View Full Version : seperation anxiety?

Aspen and Misty
01-30-2004, 02:21 PM
Ok, when ever I leave breeze alone she will cry and whine and pace and gets her self all worked up. During the day in her crate she will destroy ANYTHING in her grasp. She will pull things through the bars, she will rip her blankets/toys apart.

Is this seperation anxiety?


01-30-2004, 02:34 PM
It sounds like it. I did search on seperation anxiety for Brodie (my old dog). He would always do the same thing, you mentioned.

Here is a good website that explains it all.
Seperation Anxiety in dogs (http://www.usask.ca/wcvm/herdmed/applied-ethology/behaviourproblems/anxiety.html)

01-30-2004, 03:05 PM
It definitely does sound like anxious behavior. That link that Amber posted looks good. I wouldn't really know what to advise in dealing with it without knowing a lot more details. Even then, there are others here probably better at advice in that area who have experienced it more. Good luck!

01-30-2004, 03:10 PM
Yes, that would be seperation anxiety.

Sierra used to do the same thing, then we got Buddy and she doesn't do those things anymore.
I lost count of how many blankets we went through!!
Once I left a wicker basket on top of her crate, and she chewed it up through the crate!!!

Just a few weeks back, when Buddy had to stay at the vet for the day, she freaked out, and got out of her crate!!

But, as long as she has her Buddy boy she's fine! She's had the same blanket in her crate now for a few months!!! That's a record for her!

01-30-2004, 04:43 PM
It sounds like that is what is it, although it could be countless other things. The term seperation anxiety is thrown around a bit too much in my opinion.

Reece had BAD BAD BAD BAD BAD BAD seperation anxiety when I adopted him. It was rough, but we worked it out.

What do you do when you come home and let Breeze out of the crate? Do you make a big ordeal about seeing her? If so, then she's going to be full of anxiety for the whole day waiting for that moment you come to let her out. She has to have a release for that anxiety, thus she becomes destructive.

Have you ever let her out of the crate while she's been whining? Be sure to just let her out when she's calm and relaxed.

Keeping your arrivals and departures low key might be the only thing you'll have to do to correct this. Often times that alone helps people. I had to do a bit more with Reece, so let me know if that doesn't work. Just ignore her 15 min before you leave and 15 min after you get home. Act like its no big deal to let her out of the crate and just go about your business.

01-30-2004, 05:05 PM
Gigi cries and whines too when she is confined in her crate or play pan. Usually 10-15 minutes before me leaving the house I would ignore her (not completely ignore her, just not doing anything that will get her excited)... I usually will do the dishes and clean the kitchen (kill 2 birds with 1 stone!). I gave her a kong filled with treats when I put her in her play pan. Usually she does not even noticed when I left. She still cries after I left (I have taped her) and she will try to push the play pan or what not, but she will eventually quiet down.

Aspen and Misty
01-30-2004, 07:45 PM
Aly- We do all the things you suggest. When I leave I put her food in her crate and tell her "kennel". Thats all. When I come home I let her out and then send her outside to go to the bathroom. I let them back in and then I go take care of everyone else and then I come back, by then it's been a half hour or so. Also, we dont' let her out when she is whinning, everyone asks us this! LOL. We also give her a stuffed Kong, just so you know.

Thanx for the advice everyone! I called Paws and they gave me some advice as well! Thanx for the link!


01-30-2004, 08:45 PM
Maybe you could try exercising her in the morning before she goes into the crate. If she's really worn out, she'll probably settle down quicker.