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01-25-2004, 04:44 PM
My three pet peeves for the day:

The pasta boxes...they put the coupon in the box with the pasta. So, when you go to dump the pasta into the boiling water, the coupon falls in there too.

The City of Modesto....every other bill I pay, the face side is the side that has the address. So if you put the stub in face up, the correct address will show through the envelope. The City of Modesto is opposite, you have to insert the stub backwards and upside down. Every freaking month I have to tear apart an already sealed envelope to fix my mistake. Will I ever learn?!

My husband calls me "Man." This is especially embarrassing in public. I'm in Costco today, and he goes "Hey, man...check this out..." I hate it!!!


01-25-2004, 05:02 PM
I don't know why this one bothers me, but guys who say "the wife". Why can't it be "my wife"?

When the VP of the company comes to work...I really don't like the man, and prefer it when he ison caction (which thankfully is about 6 months out of the year!!) Have you seen beer commerical, mister too much cologn wearer? It was made about him :)

01-25-2004, 05:08 PM

The way the air hostresses in the plane come and ask *Would you like some coughaaaaaay?* (that's how they say coffee!!! It sounds like they're going to choke! :o :o), in the strongest British accent, when I'm half asleep! :p No thank you...........I don't want any *coughaaaaaay*. LOL

01-25-2004, 05:13 PM
My main pet peeve is Instant messaging! My daughter only talks to her bofriend this way! they could "talk" for hours online but he refuses to call her! Once I made her leave the computer so I could get on, and she apparently told him she had to go... so a minute later this came across the screen "ok, bye babe"

Well, ya know I couldn't resist! I said, "Gee, I'm honored you feel that way about me! Bye babe too... love Heather's mom." Heee heee.

Come on! pick up the phone and have a half hour conversation instead of taking two hours to type that same thing!

01-25-2004, 05:13 PM
Originally posted by Cincy'sMom
I don't know why this one bothers me, but guys who say "the wife". Why can't it be "my wife"?

HAHAha! This made me *LOL* I had this conversation with Mark when we first started going out. If he wanted a "The Wife" then he could just go ahead and hire a maid. I was NOT and am not going to be a "The Wife". :D

01-25-2004, 05:14 PM
Originally posted by popcornbird

The way the air hostresses in the plane come and ask *Would you like some coughaaaaaay (that's how they say coffee!!! Its sounds like they're going to choke! :o :o), in the strongest British accent, when I'm half asleep! :p No thank you...........I don't want any *coughaaaaaay*. LOL

LOL!! I almost died cracking up when I read that! :D:D

01-25-2004, 05:17 PM
-imagestation being slow*** b/c I am trying to download pics right now!
-people at work and in general that think they know everything and that everything I do is wrong or not right or I am stupid. I am a reasonably intelligent person and I bet I know a lot of stuff they Don't know!
-when patients/visitors at work OBVIOUSLY don't know where hey are going, I try to give them directions they act Like I am the idiot. Hey, I KNOW where I am going.
-When I go to xray people and they are laying on the table with their right side towards me, if I reach out to touch their right side, I might have to xray their left side but to figger out 'landmarks' I have to touch their right side sometimes they say "Its the other one" usually I know that. Mistakes have happened and the wrong side has been xrayed when people don't speak up so I guess its a lose- lose situation.
-People that stand to close to me when I am in line. HELLO - you are INVADING my space!!!
all I can think of now

01-25-2004, 05:17 PM
Originally posted by GoldenRetrLuver
LOL!! I almost died cracking up when I read that! :D:D


Catnapper, I *love* instant messaging! :p I'd take it over talking on the phone any day! I only call one of my friends often. The rest, I IM. Its much more convenient, and I don't exactly feel like chatting on the phone all the time. I not much of a *talker*. My brother on the other hand talks on the phone so much, it sometimes gets on my nerves! Sometimes I feel like hiding his cell phone. :p Just kidding!

