View Full Version : A day without Amy

Laura's Babies
01-28-2004, 10:45 PM
Ho Hum! My other two are not to be forgotten now that I have got over my main worry about Amy. Thay have missed her and neither have played nearly as much today as they usually do when she is here. They seem to know I was worried/upset and spent a lot of time comforting me, taking turns in my lap. Then it was time for a little play and a nap.

One of the things I did today was to get a big bag of fabric scraps to sew together to make some kitty blankets (see thread on making blankets for shelters), I did this to help distract myself from worrying about Amy since as long as I was busy, I wouldn't cry and worry.. OK...

Gizzy loves big bags so here is her playing in one until she wore herself out .

and she played until she was tired and went to sleep!


And Chester is just enjoying his new bed, now that the girls are not in it. He was sleeping but soon as he heard the camera, he started his posing!


01-28-2004, 10:48 PM
That is great. Loved the pictures.:D

You are a good person for making the blankets too.:D

I had to laugh though you sound like me last Friday, and mine just went in for teeth cleaning. I was so worried and had to keep busy, so I ended up cleaning the house.:D

01-28-2004, 10:55 PM
Now THAT'S the way to feel better!!! What gorgeously cute pictures!!! :D

Laura's Babies
01-28-2004, 11:29 PM
Yea, Catdad, I remember your posts and how worried you were, I think we matched each others concern and worries and I kept checking all day to see how your babies were and sent prayers for your babies all day.

Kim, I been checking out your pictures and I am soooo jealous. You really have some beauties and are so lucky to have them all. Isn't is amazing how no matter how different they look, they all have their own beauty? Limps, watery eyes, quivvering hip/leg, whatever, they are all beauties. Just furry bundles of love sent from Heaven!