View Full Version : At last! Took Bob for his shots.

01-30-2004, 04:58 PM
They were due around October 30 last year, so we were more than a little late. :o
Anyway, finally got the overdraft paid off so I had the money, just waiting for a reasonable day, weatherwise. (I don't have a car and walking in heavy rain or on icy roads isn't fun, for me anyway) Snow all gone, ice nearly all gone, and it was dry, so today was that day.

Bob had three poops on the way and was a tiny bit spooked at all the traffic and people, but otherwise the walk there and back went well. When there he did his usual thing, peed during the vet exam. :o Which, by the way, has to be done while he is on the floor, no getting on the table for Bob, and no standing either, oh, no, the vet had to exam him in a sit! (Bob not the vet! :D)

When we got home this is where he went, and stayed for around two hours. :)

Okay, end of not very interesting post!:D

01-30-2004, 06:04 PM
Oh Bob please don't feel bad about an occasional "leaking" problem when you become overly excited at the vet's. :) My Bella has been known to occasionally do a spritz or two at the vet's and at the groomer's when she arrives, tail wagging all the way to fool everyone into thinking she is happy to be there. :D Chris I laughed out loud when I read in your post that Bob was in a sit and not the vet! LOL!

Rest well Bob. Another vet visit is in your future but not for a long time. Chris, I'm glad you didn't slip on the ice. We have quite a bit of it still around here and it makes walking a little interesting. Now they say more ice is coming Monday night. :rolleyes:

01-30-2004, 06:14 PM
Awww, I just want to give Bob a big ol hug. Not a fun day for him. You get all the rest you need, Bob.

Robin :)

Holly's mom
01-30-2004, 09:15 PM
Oh, poor baby. Sounds like he had a stressful day. I took Holly in last week for her vaccinations. She was not happy about that either. It's funny, when she was just a puppy, when we went to the vet, she was just happy, happy, happy, just awagging her tail. Now that she is older and wiser she knows better!:) While she was there, I had the vet clip her toenails and she cried like a baby. I had to have him clip her toenails because no way, no how will she let me or my husband clip them. The vet has no problem. Also had her weighed, the little oinker weighs 55 pounds! I asked the vet if she was too heavy, he said no, but not to let her gain any more. He said he can still feel her ribs, and she still has a waistline.;) I know she's put on a little bit, but it's winter here and very cold and she doesn't get out to run as much.
Now she should be set until spring when she has to go back to the vet's for her lyme vaccination and heartworm preventative.

Give Bob a hug from Holly!!;)

01-30-2004, 10:03 PM
Oh Bobby Boy, going to the vets isn't that much fun is it:(
I hope you had a nice long rest sweetheart!

Love the pictures!!!

01-30-2004, 10:11 PM
Awwww poor Bob. It's all to protect you from getting sick Bob sweetie. Give him a hug for me :)

01-30-2004, 10:17 PM
Oh, Bob! It looks like the doctor tired you out! I would have peed in his office too if he tried to give me a shot. ;)

01-31-2004, 02:56 PM
Originally posted by Pam
Oh Bob please don't feel bad about an occasional "leaking" problem when you become overly excited at the vet's. :) My Bella has been known to occasionally do a spritz or two at the vet's and at the groomer's when she arrives, tail wagging all the way to fool everyone into thinking she is happy to be there.
..... Chris, I'm glad you didn't slip on the ice. We have quite a bit of it still around here and it makes walking a little interesting. Now they say more ice is coming Monday night. :rolleyes:
Bob says he doesn't feel so bad now knowing it happens to sweet Bella sometimes too.
Pam, most of the ice had gone, I am glad to say, I managed to walk around most of what there was. I had my cleated walking boots on too.... lol!

01-31-2004, 03:04 PM
Originally posted by Holly's mom
Oh, poor baby. Sounds like he had a stressful day. I took Holly in last week for her vaccinations. She was not happy about that either. It's funny, when she was just a puppy, when we went to the vet, she was just happy, happy, happy, just awagging her tail. Now that she is older and wiser she knows better!:) .
Give Bob a hug from Holly!!;)
Glad to hear all went well for Holly!:)
Bob goes in there quite happily, it's just the actual vet exam that seems to make him nervous. I think I am going to have to work on that for next time, though, God willing, it will not be until next year.
Bob says thanks for the hug.

01-31-2004, 03:08 PM
Thanks RobiLee, K9Soul, Anna and Tonya. :) Bob is glad you all understand!:D

01-31-2004, 03:28 PM
Walking in those conditions is no fun. I have to deal with it mulriple times a day here in Germany. I can't wait till it warms up and my feet are firm on dry ground!!

Poor Bob. You look so tired in your pictures. I bet it was nerve wracking to go to the vets. I don't blame you buddy!! Even Drake, the big fearless monster wolf , pees everytime we go to the vet.

01-31-2004, 05:01 PM
Bob does look pretty tired out after his Vet visit.:D How far
did you walk to get there? Smokey's gotten to big to get on the
table too. I sure can't lift him anymore & the table is so narrow
it makes Smokey nervous.:D Good to hear Bob was a good
boy getting his shots. It's a stressful trip Bob, so don't worry
about the pee. I'll bet they get that all the time.:D

02-01-2004, 09:10 AM
Souraya, Bob says thanks, he now knows for sure he is not a wimp if it happens to Drake too!:)

Originally posted by lizbud
.... How far did you walk to get there?
Liz, it is around two miles, one there, one back. Which I guess isn't much for regular walkers but Bob and I haven't done much walking lately. :( :o

02-01-2004, 03:12 PM
Originally posted by ChrisH
Which, by the way, has to be done while he is on the floor, no getting on the table for Bob, and no standing either, oh, no, the vet had to exam him in a sit! (Bob not the vet! :D)

I was just imagining the vet sitting for Bob .......:D

02-01-2004, 03:47 PM
Originally posted by ChrisH
Okay, end of not very interesting post!:D
How can you say this??? Any posting about Bob is absolutely thrilling!!! :D Poor little guy. That V-E-T visit really took it out on him.

02-02-2004, 05:11 PM
Thanks.:) :)