View Full Version : Gigi's new "trick"

02-04-2004, 12:25 PM
My sister called me this morning when I am at work. She said "We can't leave the crate in the play pan anymore." She was in a serious tone. I was like "o...k". Then she told me Gigi just learned to jump ON TOP OF THE CRATE, which will mean she can jump out of the play pan! She just learned jumping on the futon the other day! We are not too thrilled about it. Everyday when I leave for work, I will set up the play pan, I will put her crate, her paper (for her "business") and some toys for her. Now maybe I will just put her little bed in there instead of the whole crate. We still want to give her some room to move around and stuff...BUT if she "abuse" her right any further she will have to go back to her little crate. Any suggestions? Ideas?

02-04-2004, 05:02 PM
Anyone got any suggestions on what I should do??

02-04-2004, 05:13 PM
Oh Gigi, you scamp!:D I think this might be expected, as she naturally gets more curious and agile as she grows!:D I don't see any problem with her staying in the playpen with her toys and a blankie without the crate, provided she can't climb over or knock over the pen! Was the crate door left open inside the pen before, where she could just go in and out as she pleased? If so, it sounds like she'd be fine in the pen without the crate, unless you think she'd be stressed without a den like refuge for privacy:)

York at work
02-04-2004, 05:24 PM
:D HI! I am at work right now but had to reply. I left my little guys (when they were babies) in the pen with a little bed, toys and such. They were fine. Maybe when you get home you can practice some "crate time". Or when you leave for a little while. I saw soem of your recent pictures of Gigi, and she is SO CUTE! I hope all has settled down from her bad reactions to her shots. You sound like you are doing all the right things, hang in there, it gets better. Just remember how very stubborn Doxies are. It was bred in them. So any training takes longer than normal. One of their main traits is being stubborn. Take care.
I love all the pictures you post. Thanks. She looks a lot like my little Macs.

02-04-2004, 08:05 PM
Hi Sandra,
When Gigi is in the play pan we left the crate door, so she can go in and out. I think she can do without the crate, and I am gonna just give her her little bed. She still sleeps in the crate at night though. I hope she is not smart enough to jump or climb over the play pan. :rolleyes: :o

02-04-2004, 08:13 PM
Aww, Gigi, you smart, mischievous, little girl :D

Jennifer, I think you have a good idea about taking out her crate leaving her the bed to sleep in in the pen :)