View Full Version : Please please please sign this petition!!!! PLEASE!

02-11-2004, 12:32 AM
This is so sad. We need to sign this. Please do it. These cats do not deserve to die this way. Watch the video and then please sign. Things in Israel need to change.


If you can't watch the video, just sign the petition. These cats do not deserve to die this way. :(

02-11-2004, 09:04 AM
That is the most terrible thing that I have ever seen , and so stupid as Cats are the one barrier to the spread of Rats and NMice, Did the Isrealis learn nothing from the Black Death that was the scourge oe Europe.And to kill , in such a cruel manner , those people will pay eventually , when the vermin overrun them.A pox on thier houses!

02-11-2004, 11:20 AM
:( Signed.

02-11-2004, 04:11 PM
OMG this was the most heartbreaking story I have ever read. I watched some of the video, but I couldn't watch it to the end. I sure signed the petition and sent an e-mail also.
I hope and pray that something is done to help these poor defenseless animals.
I cannot believe how heartless and cruel these people are. What killed me was to read that even the VETS are putting poison out and don't even think twice about it.
Sad so, so sad.