View Full Version : How do they sleep this way?

01-29-2004, 07:30 AM
I felt a little Pouncer kneeding my side early this morning, so I lifted my sleepy hand and gave him some loving pets... he wanted to slide under the blankets with me, so I lifted the covers and in he dove.

I few hours later I woke to see this tight little ball of fur sleeping happily. But I don't know how he was still able to breathe because I sleep with a feather pillow that I hug tightly every night and he was somehow tucked under that, wedged between my crossed arms, and under the quilt. Don't people smother other people with feather pillows? Why did find it to be a happy little place? Or is Pouncer just that amazing?;)

01-29-2004, 07:51 AM
You know, I often wonder how they still breathe being under the covers....when I pull the covers over my face to try to ignore a kitty who whats to wake me too early in the morning, I fell like I am suffocating. So if humans feel that way, wouldn't a kitty???

I woke the other night to find Smokey wedged between my husband's and my pillow, Abner glued to my side above the covers making it impossible to move to change positions, Mystic on top of the covers keeping my feet warm, and then when I was able to move, Tigger was all the way under the covers on her daddy's feet.

I think we humans deserve a medal for sleeping with kitties.

01-29-2004, 08:02 AM
Filou in winter sleeps every night for some hours under my husband's cover, exactly under his knees. Seems as if their air intake is very low when they sleep;)

We had that thread here about back pains for sleeping with kitties. Well -this may be the only place worldwide where we can confess these things:D

01-29-2004, 09:35 AM
I wonder the same thing too ... especially when the itty bitty babies get under the covers.... worries me to death!!!:eek:
Plus, I'm always afraid I will roll over during the night and crush them! Just another one of the wonders of cats! :)

01-29-2004, 10:07 AM
I think that they have a special kitty classes when they are younger. They learn how to breath where there is no oxygen. They also learn to move around sleeping humans.:)

I think that my two missed the classes.