View Full Version : New neighbor has no respect for my cat. I not sure what to do about her.

02-02-2004, 03:10 PM
About 5 years ago I got my first neighbor, that took over this one acre of land next to me. I had to give him access threw my lane to his propery. My one rule was that he help care for the lane and drive slowly down the lane so as to not hit any of my cats that might be out there. I told him if I caught him speeding down the lane I'd shoot his tires. LOL He has been great about everything, he drives so slow that I can't belive it.

Now the new problem, is his girlfriend that just moved in with him. She must think our lane is the INDY speedway. :eek: It's hard to belive that a car can go that fast down a grass/dirt lane.
I have talked to him about her and he told me he speak to her about it.

I guess the talk went on deaf ears because she still speeds down the lane. I don't know what to do about her, I feel like she has no respect for me as a neighbor or for my strays that cross the lane to get here.

I've talk to him again about her and I can tell he feels bad, but he says she hard headed and wont listen. Her dog runs the lane and I asked him to explain to her how she might feel if I or my husband didn't look out for her dog.

What more can I say to them to make them understand. Even though some of my cats are strays, I still love and care for them the same as I do my other babies and don't want to see her hit them with her car. She come so close before!!!

02-02-2004, 03:22 PM
Install speed bumps?

02-02-2004, 03:23 PM
Can you build something like speed bumps on your lane? Really big ones that she'll have to notice and slow down for.

02-02-2004, 03:26 PM
I say shoot the tires out!!! You did warn him. I have no sympathy for them just you and your pets. Or kidnap her dog.
I ' m having a bad day, I'm having neighbor problems too.

02-02-2004, 04:02 PM
Originally posted by Corinna
I say shoot the tires out!!! You did warn him. I have no sympathy for them just you and your pets. Or kidnap her dog.
I ' m having a bad day, I'm having neighbor problems too.

Well I did say that didn't I. :D :D

I'm sorry your having a problem too with your neighbors.

One of the main reasons I moved so far out here was to, 1 get away from neighbors, 2 to be able to have my zoo crew without worring about the city limit on pets and 3 to be feel safer. It only took 1 woman to undo 2 of those reasons. :mad: :mad:

02-02-2004, 04:07 PM
Originally posted by catnapper
Install speed bumps?

I did ask my husband about doing that.

Of course he says we can't because of our cars. We both drive modified sports cars, for street driving and racing. The speed bump, would also effect us. :( :(

I'm still thinking about it though. ;)

02-02-2004, 04:14 PM

Go find a piece of a car.......shock part, hose or something that looks important.....

Break a piece off and then take the piece to her and say......."Did this fall off your car????

I noticed that pieces fall off my car when I go fast down the road.....Just wanted to warn you.....I don't want you to get killed when your car's frame breaks....."

If that doesn't work....delete the thread......
you admitted to shooting at her....;)

02-02-2004, 04:35 PM
Originally posted by RICHARD

Go find a piece of a car.......shock part, hose or something that looks important.....

Break a piece off and then take the piece to her and say......."Did this fall off your car????

I noticed that pieces fall off my car when I go fast down the road.....Just wanted to warn you.....I don't want you to get killed when your car's frame breaks....."

If that doesn't work....delete the thread......
you admitted to shooting at her....;)


You know her car is old enough she might just fall for that one. :D

Now I didn't say I'd shoot her, just her tires, to slow her down some. Don't put me in jail yet........Please!

02-02-2004, 04:37 PM
God, how I hate people like that!! :mad: Obviously she doesn't only have no respect for your cats and your wishes, she also has no respect for her boyfriend's concerns when you say he's feeling bad about it and she doesn't care.

You've got some good advice here already, and I thought of another thing that might work, some kind of shock therapy. Try to get some pictures of animals that have been hit by cars (I'm sure there are some on the net) and show it to her, and also show her comments of people who lost their pets that way and confront her with their grief. Maybe that will help her realize what she's doing. :(


02-02-2004, 04:51 PM
Originally posted by Kirsten

You've got some good advice here already, and I thought of another thing that might work, some kind of shock therapy.


My other thought was to stick some road kill under the hood of her car....

But, I didn't say that ;)

02-02-2004, 05:13 PM
I have though about making a sign post, sort of like a speed sign only with a picture of a cat hit by a car, then under it maybe saying something like "Slow Cats at play"

I'm just afraid she might get a "tude" about it and go faster.

I hope no one takes this the wrong way, but she's a back hill redneck, missing a few brain cells. So who knows how she thinks or takes things.

What my neighbor sees in her, I'll never know. :confused:

02-02-2004, 05:22 PM
Yes, I think such a sign is a good idea!

