View Full Version : Update on How Sada is doing -Vet visit-

Aspen and Misty
01-29-2004, 05:57 PM
Well we took her to the vets tonight and she has worms in her lil tummy wommy (HEE HEE), so we got some medicine for that. But thats not ALL she has in that tummy wommy of hers, it seems this sweet baby girl is pregnet with at LEAST 3 kittens. They did a free ultrasound for us and we got to see the cuties. She is only about 4 weeks along so we still have another month to go. Bad bad Sada, didn' her momma ever teach her anything! O, for those of you who don't know SADA WAS A STRAY WHO I FOUND 2 DAYS AGO. I would NEVER intentionally breed my cat, NEVER. It's not my fault, I just found her and gave her a home, honestly. Sada will stay happily with us till she gives birth and weans her kitties. Well then (around May) deced what we are going to do with her. Other whys, we are looking for homes for the sweet kittens! Any advice for this? I'm not really sure how to go about it. I'll do some research on it when I get back but some suggestions from ya'll would be very much helpful!

Besides the worms and the babies she is one happy healthy girl :D


01-29-2004, 06:43 PM
It's a good thing you stepped in to save Sada when you did! Will she stay with you now? You should have a lot of fun with the babies. You could always start lining up prospective homes even before they are born, that way you'll be ready and the people will have time to make SURE they really want a cat in their lives.

01-29-2004, 07:01 PM
Awww congrats! I can't wait to see pictures of the little ones when they make their appearance. :) One thing I would suggest is to maybe find homes for the babies through your vet. You could put up flyers in there. I see them lots of time at my vet's office. So many times in the paper I see ads for "Free Kittens" and this makes me cringe. I just picture some sleezy people picking up defenseless little kittens to do God knows what with! I guess I am cynical but hey it's a crazy world out there sometimes. If I ever had kittens that I needed to find homes for (which I can assure you won't happen :) ) I would never offer them for free. I would ask a fee to be sure that they were really wanted and also request vet references. Good luck to you and congratulations to Sada! Keep us posted!

01-29-2004, 07:03 PM
Ah, I'm glad you rescued Sada when you did.... so she won't have to have her kittens outside somewhere! ;) Good job!

Felicia's Mom
01-29-2004, 07:57 PM
I have no advice about the kittens. Just congrats and bless you for adopting Sada.

Aspen and Misty
01-29-2004, 09:25 PM
Thanx everyone! I'm hopeing and praying that my dad will allow me to keep Sada, I love her so much. We have such a strong bond, when I walk away from her she will stand up and watch me and then when I come back she lies back down.

Pam: I am going to charge, but I'm not sure how much yet. I hate when people just give kittens away also!

Thanx everyone! We are extremly exited about the birth! I'll have TONS of pictures!


01-29-2004, 09:39 PM
Bless you for taking in sweet Sada!!! I'm really looking forward to seeing some kitty pile pics :D

01-29-2004, 09:56 PM
Awwww, you're going to be a grandma! This is going to be exciting! I dont'now how long these things take, but will the worms be gone before the kittens arrive? Will you need to worry about her tranmitting the worms to the babies? God, I'd be a mess with a pregnant cat in my house! Excited, but a lot like those father-to-bes that run to the car every five mintues to take his not ready wife to the hospital!;)

Hopefully your dad will be spellbound by her when the time comes to decided whether to keep her (I haven't met a man yet that could give them away!)

01-29-2004, 10:24 PM
I too am very glad that you got her and took her to the vet. I am sorry she has worms, but happy to hear that it is treatable.:)

Hopefully with SADA being around you dad will fall for her, kitties have a way with humans.;)

One more thing. I really want to go to your vet, could you maybe talk to them about moving to washington state. A free ultrasound, OMG!! You do not even want to know what I paid for an ultrasound on Joey when she was in the hospital 3 months ago. So, the next time you see you vet, please make sure and have that talk about moving.;)

Please give the little lady some love for me.

Aspen and Misty
01-30-2004, 02:23 PM
NO WAY! MY vet is copmetly and totally AWESOME. She will give us free visits somtime to! They are the best vet I have EVER been to!

I'm not sure about the worms and it being transforred to the babies, I'll call my vet and ask.


01-30-2004, 02:31 PM
Ashley you are doing such a wonderful thing for Sada. I hope all goes well for her and the babies. I can hardly wait to see pictures of both Sada and her babies. Keep up posted.

01-31-2004, 08:26 AM
I'm so glad you helped this sweet girl!! She is going to bless you with babies!! Keep us posted and I can't wait for pictures!!!http://petoftheday.com/talk/images/our_smilies/biggrin.gif