View Full Version : Dr. Atkins died

02-12-2004, 08:42 PM
I saw on the news that Dr. Atkins died in the hospital after suffering a heart attack. He was 250 pounds. But they didn't say whether or not it was the diet that caused his weight problem or heart problem. Does anyone know anything else about this?

02-12-2004, 08:46 PM
:confused: I believe that Dr. Atkins died a while ago (like last winter), after falling on some ice. It was after his death that his diet became so popular.

Maybe I'm wrong though? That was the definite impression I had though.

02-12-2004, 08:47 PM
I don't know lol...I saw it on the news just yesterday that he died in the hospital...:confused:

02-12-2004, 08:52 PM
He just died and the media reported how he was 250 pounds and bad heart and so on, but they DIDN'T report he had had a viral illness weakening him, then he fell and hit his head and went into a coma for three weeks (I said three months at first, I meant three weeks :o) . During that time he went from 197 to 250 pounds while in a coma due to fluid buildup etc...then had heart problems complicated from that and the viral illness...

The mainstream media only reports "he died and was 250 pounds" so it sounds like his diet was bunk. That's the media for you I guess. :rolleyes:

02-12-2004, 08:54 PM
Oooh, I see; thanks for clarifying. :)

02-12-2004, 08:57 PM
Dr. Atkins died on April 25th 2003


02-12-2004, 08:59 PM
Maybe he died from Arteosclerosis, hardening of the arties, from all the grease he ate while following his own diet! :p

02-12-2004, 08:59 PM
Hmm now I'm confused. That's not what I had heard about the situation exactly.

02-12-2004, 09:02 PM
I just talked to my aunt, and she said that he did die a year ago. I wonder why I just heard about it recently..

02-12-2004, 09:02 PM
Dr. Atkins died last year. He fell. He is in the news now because his weight hs been released. His heart was weakened by a viral illness- not his diet.

Now, my personal opinion of his diet and any fad diet is that they are all bunk and designed for people who are either desperate or lazy. But this particular death and reporting is nothing more than a witch hunt.

02-12-2004, 09:04 PM
Ok, I thought he just died too but that was my mistake. But for some reason it has been in the news lately? My husband and I were talking about it last night and that's when he was telling me how he found out about all the stuff the mainstream media didn't report.

02-12-2004, 09:06 PM
Ah I see 2kitties thanks. But I don't really think of his diet as a "fad diet" as from what I understand (husband has been reading the books on it), it wasn't developed in the first place to lose weight, that was a side effect of it more... it was more developed for diabetic control. My mother-in-law is a diabetic and it has helped her immeasurably not just with weight loss (she's still overweight, but she has lost weight) but with her energy levels and sugar levels...

From what I understand about it you basically cut carbs way back for two weeks and then gradually reintroduce them. It is often during that time people lose weight quickly. You then work up to a healthy level of carbohydrate intake as relates to how much exercise or energy you expend..

I will need to read more about it.

02-12-2004, 10:35 PM
Like some others said, he died last April. His weight is just now coming out.

THe Atkins diet isn't as bad as people think. Some people abuse it and don't follow it properly, so of course it seems bunk for them. I've followed the Atkins diet for a year now. I originally did it to lose weight. But once I started it, I discovered that I feel and look healthier then I ever have. For me, cutting back on carbs has nothing to do with weight. For the first time in my life, my insomnia is under control without sleeping pills.

02-13-2004, 12:24 AM
The reason for the big stink now is that , the cornoer released the autopsy report to a group he wasn't too. They in turn made a big stink to the New York Post who made the announcement to help further the cause of this group. Of course they did leave out the little detail of the coma and drugs given him to keep him alive ( cause huge bloating and water retention).
I hate to say this (please forgive me just reporting the facts) the group who got the report was a group who supports a vegan vegitarin life style.
I an useing Atkins (modified becouse of the meds I'm on) I agree that any thing can be abused even the best diet in the world. No one thing works for every one.
Seems like in April just after his death we had this thread.

guster girl
02-13-2004, 06:43 PM
The Atkins diet is good for a lot of people. I did it for a couple of weeks just for the induction phase because I needed to motivate myself to be healthier. It worked like a charm. I knew I wouldn't stay with that particular diet, though, just because I eat four or five servings of fruit a day, and, even far into the diet, they don't want you to eat a lot of fruit because of the sugar. I don't eat any unnatural sugars anymore because of reading about Atkins, but, i still eat fruit. I've been doing really well on the individualized diet and excerise routine I've put myself on, but, Atkins did motivate me, cuz I lost eight pounds in two weeks. ;) That sucks that they spilled the beans about his weight, though. Media sucks b*lls in so many ways.

02-15-2004, 01:43 PM
Yep - the PCRM (a very vocal vegetarian group who disapprove of Atkins because of the meat eating aspect of the plan) got ahold of Dr. Atkins autopsy report and made it sound like he died becuase of his own diet plan. Not true in the least. I saw some pictures of him from about a week before he died, and he was very fit for a 72 yr old man.

I have been doing Atkins since last June, and I don't feel it is a fad, it is a good healthy eating plan for the rest of my life. I don't need refined sugar and flour, I can live without it. I also eat fruit. I don't buy a lot of the Atkins products (overpriced and some taste horrible, buying them is not necessary), I feel whole, natural, unprocessed foods are best for me. I have lost 50 pounds, and am pretty happy about the whole thing. I balance small servings of meat with lots of veggies and my daily piece of fruit. It works, I feel great. It has been so positive for me, and not just because of the weight loss.

Tonya, I had the same thing happen with my sleep problems. I used to have to take sleeping pills, not anymore! My heartburn has also totally disappeared. The only thing I can complain about is I get cold easily now, without all that fat to keep me warm.

02-15-2004, 06:04 PM
I have been reading the book "Atkins For Life" and have found it to be very informative and to make a lot of sense. He explains the scientific reasoning (but not in too technical of terms) behind the Atkins plan. I suspect most of its critics are people who look at the first phase, the induction phase, and believe that is how one is expected to eat all the time, which is totally untrue. The induction phase's purpose literally is to cut the body's dependency/addiction on carbohydrates. He explains how the body craves the carbohydrates to burn for energy, so your body does not burn fat, rather sends a message that you are hungry for more carbohydrates in order to gain energy again.

Everything is answered, including questions people may have about cholesterol and heart problems (which Atkin's actually improves). Most of the criticisms I have seen come from those who can't have read the book where everything is explained based off facts and science. The "diet" is different for everyone. One person may do great eating 120 carbs a day, which is a good amount, and another person may need to keep it to 80. It all depends on your metabolism but all of that is explained in detail in the book.

Anyway, my husband and I are planning to give it a shot. I'm hoping it will help us both with problems like insomnia, gastric reflux, low energy levels, etc.