View Full Version : Max got loose!

01-30-2004, 07:54 AM
And he came right back :eek: That gives you an idea of how c-c-c-c-cold it is here!

01-30-2004, 07:56 AM
LOL! He thought, "What am I?! Nuts!?" ;) :D

01-30-2004, 08:00 AM
Ahhhh my heart stopped for a second!!!
I was having flash backs!!!

I thought the cold would have kept Sierra & Buddy close by, but Nooooooo!:rolleyes:

It got down to 9 degress the night they were gone!?:eek:

... oh so glad to have them back!!

And I am VERY glad Max was smarter then they were and knew to come back home right away!!!!!

Good Boy Max!!!!!

01-30-2004, 08:52 AM
Chester did that once when we weren’t home. We came home and the front door was WIDE OPEN after being gone for about 2.5 hours. MY Heart leapt into my throat, then I found Chester curled up in all the pillows on our bed trying to stay warm! Our house was about 40 (f) degrees! It was horrible. The worst thing was that as we pulled into the neighborhood, hubby ran over something and said he thought it was just a piece of wood. (our subdivision was still under construction) Well, when I walked in and saw that open door, it flashed through my brain that we had run over Chester! :eek: I was hysterical. Now our front door stays locked and 4 years later I still check it like I have OCD.

I'm glad Max came back fast! Nothing like the cold to keep them home, huh? ;)

01-30-2004, 10:35 AM
Good Boy Max!!!!!

01-30-2004, 10:57 AM
Oh my! Good thing for the cold then! I know I don't have to worry about mine going anywhere at the moment.. it is -27 F here today with -50 F wind chill. They go out and potty and are back up at the door lifting their cold feetsies right away!

01-30-2004, 12:49 PM
Sorry about your heart stopping, Pitc9!

I was so relieved that it was cold out. Max really likes to bolt. It had actually been a couple of months since he had gotten loose, so we were doing pretty well. He has knocked screen windows out etc. etc.

Usually we have to drive around looking for him. When we find him we just open the car door and say "Want to to for a ride?" and he'll get right in - but sometimes it takes a while to find him! One time he was found several miles from our house!