View Full Version : Check out these pawsies - Ripley's feet

02-09-2004, 10:26 PM
When I got out of the shower this morning this is what I found. Check out these paws. Aren't they adorable?


He was sleeping so deeply on the unmade bed.


"What do you mean time to make the bed?"

This is his favorite spot to sleep and half the time I don't have the heart to move him so I just don't make the bed - don't tell my mom!

02-09-2004, 11:11 PM
What great pawsie shoots.:D

How cute can paws get. Well in Ripley's case, VERY!!:)

Bob sleep at the foot of the bed and we just make it with him on it. He never really moves, he's my lazy boy.

I won't tell you mom, but remember we now have blackmail material on you.:eek::D

Give Ripley's paws a few kisses from me.:)

02-10-2004, 12:12 AM
too sweet!!
I love kitty paws!

02-10-2004, 01:25 AM
Aaaawwww Ripley, I really love your multicolored pawsies...the grey paws with the little pink look so cute...
I, too, could never move him away from the bed, if he's being such a sweetie pie...

Kisses to all his pawsies...:D

02-10-2004, 02:07 AM
Awwwwwww.... kiss those sweet toesies for me PLEASE!!! :)

02-10-2004, 02:47 AM
Isn't a sleeping cat the best reason NOT to make the bed!

Kissies to your pawsies, Ripley:)

02-10-2004, 05:55 AM
I LOVE toesies and don't think I've ever seen cuter ones!!!!

02-10-2004, 07:09 AM
Make the bed while a cat is asleep on it??? Unthinkable!! ;)

02-10-2004, 07:14 AM
aaaawww Ripley you have got the cutest feet without a doubt !!

My RB Jock used to climb under my duvet and I'd just make the bed with him in it (Don't tell my Mum either, non cat owners just wouldn't understand heehee)

02-10-2004, 08:09 AM
Ripley, you are such a sweetie pie! Tell your moewmie that beds must never be made according to the Cats Bill of Rights, Amendment IX.

Lets se more pawsie shots! I love pawsies!

02-10-2004, 08:31 AM
Such kissable toesies! :D

02-10-2004, 09:10 AM
Ripley , the fact is that you should be on Beleive It Or Not , as you are that handsome a Cat , that noone would beleive it.

02-10-2004, 10:51 AM
Thanks everyone!

I think his paws are so cute! They are really large and when he plays he spreads them out and they look like baseball mitts.

02-10-2004, 11:37 AM
Aww! What sweet multi-colored pawsies! I LOVE to smooch kittyfeet! :)

and as for the not making the bed thing, isn't there an old saying: Let sleeping cats lie .....

02-10-2004, 12:12 PM
Those pawsies are SOOO KISSABLE!!!!:o

02-10-2004, 04:22 PM
AWWWWW:D So cute!

02-10-2004, 04:49 PM
aww ripleys paws are too cute! do you have any more pics of ripley?

02-10-2004, 10:55 PM
Originally posted by spunkymeow
aww ripleys paws are too cute! do you have any more pics of ripley?
Spunkymeow - here are a few more of my big boy.


02-11-2004, 04:23 AM
The cat is very cute.
So sweet!