View Full Version : Fister had his nails clipped - 5 so far

02-01-2004, 10:25 AM
Yesterday I cut three of Fister's nails - and two more today! It's my very first attempt, so I'm proud. :D I did it when he was sleeping - well, he did wake up and we cuddled a bit first, but he was relaxed enough to let me do a few. :)

Lately, I have touched his toes more and more, figured it would make it easier once it was for real - and it was. I'll only do the front.

The first one, I clipped with my own nail scissors, but then used the "3 in one" for the rest - much better! I am of course very careful and only clip off the sharp tip of the nail. About 2 mm.

I have seen the photos Phred posted of various nailclippers, and I'll have look next time at the vet to see what he uses. :)

02-01-2004, 10:53 AM
Congrats on being able to cut a few of Fisters nails! These are the type of clippers I use. They work really well, plus they are cheap (only around $5) and since i seem to lose them all the time I like that they are easily replacable.

02-01-2004, 11:10 AM
Congratulations Randi! WOW! :eek: FIVE nails in ONE day! :eek: AMAZING! :p

I use the same kind of clippers Uabassoon posted the picture of. They're the easiest to use. After reading about many people not clipping the back claws, I've decided to join you - it's just so much easier not having to fight Mishi's long, muscular legs - that guy can KICK! :rolleyes: Mitzi is just too round to keep a grip on and wiggles and squirms and puts up such a fuss.

Wishing you success in clipping a few more today! ;)

02-01-2004, 11:12 AM
Uabassoon! Thanks for the picture. That one looks effective, and easy to use. :)

Redhead! It WAS over two days. ;) I tell you, Fister can KICK too. :eek:

Well, as long as it's one which gives a clean cut!

02-01-2004, 11:24 AM
I used the same clippers as Uabasson... I too have the tendency to lose them! One thing that I accidentally happened upon last week is I gave Pouncer catnip right before I wanted to trim his nails. He played for a bit, and then when he was completely relaxed (um, stoned) I clipped the nails! Talk about piece of cake! At that point, he woud have let me do just about anything to him.

02-01-2004, 11:47 AM
congratulations!!!!!! :D

Keep in mind that even thought the back nails may not need trimming as often, then MAY require a clip at some point. You wouldn't want them to grow too long and grow into the foot pad. It CAN happen.

02-01-2004, 12:19 PM
Catnapper, I must try that - what a brilliant idea! :D Fister was crazy about his little red mouse I had "marinated" in catnip.

Jen, you've got a point there - only, I think it will impossible to get to his back paws. I've tried, gently, several times - no success. :( However, I'll keep an eye on them, and if neccesary, I'll let the vet do those - or I'll do them next time he's sedated. ;)

Felicia's Mom
02-01-2004, 02:07 PM
I use the same clippers as Uabasoon does. Although just on Beau; Felicia fights me too much, which makes me too nervous.
She has to have hers done at the vets.

I have found that Beau can tell if I am nervous. If I am calm when I clip his nails, he will be calm. (and vice versa)

Edwina's Secretary
02-01-2004, 05:12 PM
We use the same type of cat clippers and cut ALL nails monthly! It is a two person job ....especially with Eddie!

Good luck!

02-01-2004, 05:28 PM
I'm so glad to hear that Fister is now letting you clip his nails.:) I have to take Sunny, Storm, and Sky to the groomers every other month to get their nails trimmed because they won't let me do it. Cirrus is so scared that he has to have his done at the vet so his are only trimmed once a year.:(

02-01-2004, 10:26 PM
Congrats on the nail trimming. Good luck with the rest.:D

I have to take mine to the vet also.

02-13-2004, 12:35 PM
We have taken a few days off, concerning nail clipping. Fister is not very cooperative. :rolleyes: I sent the link Phred posted a while ago (with pictures) to my vet, and asked him what he used. He said, he was familiar with 5 different ones, but this is what he uses:


He says, it's a matter of habit, but the important bit is, that the one you use, has to have curved blades (jaws?)

Edwina's Secretary
02-16-2004, 09:12 PM
Yesterday was Nail Day here. Eddie and Edwina had a nail trimming followed by a turkey treat. They were not happy but had forgotten (and forgiven) after....oh....8 hours or so!

I hold them....on the back...and Don clips!

02-17-2004, 09:25 AM
That is kind of touchy , wuith the Found Cats , as wll!

02-17-2004, 10:53 AM
Unfortunately, I can't see the pictures of the clippers right now, but you guys have inspired me to make an attempt at Butter's nails. :eek: I'll wait until I can get a pair of the right kind of clippers, but I feel my hands will be much better off if I can do this!!!! Thanks!!! :D

02-17-2004, 11:22 AM
Logan, I believe Imagestation is down now, but I suppose it'll be up later. Phred also posted some links with photos of various nailclippers, but I can't remember where. :o

..... and Logan, if we can clip Fister's nails, I'm sure you can handle Butter's!! :D Just be very relaxed about it. ;)

Sara, I'm amazed that you're allowed to clip Eddie's already. :eek: