View Full Version : Jojo is at the Vets today.

02-03-2004, 09:55 AM
Jojo, has gone to the Vets to have a growth removed from her back. It is about the size of a bean. She is also going to have her teeth cleaned and some of them will be pulled.

The big part that worries me is that the vet felt the need to run test to see if she could have diabeties. Well all of it worries me.

I will let you know when I hear more from the vet.

Jojo was not happy at all about no food this morning. She had her eyes on me all morning, Hoping I would noticed that she was hungry.:(

This is the latest picture of Jojo I have. She is playing with a stuffed bear.

02-03-2004, 09:59 AM
Ann, I'm sure everything will be fine. I know you can't help but worry, though. If she is dabetic, it's usually controlable. Do they have good reason to think she may be, or do they just think her pancreatitis may have caused it and they're checking to be sure? They check Chester for it periodically, since he has chronic pancreatitis and so far, so good.

I'll be thinking about you both today and please let me know as soon as you hear something.


02-03-2004, 10:56 AM
Jojo, has been drinking lots of water is one of the things. The other is the fact that she had pancreatitis. I let her eat too much and gain too much weight some years back. she has had her weight controled for the last two years. But he still thinks that her past over weight problem can still cause her problems.

The thing she loves to do the most has hurt her. I learned not to ever give in to thoses big hungry brown eyes. But at Jojo's expense.:(

Micki, thanks for the kind words. If she does have diabeties, I will do what it takes to keep her alive.

02-03-2004, 11:56 AM
JoJo is such a cute dog, we'll be sending good thoughts her way today, she will be fine. I know about those big pleading eyes, if nina had her way she would be a little blimp.....tom

02-03-2004, 01:08 PM
Aww Jojo is a cutie! Good luck at the vets. Hopefully all will go well and she won't have diabeties. *hugs* Keep us updated.

My Peanuts
02-03-2004, 01:56 PM
Don't worry too much. Even if she does have diabetes it will probably be ok. You will have to learn to give insulin shots and if she is controlled her life won't be shortened at all. My dog, Barney, lived to be 18 years old and had diabetes for 7 of those years. It seems overwhelming, but it really isn't. By the way, Barney also had pancreatitis

02-03-2004, 02:03 PM
Your sure are a cutie, Jojo!:) Hopefully it won't be diabetes. But if it is, remember that nowadays they have great success in treating diabetic dogs and kitties! My kitty Mr. B is a diabetic, once on insulin and now controlled by Rx food alone. Paws crossed for little Jojo:) Please update when you hear. Sandra

02-03-2004, 02:22 PM
Thank you all, Tomkatzid, Primabella, My Peanuts, and Tatsxxll, for the encouraging and kind words! You all mean so much to me!

I called three times there at the vets and the nurse answered and says she thinks Jojo's test went ok.

Jojo had 5 teeth removed and was still asleep. they removed the growth too. I get to pick her up at four thirty.

Sounds like my Jojo made it ok. I'll get to hold her soon!:D

02-03-2004, 02:27 PM
Woo hoo!!! Jojo will be home with mommy soon!:) 5 toofies out...poor pupster. But she'll feel some much better in a few days with those bad ones out! Hope you get a definite all clear on the test too; wouldn't that be great! Please give the brave little patient a big hug for me, ok??? {{{HUGS}}} Sandra, Cody and Star

02-03-2004, 02:45 PM
Tatsxxll, thank you so much! I do aim to give her lots of hugs! :)

I wish they had of gave me a more clear answer. Maybe it means she is ok on the test. I hope so.

I wonder if she will be able to eat, with 5 teeth gone? Will she be too sore to eat? I'm hopeing she will feel better getting them out. He thinks they were really bad.

02-03-2004, 02:53 PM
Originally posted by amoore
I wonder if she will be able to eat, with 5 teeth gone? Will she be too sore to eat? I'm hopeing she will feel better getting them out. He thinks they were really bad.

I would soak her kibble in warn water to soften it. I wouldn’t give her a wet food, because it may cause tummy upset, but soaking kibble should work. She may not feel like eating yet, either.

Glad she’s okey dokey!

02-03-2004, 02:57 PM
Ann, I didn't know JoJo had a growth at all! keep us posted! Poor little JoJo. Hope she will be okay, I know she means a lot to you and Mahayana. Let me know when you hear anything.


02-03-2004, 03:23 PM
Thank Micki, for the tip, Her tummy don't seem to handle that can food well. I will put a little water on her dry diet food she eats.
Thank you for being here for me and my babies!

Willie she got a growth on her back, and her teeth was in bad shape. when we took her in for her check up, the vet got concerned over Jojo drinking so much water. And her past medical history adding to his concerns. So he ask us if he could do some test on her. He even charged us half what he usually charges.

Thank you willie, my sweet sister.

02-03-2004, 05:52 PM
Jojo's at home!!!!!!
Her test went good, she don't have diabeties!!
She is hugry as a little bear. I did give her much, I watered down her kibbles like Micki advised. Jojo ate with no pain! Or she was very hungry!

Her back has several stitches.

02-03-2004, 05:55 PM
Originally posted by amoore
Jojo's at home!!!!!!
Her test went good, she don't have diabeties!!
She is hugrey as a little bear. I did give her much, I watered down her kibbles like Micki advised. Jojo ate with no pain! Or she was very hungrey!


I'm so relieved for you both! Whew! That's really good that she was so hungry! :D Must not have been too bad.:)

Give her a gentle hug from me.

02-03-2004, 07:02 PM
She is walking around and seems great. She looks sore where they took the growth off her back.

She was so happy to see me, Made me a happy face!

Now I need To know how Chester is doing? Has he got back to normal?

02-03-2004, 07:27 PM
Originally posted by amoore
She is walking around and seems great. She looks sore where they took the growth off her back.

She was so happy to see me, Made me a happy face!

Now I need To know how Chester is doing? Has he got back to normal?

Don't you love so see the excitement and happiness on their face?

Chester's almost back to 'normal'. ;) He's really sick of the crate, and I think I'll allow him to roan freely tomorrow night since he goes Thursday for 'zipper' removal. :D

In other words, he drivin' me nutzo! :eek:

02-03-2004, 07:55 PM
I am glad that sweet little Chester is getting back to normal! I know you have a hard time trying to work and take care of a sick baby too. He should be ok to get to play and raom around in the house. Maybe some outside play too. I bet he will be glad to get the zipper removed too!

Oh I was really happy to see her come to me like that! She has always chose her daddy over me. I was a surprized happy face!


02-05-2004, 08:16 AM
Hi Ann! Wondering how Jojo is feeling today? Better I hope. :)

02-05-2004, 08:37 AM
I hope EVERYONE is feeling better!!!!:D

02-05-2004, 10:23 AM
Micki, Jojo was coughing all day yesterday. She is much better today!
How is Chester? Is it today he visits the vet again? Hope that goes ok.:)

Pitc9, Thank you! :) I hope you are ok too.:)

02-05-2004, 10:53 AM
So sorry but I have only just seen this thread about Jojo. :o I am so glad everything went well at the vets and she seems to be doing better today.
Sending hugs and kisses to the sweet girl.

02-05-2004, 11:06 AM
ChrisH, thank you for the kind words, greatly apreciated! Jojo loves hugs!:D I am so glad that all her test came back good! her growth was not cancer, and she does not have diabeties! I am so relieved!!!!!

Maybe I'll get to keep my little Jojo for a long time!

I love it that her bad teeth were pulled. I can actually kiss her easier now! No more bad breath from her now!:p :D