View Full Version : Lucee's foot is hurt

02-01-2004, 05:54 PM
We just got back from Tom's Birthday breakfast. He noticed Lucee holding her left hand off the gound. Then we saw some blood. And a small wound. Have no idea how it happened. Some time on the morning walk today. So we are to call the emergency vet back at 4:00 to see if they can get us in. Tom called several places and all were very busy tending to animals hit by cars. She could very well wait till tomorrow, but I always feel better getting these types of things looked at right away. Twice the money, but that's what the emercency Visa card is for. Peace of mind. Poor little girl. She is a tough little dog, but this hurts her. It's by her dew claw. I'll post more as soon as we return, if they can even get us in.

02-01-2004, 05:59 PM
I hope everything is alright for her and it's nothing serious.

02-01-2004, 06:03 PM
By her dew claw? She probably ripped it a little or something. You should have her dew claws removed. :)
Happy Birthday, Tom! :D

02-01-2004, 06:19 PM
No one can get us in today. They said it doesn't sound like an emergency and that her regular vet should be able to take care of it tomorrow. It's an emergency cause I'm her Mommy and I'm scared. :( But it isn't bleeding and there isn't blood on her bed or the floor. She can't walk on it though. My poor little girl has to hurt all night, I hate that. Our vet opens at 8am so guess I will call them first thing. There is a 7 day a wk vet close to us, so maybe after this we will switch to them. Tom felt if we were patients there already they might have let us come in today. I'll keep you posted.

02-01-2004, 06:26 PM
Thanks for keeping us posted. I think it would be good to switch vets to be able to get in earlier. Good luck, and feel better Lucee! :(

02-01-2004, 06:31 PM
And now I just nociced that the wash machine has a leak. Tom has it on it's side right now seeing if he can find the problem.
What next... no don't answer that.:( :mad:

02-01-2004, 06:41 PM
Poor Lucee:( That's a real oweee:( Hope she'll be able to get some rest tonight. Gee, I wish the vet could have seen her to put your minds at rest. Doesn't sound like Mom or Dad will. As they say, when it rains...Hugs to you Lucee. And Hapy B-Day Tom:)

02-01-2004, 08:03 PM
Poor Lucee! :( And poor worried Mommy. :( Hopefully you both will get some good sleep tonight, and then it will be morning and on the way to get her owwie all fixed up.


02-01-2004, 08:07 PM
Oh Lucee ........... hope you are OK sweetheart.

Mummy will let us all know ASA possible, I am sure.
Big kisses to you ........

02-01-2004, 08:14 PM
I have a tummy ache worring about her. She is in the crate, (her choice) just resting. She wags her tail when I talk to her. So hopefully she is OK till morn. My poor girl
The first weekend we had Ashlee she had to go to emergency too. She crossed a downed cyclone fence and ripped off 1/2 a fingernail and it was bleeding a lot. They kept her for several hours, I cried the whole time she was there, while we were at home waiting for their call.
It just hurts 'us' so bad when they are hurt :( :( :( :(

02-01-2004, 08:21 PM
Isn’t that the truth. Nothing as bad as wondering how badly their hurting. Oh, how I wish they could tell us if it was hurting badly or no big deal. I worry myself sick, too worrying about them. :(

I hope her paw feels better soon. Poor Lucee. :(

02-01-2004, 08:31 PM
Aww, poor Lucee :( Be strong for you and your mommy too!
Poor girl :( I hope she's not in too much pain until tomorrow. Take it easy, Lucee! Good luck at the vet tomorrow, I hope it heals soon!

02-02-2004, 01:08 PM
Tom took her in at 8:30.

(As I'm typing the vet just called for the 2nd time this morn, she's ok)

When she got up this morning she wasn't limping much. Tom dropped her off because they didn't have any appts. till 2pm but said they could see her in between if we left her. So Tom took Nina and Ashlee to the park. The vet called to ask permission to put her out because she would not let them even touch her. And now she was limping again. My poor baby. I also asked her to look under her tounge, as she had those tumors removed last yr, and to make sure they didn't grow back, and to cut her nails. So She just called back and she has a 'good sized' piece of wood jammed in her leg by her dew claw. She saved it for us to look at. It is pretty infected so they didn't sew it up, it needs to drain. She will be on antibiotics and an anti inflamatory drug for several days. And a bandage for a few days. And nothing grew back under her tounge.
So good news, she can come home in a few hours. I feel a little better now. But my tummy is still upset. I will feel better when she is home with us again. But for now she seems good to go again.
I'll write more tonight after work. Tom took the day off to stay home with her. I may tomorrow, if she is still feeling bad.

02-02-2004, 01:29 PM
Aww, poor Lucee :(

I hope she feels better soon! Give her a hug from Ruby and I when she gets home!

02-02-2004, 01:54 PM
Oh wow, Lucee.:( You sure did get an ouchie. I'm so glad
the Vet got to see you today & make things better. Get well
soon brave little one. :)

02-02-2004, 05:38 PM
Lucee's home and resting. My poor girl. They had to put her out to work on her. She gets so scared. So now she is sleeping in the crate (her choice). I'm going to build a fire and have her lay with Ashlee and me.
This is what they took out of her leg, ankle, by her dew claw. But the vet said the dew claw had nothing to do with it. She just got impaled with a stick. It's about as long as a quarter is across. And very hard and pointed. Poor poor baby. No wonder she was hurting so bad.
I stayed home from work for her today too. I just couldn't leave her. Tom may stay tomorrow too, I can't.
She has to go back at 11am on wednesday to get the dressing changed. She has antibiotics for like 10 days and pain meds for 3 days.
We'll keep you posted. When she wakes up a bit moreI may try to get some pics of her.



02-02-2004, 05:40 PM
poor lucee :( that piece of wood is HUGE!

02-02-2004, 05:48 PM
Awww Lucee sweety i hope you are feeling better soon ((HUGS)).

Mom and Dad you takecare and try to get some rest aswell.
That fire sounds lovely Katzs (Can i fly over?) :)

Looking forward to some pics.

02-02-2004, 05:51 PM
Come on over, I'll put on another log;)

02-02-2004, 06:01 PM
Oh Lucee sweetheart!
That sure was a big "log" you were carting around in your paw.

Get well soon gorgeous girl. I am sure that fire will help :D

02-02-2004, 06:55 PM
Oh dear, no wonder you were hurting so sweetie:( That piece of wood is huge:( But now you're home with Mom and Dad, snuggling by the fire safe and sound. Mom, Dad, you guys gets some rest too:) HUGS to you sweet Lucee girl. Love, Sandra, Cody and Star

02-02-2004, 07:34 PM
WOW! Look at the size of that:eek: It's no wonder you were in such pain sweetie.
I hope your little footie starts feeling better very soon.
Hugs & Kisses

02-02-2004, 07:48 PM
Aw, it's huge! Good luck on feeling better, Lucee girl. :)