01-25-2004, 05:32 PM
Oh man...I have so many, it's hard to keep track of them all. :p

Let's see...I'll just fill you in on my biggest pet peeves. ;)
When people say something, the person they are talking to doesn't hear them the first time, and they just say "nevermind" instead of repeating themselves
Waking up in the middle of the night absolutely freezing...and finding Josh right next to me with all the covers
People in malls, hallways, sidewalks, etc. that walk slow and/or in a row that take up the entire hall/sidewalk/etc. and don't let you go around them
Extreme PDA

There are tons more...but I think you get the idea. ;) I'm pretty irritable...lol :p

01-25-2004, 05:33 PM
Originally posted by shais_mom
-imagestation being slow*** b/c I am trying to download pics right now!

So you are the one tying it up...it is taking forever to load my pictures :D

01-25-2004, 05:35 PM
Originally posted by Cincy'sMom
So you are the one tying it up...it is taking forever to load my pictures :D

No..........I think imagestation is mad at us PT'ers. They sent me an email that they're going to unactivate my account if I don't take my pics off of other websites. :eek: I guess we'll have to start using some other site to upload pics, but meanwhile........better delete my trip pics before I lose my account! :eek:

Cinder & Smoke
01-25-2004, 05:38 PM
Originally posted by Tonya
pet peeve ...
My husband calls me "Man."
This is especially embarrassing in public.
... he goes "Hey, man...check this out..." :mad:

Fight back...

Think up some "endearing term" for HIM...

When he calls you with "Hey MAN...";
Reply, in you loudest "stage voice", with someting like:

Be Right There, "___________"

"Honey Buns"
"Honey Bunny"
"HOT Buns"
"Tootsie Lamb"
"Sweetie Pie"
"Cutie Pie"

or :eek: "Your BOY Friend went over to housewares!"

You'll think of something... :rolleyes:

01-25-2004, 05:42 PM
lol Phred...thanks for the advice, I might use some of those for Josh. ;)

01-25-2004, 05:43 PM
I hate it when I am standing in line somewhere (at the grocery store, at the bank, wherever...) and I change lines because mine is not moving and the minute I get into another line my "old" line becomes the fast line and goes lickety split! :rolleyes:

01-25-2004, 06:06 PM
When people don't answer their call waiting, (I can understand if it is long distance, but come on if you are talking to someone next door or something atleast answer and say I'll call you back)!

When I call someones house their not home so I call their cell phone and you go directly to voice mail. Then that person calls you back from home and asks why you didn't try their cell phone.

When people leave cupboard doors open.

When you slip and fall on ice and people stand around and laugh at you.

When people follow me and around and wont stop talking, (I just want to tell them: I'M TRYING TO WORK LEAVE ME ALONE!!!!!!!!!!!)

When you call someone and they get a call on their cell phone so they answer it while they are still talking to you. :mad:

When men leave the toilet seat up!!!!!!! (That's my biggest one.)

I think I have a few to many issues.


01-25-2004, 06:16 PM
when I am talking to my friends on the phone, and instead of saying just a sec, and covering the phone they just start talking to someone else, and I have no idea if they are talking to me or someone else.

01-25-2004, 06:22 PM
Originally posted by Cinder & Smoke
Fight back...

Think up some "endearing term" for HIM...

When he calls you with "Hey MAN...";
Reply, in you loudest "stage voice", with someting like:

Be Right There, "___________"

"Honey Buns"
"Honey Bunny"
"HOT Buns"
"Tootsie Lamb"
"Sweetie Pie"
"Cutie Pie"

or :eek: "Your BOY Friend went over to housewares!"

You'll think of something... :rolleyes:

That's great!

"Your boyfriend went to housewares, can I help you?" hehe

01-25-2004, 06:26 PM
Originally posted by cali
when I am talking to my friends on the phone, and instead of saying just a sec, and covering the phone they just start talking to someone else, and I have no idea if they are talking to me or someone else.

Ooooh! That's a big one for me! I have a friend that does that.

Also, the #^@^&# earpieces on cell phones. I'll be standing there talking to a co-worker. And all of a sudeen, they're looking at me yet saying something totally odd and irrelevant. It takes me a few seconds to realize that they've answered a phone call on their earpiece in the middle of our conversation.

