View Full Version : Woo Hoo!!! Yippeeeee!!

02-04-2004, 04:25 PM
My hubby stayed home from work today, so went I left for work, I left th pups in the bedroom with him. Sierra jumped right up and snuggled up with him, and Buddy gave me those "Please don't leave me with him" eyes.

(for those that don't know, since getting Buddy in Dec of 2002, Buddy has always been afraid of Rick, he always has to see where he is.... doesn't want to be to close to him....doesn't let him touch him unless it's on his terms... it's very very sad to see because Rick has NEVER laid a hand on him... and he haas tried so hard for so long to win him over...)

I just got home from work just now, and I asked Rick how long he slept... and he said till about 10:30. Then he said:

"I slept for an hour after Buddy jumped in bed with me and let me pet him"

I CAN'T BELIEVE IT!!!!!!!!!!

I am SOOOOO flippin' happy I'm in tears!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Thank goodness either Buddy or God has finally listened to my prayers!!! We still have a ways to go, but this is yet another step forward in Buddy and Rick's relationship!!!!!!!!!!

Man oh Man... I think I need a drink now!!!
this little smiley man is what my face really looks like right now

02-04-2004, 04:26 PM
That is just wonderful Angie. I can't imagine how special that moment must have been for Rick too. What a tearjerker indeed! *hugs*

02-04-2004, 04:30 PM
This is great news! I'm so happy for you all!!

Robin :)

02-04-2004, 04:34 PM
That is wonderful Angie!!! I can only imagine how hard it has been for Rick and finally it seems patience is paying off!! Hopefully this is the first step in a wonderful friendship between them!!!

02-04-2004, 05:00 PM
Wonderful news!:D :D :D

02-04-2004, 05:04 PM
Great news. :D

02-04-2004, 05:15 PM
That must feel sooo good! What a nice thing to have happened!

02-04-2004, 07:06 PM
I'm so, so happy for you, Rick and Buddy!:D:D:D: What a breatkthrough! And yes, Angie, that little smilie is what MY face looks like right now!:) A prayer has been answered!

02-04-2004, 08:03 PM
Yay for Rick and Buddy!!!! :D I know how Rick feels. We've had Aneko since June of last year and only recently that she's been coming near me. Lots of treats and lots of patience pays off!

02-04-2004, 08:38 PM
Great news Angie!!!!

I'm so happy for you guys!!

It looks like things are looking up for Rick and Buddy--before you know it, they'll probably be inseparable!!!!

02-05-2004, 08:12 AM
Oh I would LOVE it if they became inseparable!!!

Rick has been such a great sport!
I still remember the first baby step .... it was after having Buddy for 5 months, and Buddy finally let Rick put him in his crate!!
(The first time Rick tried Buddy came out of his crate lip curled and growling at Rick.....:eek: )

Then.. Buddy started eating treats Rick would throw to him. (If Bud knew Rick threw food to him, he wouldn't go near it!)

Then the first time Bud took a treat out of Rick's hand.

Then the first time Bud sat on the couch with Rick, (it was a big couch and they were at oppisite ends with me in the middle... but still... they were on the same couch!!:p )

.... oh what next?!?!

Maybe Buddy letting Rick put a leash on him?? Or maybe Buddy not barking at him when Rick's playing with Sierra out in the yard:o

Oh I am such a Happy Happy Gurl!!!!

02-05-2004, 08:39 AM
I'm so glad that they are making progress! Duke still doesn't like men, much less ones that look like my ex. And it'll be 10 years around the end of April.

02-05-2004, 09:48 AM
Tasha fears and mistrusts men too, except for my husband. I have no idea why though.. I have had her since she was a baby and she never had a bad experience with a man...

Women she will go right up to and let pet her but men it takes a lot more time and patience and them being on the floor before she will approach them. I wonder why that is?

02-05-2004, 09:56 AM
That's AWESOME news Angie!!! :D

02-05-2004, 01:06 PM
Oh, I am soooo happy you!!!! I hope that they become the best of friends! I'm sure that they will!;) Good dog, Buddy!:) :) Extra treats for you! :)