View Full Version : Some Sada and Misty pictures

Aspen and Misty
01-31-2004, 06:26 PM
Hey everyone. I know I've been showing ya'll probly way to many pictures but I can't help but take pictures and I can't help but post them!









Aspen and Misty
01-31-2004, 06:27 PM




The kitties had there first meeting so I broke the ice with some wet kitty food



Misty saying "Dont' you dare touch my food"

and Sada saying "I'm not even going to eat mine, why would I want yours?"


01-31-2004, 06:34 PM
Aww Sada and Misty are both so cute :)

01-31-2004, 06:48 PM
Sada looks so relaxed! It is good to see them meeting each other. Prepare for Sada to want to be alone though as her time nears.

Aspen and Misty
01-31-2004, 09:09 PM
Thanx for the tip Jen! To be honest I know NOTHING about pregnecy and cats, BUT I'm doing TONS of reserch on it!

Thanx for the nice comments!


01-31-2004, 11:06 PM
Nice pictures of Sada and Misty.:)

The two looked like they might get along pretty well. I agree Sada looks really relaxed. Good luck with further introdcutions.

Are you sure that I could convince you to ask your vet to move to washington?;):p:D

02-01-2004, 07:01 AM
I think Sada looks like she has lived there her whole life!! She looks very relaxed and happy!! I hope she and Misty do well together. They didn't seem to be to bothered being that close to each other. Maybe things will go smoothly!!!
Sada and Misty are both beautiful!:D :D :D http://petoftheday.com/talk/images/our_smilies/biggrin.gif

02-01-2004, 07:38 AM
So sweet! :) Thanks for sharing!


02-01-2004, 09:43 AM
Cute kitties!

Robin :)

02-01-2004, 09:46 AM
I love your pictures! You have some very sweet kitties!

Thank you for sharing with us!:)

02-01-2004, 09:47 AM
What great pictures.... could never get tired of them! ;)

02-01-2004, 09:53 AM
Pretty kitties!!:D

Aspen and Misty
02-01-2004, 11:05 AM
Thanx everyone!!! :D

Sada is acting like she runs the place now :rolleyes: spoiled kitty! LOL. She is just the sweeties thing that has ever come into my life. I'm guessing her reson for being so sweet and cuddly and demanding ALL of your attention is from weeks or months of having no one :( . My dad keeps comanting (SP) on how sweet she is and how much he loves haing her here and stuff like that. Also, when she first came he always talked about how it would be hard to find homes for 4 cats (we are only expecting 3 kittens at the moment so he included her) but now he only talks about how hard it will be to find 3 homes! :D

Misty and Sada are getting along great! Misty absolutly HATES all cats, but since we did an introdution that involved tuna (hee hee) she now LOVES her, well the Tuna at least. Misty will jump on the same counter as Sada and whin and whin almost as if to say "See mom, I'm putting up with her, now wheres my tuna!" LOL. We always give her a lil bit when they are in the same room, Sada doesn't like it though. Don't know why! LOL

Thanx for all your nice comments!


02-01-2004, 11:07 AM
My dad keeps comanting (SP) on how sweet she is and how much he loves haing her here and stuff like that. Also, when she first came he always talked about how it would be hard to find homes for 4 cats (we are only expecting 3 kittens at the moment so he included her) but now he only talks about how hard it will be to find 3 homes!

Yay! So it sounds like you might get to keep her after all!

02-01-2004, 12:31 PM
So happy you found so much love! Thanks for sharing it with us. :)

02-01-2004, 01:04 PM
Awww, Sada looks so content and both she and Misty are beautiful.:)

Lovely pictures, thanks for sharing.:D