View Full Version : Happy Birthday Chlo and JC-Recipe's are great

Byakko's Mom
01-28-2004, 04:35 PM
Today Chlo and JC are 1yr old.They are having a fun day.They got their birthday presents and some treats allready.I have taken lots of pics in the last 2 days with both my friends digital and my reg.camera.I hope the digital turns out.I just have to get him over to put them on my computer and show me how to send them and put them up in places like here.The dogs and cats are probably sick of the camera.They all loved the fish cakes.They couldn't wait until they were finished cooking let alone waiting until they were cool.I will be trying lots of the recipe's I got now.They were thrilled with the fish cakes.The dogs couldn't wait either but the cats got theirs first it is their birthday.They also loved the hand mit I got with long fingers and balls on the end with bells.I put one on and my son put one on and they never wanted to stop playing.It is their day so I better get back to treating them like the King and Queen they are today.Time for treats and play,whatever the birthday babies want.JC seems to be doing better with the aggression.At least I haven't seen it with me.Thank you everyone for all of your help and suggestions and recipe's.You helped make my babies birthday special.
Love Laurie :)

01-28-2004, 04:50 PM