She really sounds like a stupid cow (pardon my language); stupidity and ignorance is a very bad combination! I'm sorry you have to deal with such a person. :(


02-02-2004, 05:23 PM
I was just going to suggest posting a sign but you're right, that might just cause more attitude about speeding.

I think I would just tell the guy again to do something about it or else. Remind him of the rules set when you agreed to allow him to use your road.

I've had to deal with so many neighbor problems over the past 10 years that I can really sympathize with you. All mine are child related - all the neighbors kids think my yard is the community playground. They used to even climb my fence around the back yard. I have no children so there is no reason for them to be here. Luckily at the moment all the kids immediately around me have moved - YEAH. Oh gee, I better knock on wood!

Laura's Babies
02-02-2004, 05:38 PM
Did you sign any paperwork agreeing to let him have use of the road? If you didn't, I would tell him this is the last warning, next time you loose the use of the road........PERIOD! (and then stick to it)

02-02-2004, 06:26 PM
Did you sign any paperwork agreeing to let him have use of the road? If you didn't, I would tell him this is the last warning, next time you loose the use of the road........PERIOD! (and then stick to it)

I think that's a GREAT idea!! That woman sounds as dumb as a bag of rocks!!!

02-02-2004, 06:33 PM
Originally posted by Laura's Babies
Did you sign any paperwork agreeing to let him have use of the road? If you didn't, I would tell him this is the last warning, next time you loose the use of the road........PERIOD! (and then stick to it)

I believe she has to allow him to use the road to access his property. It's called an easement.

02-02-2004, 06:36 PM
Well, if she's that bad of a redneck, all you have to do is follow her for a few days and I'm sure you'll catch her doing something you can blackmail her with... or at least show the boyfriend and he'll dump her;)

02-02-2004, 06:37 PM
What about installing a gate? She would have to stop and get out of the car to open it. It doesn't have to be locked so she can't get in...just to slow her down.


02-02-2004, 06:37 PM
Originally posted by catnapper
Well, if she's that bad of a redneck, all you have to do is follow her for a few days and I'm sure you'll catch her doing something you can blackmail her with... or at least show the boyfriend and he'll dump her;)

Or you could threaten to knock her last two teeth out. :x Did I say that out loud?:o

02-02-2004, 06:42 PM
A couple of gates sound like a good idea , she couldn't get speed up. Just make sure they close after shes gone through it.

02-02-2004, 06:42 PM
As I think about this. I would also talk to the police. Ask them if there is anything that can be done to slow her down or limit her access. You must have SOME rights in this situation.


My husband said that sugar in the gas tank does wonders also..:p

Miss Meow
02-02-2004, 08:17 PM
I would talk to the nice man and ask if he could please control his leadfoot girlfriend.

Failing that, I like all the other nasty suggestions put forward ;)

If she doesn't want to co-operate, it might mean phone calls to the police or whoever does those things in your area. She might think she's infallible, but a cat never wins a battle with a car and I'd hate for that to happen before she slows down.

02-02-2004, 08:31 PM
All the really good ideas have been taken, darn.:p There are some pretty good ones too.:D Unfotunately most of them are illegal, drats.:eek:

You hadn't answered the one about the easement, but I would assume that the county forced you into so you really can't pull his use of the road.

I would try talking to your neighboor one more time, just to say that you really did try. I would let him know that if she doesn't slow down that you will talk to a lawyer and see what can be done. It is kind of hard to do that in a nice way, but let him know it is not him and that if she deosn't slow down that you have no other choice. Sometimes just saying that will have an effect. Although from the sound of girlfriend I doubt it. Just be prepared to back it up.

Also if you do talk to a lawyer, I would ask them to do some research into seeing if you could get the police involved. You could also just talk to the police, but I bet they would say that there is nothing that they could do.

I am not sure how good of an idea this is, but try to get the streach that they use declared a county road and impose a speed limit of 5 or 10. Like I said this is probably a bad idea, but he you never know.

Also, god forbid, she does hit an animal, try to get the police to charge her with animal abuse.

Good luck, I hope something can be done.

02-02-2004, 08:46 PM
My daughter lives on a road like that. Her little girl would ride her bicycle on it, and of course her dogs were out there too. She had really nice neighbors that drove slow and everybody was safe. Then the neighbor's sister and husband moved in for a time.
My son-in-law warned him, and warned him. The moron did not listen, so when he started to drive by, my son-in-law stopped him, drug his butt out of the car, showed him just how slow he was to drive. He broke his fist on the guys face. The guy drove very slowly from that time on.

It seems his face suffered a great deal more than my son-in-laws fist did....He was protecting his little girls life, and the stupid jerk would not listen. There were even speed bumps in the road, he didn't care about his car! But it seems he cared a lot about his face, etc.