01-25-2004, 06:31 PM
People that spit in public (mostly men, but I've seen a woman or two do it)

Slow drivers in the fast lane

Drivers who don't park straight or take up two stalls

Able-bodied drivers who park in the handicapped stall

People who slam doors shut

Call-waiting....this has got to be the worst. I hate talking to someone on the phone and they say, "just hold a minute my other line is ringing". I always grunt "just call me back" and hang up.

People who talk and talk about nothing at all

Depressed drunks

People at work who don't wash their own dishes

When I go into a store in a shopping mall and I'm bombarded with sales people "Can I help you" "No thanks, just looking" then it happens a second and third time. I just walk out.

Dog walkers who don't pick up after the dogs

Human children, especially those that yell and scream and the Mom does nothing about it (no bad PM's please...I'm not the only one here)

People at work who do not respect a closed office door

That's about it for now. There are others, but I'll save room for the next person.

01-25-2004, 06:36 PM
There are alot, but Ican't think of them all now.

*When people call and they have nothing to say and you just sit there...and they're just like "watsup", "what are you doing" and they never wanna hang up! lol

*When people don't flush the toilet, lol, everyday at school, every single onel is never flushed:rolleyes:

*When people call you while they have another conversation with someone else while you just sit on the phone and listen

*People always staring at me:p

01-25-2004, 06:46 PM
OOOOH!! This is just my subject!

When my brother or anyone at school doesn't flush the toilets or leaves their... *ahem* private things IN the toilets at school.
People who stand in front of doors at school, or stand in large groups in front of the door... GET OUT OF THE WAY!
People that say "nuttin" instead of "nothing". GOD that bugs me...
*******STUPID PEOPLE********* Period. I HATE stupid people. Like big headed celebs.

I WILL be back with more... :D

01-25-2004, 06:52 PM
When people say one thing, but mean another.
When people accuse someone of something yet they're the exact same way (i.e. Hypocrites)
When people stop in the hallways during class changes at school. We have 4 minutes to get where we need to go, most classes are half way across the school from eachother. NO wonder why everyone's always tardy!
When people smoke in the school bathrooms, or anywhere period.
When a teacher calls home. IMO they have no right to.
When people get angry when they're driving. Especially when they start yelling or mumbling something, HELOO!? I'm the only other one in the car you idiot, they can't hear you so SHUT UP!

I'm sure I'll be back!:p

01-25-2004, 06:56 PM
Every morning...first thing out of Jaden's mouth...Before he's even awake..."MOOOOM, I waaaant some breakfaaaast." in the whiniest voice. argh...Let me wake up!

01-25-2004, 07:02 PM
Originally posted by Tonya
Every morning...first thing out of Jaden's mouth...Before he's even awake..."MOOOOM, I waaaant some breakfaaaast." in the whiniest voice. argh...Let me wake up!


I feel sorry for his future wife! :p :p

01-25-2004, 07:05 PM
Kayann, I remember when he was about 13 months old...He was a very pudgy baby...always been a big eater...He used to crawl into his highchair in the kitchen at 3 am in the dark...and go "Mamaaaaaa babaaaaaa!" I'd be up in the middle of the night feeding him.

Now, I just get mad. I lay in bed and yell "You aren't going to die if you wait another hour!!!!!!" I think he's starting to get the hint. lol. But he still does it! It's like a habit...because he'll say it, and then remember that he can now get his own self breakfast. He'll go off to the kitchen and pour a bowl of cereal.

01-25-2004, 07:08 PM
Oh! I thought of another one...I work on telephone lines. At least twice a week, some pervert comes up and goes "Hey, baby...wanna come to my house and fix my phones?" Then he high fives his friends and thinks he's brilliant for thinking of this pickup line.

Or"...Hey, baby...my power is out, can you come fix it?" "...Nope, I'm the phone company."

01-25-2004, 07:13 PM
Lmao.. Guys are so stupid. :rolleyes:

Miss Meow
01-25-2004, 07:46 PM
The troll at the library yesterday. I had an armful of books, the place is about to shut, and she asked if I had been informed about the fine for a damaged book from a month ago. Noooooo, obviously no one had informed me or I'd have paid the fine or left town, instead of spending the last half hour carefully selecting books :mad:

There are a million people jammed up behind me while we inspect said damaged book (looks like Siamese cat teeth so I admit liability) but there's no way on earth I'm paying $24 on the spot if that bunch of losers hasn't sent me a letter or invoice. I'll pay when I cool off, thank you, bye bye.


