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02-08-2004, 10:43 AM
Tomorrow, on February 9th, 2001 my sweet girl, Molly was born.
Back then, I didn't even know what a Collie was! I just referred to them as "Lassie dogs". I had been bugging my parents for another dog for years, when our Dachshund, Todo (RB) passed away. My mom grew up with Collies and Shelties as a child. She'd show me pictures of her old dogs, and I always found them to be beautiful. I found pictures of Collies on the Internet, and made little "signs" and posted them all around the house. :D
Then, one day, my mom came in and woke me up early and said "Hurry up and get dressed I've got a surprise for you." Not knowing what it was, I quickly took a shower, changed and ran over to where they were. She had a newspaper clipping in her hand that advertised a Female, Sable and White Collie pup. We were making the trip up to see that morning! :)
So, my dad, mom, sister, and I made the 3 hour drive up to see her. Along the way, we stopped at a restaurant called "Bob's Big Boy" to eat. I wouldn't eat anything, because I was too excited and was worried that someone else might have "beat us to her" if we wasted any more time.
When we FINALLY got up to the house, the breeder's father was there and told us Sally, (the breeder) would be back in a bit. So, we sat down on the couch, and I played with the family's male Pomeranian. We waited for about an hour, and she still didn't show. My parents were getting angry, and wanted to leave. But, just then she walked through the door. She led us out in the backyard, where I saw the parents of my soon to be baby. After a few minutes of petting them, I saw a metal cage in the far end of the backyard, with a dog house in it. I walked over to find a very shy, scared, Collie inside. The breeder opened the latch to the door, and literally had to drag her out so we could take a look at her. I saw the fear in her eyes when she was dragged out. She was huddled in the corner, and flinched when we tried to pet her.
My mom was saying to my dad "I'm not sure if it's a good idea to get her...but we can't leave her here.."
With that, my parents and sister went into the house, to sign the papers. I stayed out with her. She was placed back into the cage, and I stuck my fingers through the wire to see if she would lick me. She was cautious at first, but she did it; I had a huge smile on my face. "Molly" I said, "My dog."
Molly was 5 months old at the time when we brought her home, and the first "puppy" I raised. She was the last of the litter, and was born with an umbilical hernia. When we first brought her to the vet as a check up, I was SO scared about what the hernia would do to her. Thankfully, it could be taken out when she was spayed. She still has a few "social issues" but we're working on it. I don't know what kind of life she had before we got her, but I hope she's happy with me. She may not be the best bred dog, have the best lines, be the friendliest, or be "show quality" but I love her, and wouldn't trade her for the world. I do believe she was "meant" for me.

Happy 3rd Birthday Molly girl. I hope to have you for many, many, more years to come.

02-08-2004, 10:48 AM
:D Aw, julie! That was touching! :p Happy Happy Birthday molly! I know you will be spoiled to the rim! :p

Tommarow, tommarow its only a day away.. Lmao.. :p Aw its okay ju ju! ;) :D

02-08-2004, 10:51 AM
Aww, that story is so sweet JuJamba. A very happy birthday wish for you Molly!!

02-08-2004, 10:56 AM
Awww, Julie, that is such a touching story. I'm so glad for Molly that you got to bring her home that day. Who knows what would have happened to her.


Hope your day is very special!!

Hugs and tailwags....Robin and Katie

02-08-2004, 11:01 AM
Oh, that touched my heart! That was so sweet!:) Molly girl, I love you honey! Happy, Happy 3rd birthday, sweetie pie!

Happy Birthday, Molly! :)

02-08-2004, 11:32 AM
Thanks everyone. :)

Aspen and Misty
02-08-2004, 11:56 AM
YAY HAPPY BIRTHDAY MOLLY!! http://www.click-smilie.de/sammlung0903/party/party-smiley-029.gif

HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO YOU, HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO YOU, HAPPY BITHDAY DEAR MOLLY, HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO YOU! http://www.fortunecity.com/campus/ink/659/rainbow12.gif http://www.gesundehunde.com/forum/images/smilies/62.gif http://www.boomspeed.com/carolrobert/cheer.gif http://www.click-smilie.de/sammlung0903/party/party-smiley-029.gif

Ashley :D

02-08-2004, 11:56 AM
And just think, Molly....in only 13 more days, I might get to meet you, and you can get married! :D:p
Happy happy HAPPY birthday, Molly girl!! pictures...;) Hugs and kisses from auntie Cayter! :D

02-08-2004, 02:55 PM
Aawww.....HAPPY BIRTHDAY MOLLY!:D May your day be filled with lots of love and hugs. Wow this month is filled with birthdays! Let's see, Nala turned one, Emma is six months old, Molly is turning three, and isn't A certain Golden Retrievers birthday comming up?;) Happy birthday Molly girl.:D

02-08-2004, 03:28 PM
Thanks everyone.

LOL Cayter...we'll see if we end up bringing her. I doubt it, but...:p

Yep! Daisy's birthday is on Tuesday. :)

02-09-2004, 04:24 PM
Happy Birthday Molly!!!! :D

02-09-2004, 04:32 PM
Ack!!! I missed this :eek:

Sorry Molly sweetheart! Happy belated birthday to you sweet, beautiful girl!!

02-09-2004, 05:33 PM
She may not be the best bred dog, have the best lines, be the friendliest, or be "show quality" but I love her, and wouldn't trade her for the world. I do believe she was "meant" for me

Julie, I was doing ok until I read that!!!...sniff, sniff I have no doubt that a higher power was at work that fateful day. It was destined to be that this shy, hesitatnt puppy be teamed up with one very special young lady who would teach her the true meaning of unconditional love and unquestioned devotion. What a wonderful Mommmy you are to your beautiful Molly! You and she are so lucky to have one another! A very, very Happy 3rd Birthday to Molly, the beautiful and very much loved, Collie Girl!:) And here's to many, many more!!! Love, Sandra, Cody and Star:)

02-09-2004, 06:01 PM
Happy Birthday sweet Molly!!

Loved the story, Julie. It's amazing how you can take a shy, scared puppy and turn her into a loving and devoted adult. How about some pictures of Molly on her special day? :D

02-09-2004, 06:07 PM
Happy Birthday, sweet Molly! Sounds like you've got yourself a wonderful mom to look after you always. Breeding isn't everything. Duke's no special breed but he's so special to me. Hope you have a great birthday filled with lots of love.

02-09-2004, 06:31 PM
Thanks again everyone. :) I appreciate it.
They'll be some Birthday pictures up tomorrow. We're opening all the gifts and the pups are having "cake", since Daisy's Birthday is tomorrow too. :)