View Full Version : Cat Catering

K & L
02-11-2004, 10:20 AM
Do any of you cater more to one cat than another? I have to admit I cater to little Bo more than any. I guess it’s because of all the medical issues she’s going through, the fact she lived in the park for 1 ½ years and then suddenly decided to become tame, and mostly because she follows me EVERYWHERE. When I walk through the door she runs to me and follows me the rest of the evening. Trust me, the others are not lacking for attention, it’s just Bo is a little more spoiled!;)

02-11-2004, 11:58 AM
I'm guilty of paying more attention to Pouncer. He's still a baby and does so many things - always in trouble. But then he comes to me when he's done making mischief and wants to be loved. Allen is so darn independant and aloof. You try to give him love and he squirms away! I do have to say that even though Pouncer gets more attention, I still love all of my animals the same!

02-11-2004, 12:10 PM
I have to say that both my husband and I give more attention to Jack. He's the one that always wants and craves most of our attention. He'll follow you around, jump up in your lap, give you headbumpies and stick his nose in your face to get attention. And he loves to be held. Ali, on the other hand, wants pets and loving on her terms...she has to come to you and not the other way around. If you try to love on her without her wanting it, she gets angry and growls and hisses. Ali is a sweetheart, don't get me wrong, but only when she wants to be.

02-11-2004, 12:23 PM
Tucker is the spoiled baby of our house! He is and he knows it too! We got him from the pound when he was only about 6 or 7 weeks old, and he's just been babied by us both his entire life! He has this most precious little wimpy cry that he gives to us, and it just melts us!! He is a real cuddler and HUGGER too ... unlike any other cat I've ever seen! You can see a bit of what I mean in my avatar. But that really doesn't show how he will get up on our shoulder, literally hug our necks and just purrrrrrr and love us to pieces!!! I love all of my kitties more than I can express, but I tell you what, if Tucker's life or health were ever in danger, I would trade most anything I have (outside my skin kids and hubby) to make him better!!!! :)

02-11-2004, 12:37 PM
I'm guilty!!! :rolleyes: I know I should treat each one the same but I have to admit that Abner is my spoiled brat, and boy, oh boy does he KNOW it. I think it's because he is the baby of the family and he really does have a very special personality...like none of my others. Then again, the stripe down his face makes him look adorable.

02-11-2004, 12:43 PM
Only on PT will people understand your answer to this question. When you pick one over many you feel guilty or almost like you are betraying the rest of your babies. You guys understand how you can adore each and every one but somehow there is one that seems to get the most attention. Leroy would be mine. He is so insistant that I don't have a choice! I make sure that everyone gets a little one on one attention every day but Leroy will get the majority of it. He is always in my lap, watching me on the toilet, begging for my dinner or getting into some kind of trouble. He makes sure that he gets the most attention!

02-11-2004, 01:57 PM
I think everybody knows what Filou means to me. We have a word here, it's Herzblatt which means he is the center of my heart:) like roses have these small leaves in their heart.

I am happy though that Tigris is his dad's boy and of course he is the best!

Filou is gracious and Tigris is maginficent. They are different and I love them in a different way, with Filou being a wee tiny bit closer to my heart.

02-11-2004, 02:04 PM
I guess the one who gets the most attetion in our house would be Bob. It has alot to do with the fact that Joey won't let you approarch her 70% of the time. Bob is definately the more realxed one and will let me pick him up and cuddle.

I love them both and would give Joey more attention if she would let me.:)

02-11-2004, 02:09 PM
I do try to even it out but I always end up giving Speckles more attention, maybe because she's 16 and I don't know how many more years she wants to be with me. Besides, she does get picked on alot by Max.

Max usually gets all my attention during the night because he sleeps right beside me and get lots of scritches though the night.

02-11-2004, 03:16 PM
cater to a cat????????? ME????????????

Well, I guess there is the fact that when I fix the cat dinner they are suppose to BE ON THE FLOOR. But NOOOOOOOO. Monte has to be UP by his mama. I taught all the cats before him to stay DOWN and I put all the other cats that jump up, back down. But for some reason Monte gets to stay UP???????????? **SHRUGS**

02-11-2004, 03:26 PM
i pay more attention to oreo because unlike cocoa he doesnt run when you come to him

02-11-2004, 07:21 PM
Well if I were to be honest, probably Lexie gets a little more attention than Ash, but only because she is much sweeter in nature, however I still give the old guy lots when he will let me, they all need our love, some just more than others, Ash enjoys a little attention but not too much.

As for food and treats they both get equal of them, equal care in every other department.

02-11-2004, 10:18 PM
Okay, I admit it, I'm weak!! I cater to ALL my cats!! :rolleyes:

02-12-2004, 11:28 AM
Probably , of all the Cats I cater to Micheal , as he is the eldest Cat , and JJJ3 as he has the most out going Purrsonality!And he will purr and purrr and purrrr , until he gets your attention.As does Moose and Precious, my other outgoers!

02-12-2004, 11:45 AM
Butterscotch. He was a first baby and spoiled rotten. He know he has us around his little paw. :)
When Skinny was having all his troubles poor Butterscotch got nose out of joint so I had to make sure I gave him more belly rubs.

Thumper and Skinny are about to tie him in the spoiled rotten catagory. :D

02-13-2004, 07:08 AM
I have been thinking about this one and I really do not have one because I cater to them ALL. Emily gets more attention simply because she is cuddly and a lapcat - loves to be right up close and being held. Eliot gets in moods where he DEMANDS lovefests. Dylan comes the closest to being a favorite , I have to admit - simply because he is so sweet and unassuming. He is constantly nearby and supervising whatever I am doing, but he does it quietly. He only comes for attention when nobody else is around and does it so sweetly!! Ok, I guess I will admit, I absolutely ADORE this cat! But he really does not demand much catering - I wish he did!! He is just a quiet and dear companion - ALWAYS nearby. He looks me right in the face and I just go to mush. He is kind and polite to the other cats, so gentle even though he is huge - I have never had such a sweet animal before!! AHH!!!!:) :) :)