And the post office trolls, too. A parcel didn't arrive, so I rang the central number to get the phone number of the local post office. They asked why I wanted it :confused: Because my parcel is two weeks late and I want to see if it's being held for some reason. Well, I'm not giving you their number because they're not authorised to tell you if you have a parcel or not. :mad: Forget it, I'll burn some petrol and drive over. Thanks, bye bye to you too.

01-25-2004, 07:57 PM
Originally posted by Miss Meow
The troll at the library yesterday.....And the post office trolls, too.

Hmmm....Troll...I like that word. I think I'll add it to my vocabulary. :d

01-25-2004, 08:04 PM
*When people call you while they have another conversation with someone else while you just sit on the phone and listen

I was gonna say that!!! That irritates the HELL outta me!! You call me to talk to me, then TALK TO ME!!!! :mad: :mad:

People who come through my line at Bed, Bath & Beyond while on cellphones!!! :mad: :mad: Tell them you'll call them back!!!

Litterbugs!! I absolutely HATE people who throw their trash out their car windows. Why do ya think MY car is so filled with junk??? Put a damn bag in your car and throw your trash in THAT!! :mad: :mad:

Stupid STUPID people who don't spay/neuter their pets then wonder WHY they're pregnant!!

People who REFUSE to spay/neuter their pets because "they'll NEVER escape" so why bother???

I think that's a start. I could go on and on, but I'm sure someone else will come along and cover what I missed!!

Aspen and Misty
01-25-2004, 08:15 PM
Turn signals. When I'm in the car with my dad and he turns to go into the other lane and leaves the turn signal on and it goes tick;tick;tick;tick UGGH!! ::pulls hair out:: or when someone else who is like in front of me on the road or something leaves there turn signal on! I just want to make a sign that says Turn your turn signal off! The women who drives me home from school leaves her turn signal on EVERY time she makes a turn and will leave it on for like a min, I wanna reach over and turn it off.


01-25-2004, 08:20 PM
I HATE it when people assume things about me. Like for example I had to go to the doctor for this coughing problem I have, and she asked if I smoke, and I said, "No, never smoked in my life, I don't do any of those sort of things", and then she was like: "Psh, yeah right" That makes me SOOO MAD!!:mad: because I DON'T!! I'm not like those stupid teens who go out and get drunk and stuff. I sit at home on my computer, listening to music, and talk about my pets on the different forums I go to LOL! :rolleyes:

I hate it when people don't close the door when they go to the bathroom. -.-' That's just sick.

I hate it when people try to be someone they're not.

I hate it when people disrespect me. I don't like it when they say mean things about me or my family/friends.

I hate it when people ask stupid questions. Like at school, I have these two friends that are soo annoying! Once I had this book out, and one of them was like, "Why do you have your Econ book? Is that your Economics book?" Omg lol obviously yes -.-'

I have other pet peeves but I can't come up with any more right now. :)


About that instant messaging thing... I personally would rather talk to someone over IM than phone because I don't always know what to say on the phone, but online it's easier to multi-task for me and come up with things to say and stuff. Otherwise, there would be like 5 minutes of silence on the phone after every sentence or something LOL

01-25-2004, 08:22 PM
Originally posted by BCBlondie
I hate it when people don't close the door when they go to the bathroom. -.-' That's just sick.

I used to work with a woman who'd always come out of the stall with her pants undone. She'd wash her hands and chat with you before she'd pull her pants all the way up and button them. Drove me nuts!

I once asked her about it and her response was "Ewww, I'm not touching my pants until my hands are clean...I just went to the bathroom..."

Well, I really don't want to see your panties...make a sacrifice. lol.

Miss Meow
01-25-2004, 08:31 PM
My new one is (I'd better not call them trolls, Tonya!!! ;)) bozos who ask how old Buffy is, and then ask when I'm going to breed with her. Um, I believe *never* is the response you're getting to that question, thank you, bye bye.

