View Full Version : Dry Skin??

02-13-2004, 09:59 AM
Jasper digs alot, with his paws, and mouth!

Last night, I got into bed, and he wanted to get up, so I lifted him up, from unerneath his paws sort of, and my hand got soaked, so I turned the light on, and he was digging, with his mouth I guess, and had his, under his arm-arm pit I guess, soaken and most of the hair off it :eek: I havent seen him digging or anything, but he seems to have dry skin or something, always scratching and digging. He always has his neck very sore too!

I have been putting a raw egg over his food, maybe once a week, will this help dry skin? Or is he maybe alergic to something :confused: Please give any suggestions on what might be causing all the scratching and what I could do, thanks!

**Also: I will have PICTURES :o later on today lol**

02-13-2004, 10:04 AM
Sounds like an allergy to me. I'd stop the raw egg, it can cause salmonella. Yes, dogs can get it. :)

What kind of food does he eat? Coul dit be from the shampoo you use?

Do you use a humidifier in your house this time of year? If not, get one. You'll love it. It makes my skin smoothe and soft, even in the winter.

02-13-2004, 11:12 AM
You can try adding some fish oil to his food, or ask the vet about some vitamin E supplements. :) Dry skin can also come from poor nutrition, or a food his body just doesn't agree with.

02-13-2004, 06:54 PM
Okay thanks!!

Also right now he's eating Pedigree, but Im going to switch him to Innova or wellness or chicken soup or something if I can find any of those!