02-02-2004, 11:26 PM
Thats about how we would handle it here in Montana too, but we aren't like the rest of the country. The jerkess would file a lawsuit this country is getting just too PC . I think the lawyers rule the place and common sense isn't common anymore.

02-02-2004, 11:27 PM
Take away his access. He'll make sureshe follows the rules, then!

02-03-2004, 12:02 AM
I like all the suggestions especially the ones about the part from the car that fell off or shooting out her tires. This coming from someone in another Land of Rednecks. ;)
I would try talking to the police. If I understand it the lane is on your property? So they need to abide by your rules? Correct?
If all else fails, talk to the nice boyfriend and ask him what the heck he sees in a 2 toothed redneck?? ;):D

02-03-2004, 12:49 AM
Like already posted: Shoot the tires out!

Perhaps the will teach her some respect, and it's not like you haven't warned them!!!

02-03-2004, 07:27 AM
I'm sorry because I know this is a serious situation but I can't help but LMAO at the responses!!!:D :D http://petoftheday.com/talk/images/our_smilies/biggrin.gif
I think all you need is a group of PT people to come stand on your lane just one day and I bet she never does it again!!http://petoftheday.com/talk/images/our_smilies/eek.gif
I wish I had some suggestion but I think everything has been covered.
I live on a dead end street and there are only three houses past mine. I thought this would make things safer for my outside cats. NOT! This lady rents the last house and she has kids and she babysits. You would think that she would be a slow driver, BUT she is a speed demon! I saw Peanut Butter coming across the street the other night and I saw her headlights come on. It was dark, snowing, and I was barefoot looking out the door. Peanut Butter got sidetracked and stopped to visit a neighbor kitty right in the middle of the road. I knew she wouldn't pay any attention. I took off outside and jumped right out in front of her moving car!! I know...STUPID! She slammed on her brakes and I asked her if she saw the cats. She said no and I almost didn't see you!! Oh well, Peanut Butter is ok and hopefully I made her think for a minute!!! She was really nervous and shaking after I did that. I know it wasn't a smart thing to do and I'm lucky I'm not laid up in the hopital/morgue but I was sick of it!!!
My point bieing...Ignorance requires drastic measures!!! Don't shoot her tires...blow a big hole in her radiator with a shotgun!!! I live in the land of rednecks too!!http://petoftheday.com/talk/images/our_smilies/biggrin.gif

02-03-2004, 02:44 PM
I have to say some of your answers really made me laugh and I needed that.

As to the access down my lane, I had no choice, the county said I had to give it to him., so I can't stop them from using it. I do know that the road is not maintained by the county, I was told it was our's to maintain, so I will look into seeing if I can leagal put up a gate. I did like that idea.

My husband of course likes Richard idea of putting car parts in the road or catcrazylady's idea of shooting the radiator. :D I think we will wait on those ideas for now.

The blackmail idea, I'm sorry to say I thought about that. The home they live in is a trailer and trailers are illagel on anything less then 5 acres, but that would hurt him too and I'd hate for that to happen.

catcrazylady, Sounds like you went through the same thing I have.
There was this one night, I saw her coming down the lane and there was one of my babies sleeping on the lane. She didn't even slow down, the cat luckly got out of the way in time but it was to close for me. That next day is when I stoped him and raised a little hell. He was sorry and said that he was not supprised she didn't see the cat sense she can't see at night. :eek: What is she doing driving a car at night if she can't see.

We are going to put up a sign, I think, but with out the picture. We hope that if we make it cutier looking but still getting the message across to slow down, she might get it. We are thinking of just having it say "SLOW PETS AT PLAY". This way it also looks like we are keeping a eye out for her dog too.

Belive me if she ever hurts on of my babies, I won't be so nice and some of the other ideas here might come into play, as long as I don't break any laws. I'm not meant for jail......who feed my zoo crew?

02-03-2004, 06:17 PM
Is there anyway you can tell him to find another way to get to his house~ not your lane! Who said you had to share the lane with him anyway?

02-03-2004, 06:22 PM

02-03-2004, 06:36 PM
spunky, here's the answer to your question.

As to the access down my lane, I had no choice, the county said I had to give it to him., so I can't stop them from using it.

I hope you are able to get everything worked out. We have a simmilar problem back home at my parents house.

02-03-2004, 11:04 PM
I hope you get that taken care of. My dad had the same problem he just added signs saying children at play, and another that said 15 MPH. I hope it works out for you!!

02-04-2004, 01:34 AM
Thanks everyone, I too hope it works out. I do hope we can work it out without to many hard feelings. I might be stuck with them as neighbors for a long time. Maybe I'll get lucky and he will throw her out. :D :D

02-04-2004, 09:24 AM
Well good luck!! Keep us posted if the chic ever stops acting like she is in the Daytona 500 lol