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View Full Version : Just a pretty scene

01-27-2004, 10:34 AM
Got quite a snow dump Sunday and Monday. This morning it was a clear, blue sunny sky, and just beautiful outside. I snapped this shot of a couple snow covered trees in the yard. :)


Here's one of the deck. All the footprints are from the dogs :p


01-27-2004, 10:42 AM
Nice pictures! We are planning on getting dumped with snow today into tomorrow. It's flurrying already....

01-27-2004, 11:48 AM
I love snow scenes, they're so beautiful:)

Its not snowing here yet, but a storm is supposed to hit soon.

01-27-2004, 01:53 PM
That is so beautiful! I wish I could look out my window and see that. I was wondering, could you get just one of those pretty trees and some snow for me? Would make great wallpaper! You're so lucky to live there. One day, I'm going to move back up north. I really miss it.

01-27-2004, 04:03 PM
Val, I tried to get a single tree but it's kind of hard. The way the yard is, is that the back is totally surrounded by spruces all the way around, and then the trees in the middle areas are deciduous like maples, crabapples, mtn ash. I'm not sure if this will do for what you were looking for but I tried a couple here. The second one might work if you were thinking of making it a tiling background. I left them a bit big :)

The sun was fully shining on this one

I would have liked to stand further back for this but then the clothesline would have been in it.


01-27-2004, 04:14 PM
Those are so beautiful! Thanks so much! I you have them bigger, you can email. If not, I will make a panorama thing of them both together. You are so lucky to have that beauty right in your back yard. Absolutely beautiful.

01-27-2004, 05:31 PM
Gorgeous picture!:D We got a big ice storm on Saturday, and I went out and took pics but haven't uploaded them yet...I'm too lazy;) Yesterday we got snow, into last night, and school was cancled today because of the temperature!;) :p :)

01-27-2004, 05:38 PM
Wow! Those pictures are absolutely stunning! Makes me jealous! :p My parents used to live in Minnesota years before I was born, so they got to experience several years of that beautiful snow, but not me! They left Minnesota after several years of living there.........and the main reason they left was because of the weather. Not that they didn't like the snow, but my dad said it wasn't just cold........ It was TOO cold. He got sick of his car freezing dead on the road. :p LOL! I would love to visit MN some day though..........in the winter. I want to experience a cold winter like that, even if its just for a few days! I want to know how it feels!

Rio and Me
01-27-2004, 05:44 PM
I love snow, if its going to be cold it may as well be pretty too,lol
they say we should get snow in a couple of day but its will just be a light shower, prob not enough to settle, no way be knee deep :)

01-27-2004, 05:53 PM
What gorgeous pictures!!! We're expecting 12" tonight:) The girls will be so happy!:D I love living in the North! I admit to getting a bit of cabin fever come late Feb., but I wouldn't live anywhere else! Val, I was in Fla. for the first time ever just a couple of weeks ago. It was lovely, and a nice break from the cold, but I know the summers would kill me!:D I'd send you and Duke some snow if I could!;)

01-27-2004, 05:59 PM
Those pictures are the reason I want to move up north again.

Beautiful shots. We have not had school here for 2 days and all of the major school systems in our county (except where I teach) are already closed for tomorrow too. We got snow and ice and the roads are awful.

01-27-2004, 06:15 PM
Just beautiful pictures! I love the change of seasons. Just when I am getting tired of one season, another one comes along. The nice thing about a big deep snow like you had is that things tend to be closed (at least my office closes) so the worry about driving in it goes right out the window and you get to stay home and enjoy the beauty (and take pictures like you did!) :)

01-27-2004, 06:34 PM
Even tho' I am sick to death of winter already, those pictures are Gorgeous!!

It's been so very cold around here (-5 to -15 in the daytime) I don't know how much more of this I can take. :mad:

01-27-2004, 07:12 PM
Wow, beautiful scenes. Thank you for posting them.:)
Indianapolis has had about 7 1/2 inches in the last few days,
but it looks like your place got a huge dump of snow. It's so
pretty to look at, but the roads are a pain to drive.:D

01-27-2004, 09:10 PM
I have been compaining and bemoaning winter a lot lately. It's almost like the snow came to show me the wonder of a northern winter again, and shut up my whining :p. I do enjoy the beautiful snow, but the cold really does get to me sometimes.

On the other hand, I appreciate spring and summer here that much more, and Minnesota summers are just wonderful. There are so many perfect days, highs in the 80s with a gentle breeze, maybe an afternoon shower. I grew up in the Springfield, Missouri area in the Ozarks, summers there were stifling with the humidity and heat. Fleas were a much bigger problem with the dogs, can't sit in the grass because of chiggers, etc etc. Of course there are still things I miss a lot about Missouri though. I guess every place has its ups and downs :)

Glad you all liked the pictures, it was so dazzling this morning, just had to share!

01-28-2004, 01:45 AM
Gorgeous pictures! :eek:

I *LOVE* the trees!! I'm so jealous, all we have is cruddy palm trees with sand and bugs on em!:p