadie and I had 2 cars in my name...until I saw the cost!! My truck, regular plates are $70 each year, and for the shadow it was $60 or so....add on the $35 for for a vanity and it would be almost $200 a year!!!

02-14-2004, 09:34 AM
Geez Amy, we pay more than that in IN....they gouge us here. We usually spend around $300 for the 2 vehicles.