View Full Version : Poor Tasha

02-05-2004, 02:53 PM
There are some guys here today removing a big stump from our yard along the side of the house. They are running chainsaws and a wood shredder, etc. They've been working on it a couple of hours now (It's a huge/multi-trunk stump). Tasha is just beside herself. Even inside all the noise is pretty loud. She keeps crowding around my legs and laying her head on me and trembling, looking terrified.

Sometimes the guys will be shouting out over the sound of the machinery or there will be a particularly loud sound and her whole little body shudders. Tommy is just sleeping on through it all, but poor Tasha is just traumatized :(. She keeps looking up at me when I stop working for a minute with a pleading look that looks exactly like "Mommy, make it stop."

Poor baby. :(

02-05-2004, 03:23 PM
awww poor Tasha:(

02-05-2004, 05:43 PM
Poor Tasha:( My Jing (RB:() was fearful of those type of noises too. I hope those nasty noises and men are gone! You had your Mommy there to comfort you, thank goodness:) HUGS to you sweet Tasha!

02-05-2004, 05:46 PM
Those strange loud men and awful noises are all gone now and Tasha is resting peacefully again :)

She sends happy tail wags to her Godmommy for sympathizing with her! :D

02-05-2004, 08:41 PM
Poor Tasha! :( :(

Glad that those scary people and noises are gone and she can rest again, peacefully!!!

02-05-2004, 10:21 PM
Poor Tasha girl!!
I'm glad all of those mean noisy men are gone now, and you can relax comfortably with your mommy!!
It's no fun when there are scary noises outside all day:(


02-05-2004, 10:25 PM
poor baby
Give her some kisses from Me!

02-06-2004, 06:12 AM
Poor Tasha! Duke would be barking nonstop. Hope she's better today.

02-06-2004, 06:56 AM
Poor baby. :( Any idea why the noises bothered Tasha so much and Tommy was able to sleep through it? I hope it has nothing to do with her past (you said she was rescue, right? :o) Anyways, I'm glad she's okay now. She had her mommy to protect her. ;)

02-06-2004, 09:47 AM
Actually Tommy is the rescue, though I suppose they both are in a way as I got Tasha from the humane society when she was 8 weeks old. She has always been on the timid side, but has gotten a LOT better as she has gotten older. She's just fine when it's daddy out mowing or something but it seems strange yelling men clomping around and with noisy machines was too much for her. They were pretty noisy. Tommy barked and growled at first but then laid down and seemed to shrug it off.

Tasha is also afraid of thunderstorms too. She's just a sensitive little girl.

She's doing fine today though, all curled up on a pillow that used to be mine that she decided to claim ;)

02-06-2004, 10:08 AM
Originally posted by K9soul
Actually Tommy is the rescue, though I suppose they both are in a way as I got Tasha from the humane society when she was 8 weeks old. She has always been on the timid side, but has gotten a LOT better as she has gotten older. She's just fine when it's daddy out mowing or something but it seems strange yelling men clomping around and with noisy machines was too much for her. They were pretty noisy. Tommy barked and growled at first but then laid down and seemed to shrug it off.

Tasha is also afraid of thunderstorms too. She's just a sensitive little girl.

She's doing fine today though, all curled up on a pillow that used to be mine that she decided to claim ;)

Ohh okay. Well at least she is fine now. Mickey is sensitive at times too. He was terrified of this alluminum pan we had because of the noise that came from it when you pressed down on it. :p