View Full Version : Introducing SADA!!!!

Aspen and Misty
01-27-2004, 02:51 PM
Ok, here is the story. My school found this beautful black and white cat under neath some steps. She had been tere for 2 or 3 days when they noticed she had (what we think) was frost bite on her toes and ears (the tips of her ears are a lil gone) and she was very skinny. They brought her in the office but she had a few accidents. So they deced to return her to the cold world after school was out. ::sigh:: One look at this sweet (very skinny) kitty I knew something had to be done! So, I stood in the office and brought down there walls! There going to keep her. On two conditions. 1. I have to scoop the litter box everyday and empty is fridays (no problem!) and 2. I had to bring her home and litter train her! So needless to say I have an ADORABLY cute lil kitty in my bathroom BUT she will be going back to school after I'm done litter training her! I also made them promise me something, If EVER they needed to give her up they were to call me and that I would take her. So that no matter what she will always have a home, I know how many school pets are dumped in shelters each year, but not Sada!She is SOO sweet. She will kneed you (not sure if that is right). like what a baby kitten does to there mom to get the milk flowing (lol). She also does this when she is eating. It's SOO cute!!

We named her Sada (Say Duh) after Crusader, our maskot. I do have one question though. How much should I let her eat? I am montioring her right now. I dont' want her to at alot and then get sick, but she is REALLY hungry (although she wouldn't eat the chicken skin at the school, says something for the chick huh!)

Well here are some pictures!




I hope you all enjoyed the pictures! I'll have more for sure!


PS: Misty says, "No way mom your not keep that thing are you!" Hee hee!

01-27-2004, 03:06 PM
Good for you for taking care of that sweet little angel! Don't let anything bad happen to her now! :D

As far as the food question, I say let her eat as much as she wants....she will know when she's full. My cats have food out all the time and only eat when they're hungry, they're much smarter than you might think. Also, did you have to REALLY litter train her? Most cats know to go in the box by instinct. If she had an accident on the floor, she either couldn't find the litter box, was upset, or may have some sort of digestive problem.

Good luck with your new baby, she's adorable! :D I look forward to seeing more pictures!

Aspen and Misty
01-27-2004, 03:15 PM
They don't have any litter boxes at the school. We think she was dumped, it's happened before with another cat who the secratary took home. The only thing about letting him free feed is that he hasn't eaten in so long, will it make her tummy upset?
I got some better pictures now that she is calmed down.




Ashley :D

01-27-2004, 03:36 PM
Sada is adorable... thank you so much for fighting for him, and getting him inside out of the cold!!! :D

01-27-2004, 04:00 PM

Aspen and Misty
01-27-2004, 04:34 PM
Originally posted by spunkymeow

The school said they would take her no matter what. But, now that I know her I love her so much. She cuddles with me and really acts like she needs me. I'm her comfort. It's so preciouse to have her here. Although, she will go back to the school because my dad will make me give her back :( I've wanted a cat of my own (Misty is basicly my dad's) for so long ::sigh::


01-27-2004, 04:36 PM
Sada is so cute.:)

Congratulation on the rescue.:D

I agree that cats will eat until they are full, but you may have a point about over eating after being hungry for so long. I don't know if this is good advice or not. I would let her eat until she stops and then remove the food for a while and then put it back to let her eat again. That way she can get used to having food and after a few days just let her free feed. She will hoprfully be over her intial hungry period then. Someone please correct me if I am wrong.

Well, I expect more pictures in the future.:)

Aspen and Misty
01-27-2004, 08:13 PM
Thanx everyone. I normally not on the cat side much and when I am rarly get a response, thanx to those of you who have incouraged me!

Sada is asleep right now on the desk while I type this. She is such a sweet heart. She eat alot of food and a half hour later had diarrha (SP). I think she will be ok though.


Miss Meow
01-27-2004, 09:12 PM

You and your family are wonderful for taking in Sada. :)

She might have diarrhoea from the change of diet, as you suspected. I'd keep her on a bland diet for a few days (plain chicken etc) and make sure she's drinking so she's hydrated.

I recommend a vet check to have a look and test for any diseases, worms etc.

And lots of love!

Good luck :) and thanks for photos so quickly!

01-28-2004, 12:03 AM
She is adorable and bless you for fighting for her.

I hope the school or someone will take her to the vet for a check up and start her vaccinations.

01-28-2004, 07:42 AM
Sada is beautiful. A little bundle of Tux-Kitty. Good for you, standing up and taking responsibility for Sada.

01-28-2004, 07:58 AM
Sada is an absolute cutie, no wonder you wnat to keep her ;)
She's probably just eating so much cos the wee soul isn't sure when her next meal is, I get so mad :mad: at the thought of people dumping aniamls, I mean she is so cute, how could they?!?! There is absolute no excuse for it, there are plenty of shelters and shops to put notices up etc. I hope whoever dumped her comes back as a mouse next time and finds themselves with loadsa cats roundabout, that'll teach them :D

01-28-2004, 09:18 AM
Sada is ADORABLE! I wouldn't want to give her up either!
It was very brave and wonderful for you to stand up and fight for this innocent baby!! God Bless you!!!:D :D http://petoftheday.com/talk/images/our_smilies/biggrin.gif
If your dad won't let you keep her just remember that because of you she will be living in a school where it's warm and with lots of people to give her attention. Her alternative was not good.
Please keep us posted on how Sada is doing.
Thank you for taking a stand for this little one!!!!!!:) :) :) :) http://petoftheday.com/talk/images/our_smilies/smile.gif

Killearn Kitties
01-28-2004, 09:18 AM
What a lovely baby she is. Well doneto you for sticking up for her. Please let us know how things go.

01-28-2004, 11:49 AM
please don't forget not only vet check ,vacc, but the big one if she is going to be free roaming at the school Spaying. Not only to keep her from pregancy but (sorry) female cats in heat are terribly disgusting in behavior.(atleast mine was)
It can be a tad embarassing to smaller kids.