Oooh yeah, handwashing. The last company I worked with supplied lunch for staff and students, and we had one employee who didn't wash her hands after using the toilet. I became so vigilant in getting to the lunch queue before her, ewwwwww!

01-25-2004, 08:35 PM
my pet peeves are:

stinky rat cage

messy room

eye lash in eye

anything in my eye

hair in my mouth

dog hair on my black cloths

tikeya whining really high pitched

having no money and wanted to buy food

touching sticky things

having my hands feel clamy

lol i have alot of pet peeves

01-25-2004, 08:42 PM
I have a *few* :p

People who talk to me (not IM's) while I'm on the computer! Seriously, if you tell me to do something I'll just say "Okay..." and forget about it a few minutes later. :o:p

People who are 3 feet away from the phone, but they ask ***ME*** to pick it up. Lazy people! :rolleyes:

Slow drivers.

Kids. (Nothing personal...I just don't like them, nor will I ever have any...the 2 legged kind! :p)

People who make out at school. I mean, come on! Nobody wants to see that. Get a room! :rolleyes:

People who don't do any work, and complain to the teacher why they're failing. Uhh...isn't it obvious?!?

"Flacky" people. If you say you're going to do something...DO IT.

People who call you, and don't have anything to say. Then why call?

I'm sure I'll be back. ;)

01-26-2004, 01:19 AM
Originally posted by GoldenRetrLuver

People who talk to me (not IM's) while I'm on the computer! Seriously, if you tell me to do something I'll just say "Okay..." and forget about it a few minutes later. :o:p

You have no idea how many times my mom told me to do stuff while I was on the computer, and I completely forgot. :o

Just this morning, I was talking to ***YOU*** (so the blame goes to you he he he :p), and my mom told me to go downstairs and turn the stove off. I told her *in a minute*, and 2 seconds later, completely forgot! :eek: 5 minutes later, my mom asked *Did you turn off the stove?* OOOOOOPS!!! LOL! I ran down, switched it off, and ran back up. Luckily, the food did not burn. :p

01-26-2004, 05:10 PM
Here's some more:p

*Immature people--like this "friend" I have, whenever she touches a guy or anything like that, she comes up to you and wipes her hand on you:rolleyes: :rolleyes: :rolleyes:

*Little kids- Some always stare at me for like 10 minutes just sitting there, it just annoys me.

*Some people who always use my stuff at school without asking. For example, pens...everyone comes to ME for pens. Everyday it would be the same person, why don't they just buy their own pens! Geez...

*People watching my convos on msn...I mean family members

*People in the same room when I'm talking on the phone

*My parents talking to me WHILE I'm saying something with someone on the phone...how do they expect me to answer right away?

I'll probably be back:p

01-26-2004, 05:23 PM
Originally posted by GoldenRetrLuver
"Flacky" people. If you say you're going to do something...DO IT.
I agree. I hate people that are "wishy-washy". Make up your mind. Either you do or you don't.

Another one of mine: verbal diarrhea. Get to the point!!

Miss Meow
01-26-2004, 09:11 PM
I am furious at whoever's been at my Powerpoint presentation and put those awful, hideous transitions and noises to introduce every single bullet point. ARGHHHHHHH I removed them all because I hate stupid little gimmicks! :mad:

01-26-2004, 09:54 PM
I used to work with a woman who'd always come out of the stall with her pants undone. She'd wash her hands and chat with you before she'd pull her pants all the way up and button them. Drove me nuts!

LOL!!! How sick!! :p

Kids. (Nothing personal...I just don't like them, nor will I ever have any...the 2 legged kind! )

Yup! They're not exactly a PET PEEVE of mine, but I hate them! Haha...well most of them.. I always liked my sister (and still do! She's the best sis ever! :D ), but I'd never have kids of my own... I don't have enough patience for years of screaming/crying, etc... O_O

01-26-2004, 10:22 PM
about the bathroom one--I always shut the door, but not tight, and one of my dogs always bumps it open:o However, this is only in my own home, and obviously not ever when company is over!!!!

My pet peeves:

*people who don't clean up after their dogs

*the kids in my neighborhood who insist on ringing the doorbell at my house--I have asked them nicely to please not ring my doorbell when they are selling dandelions--my dogs get soooo worked up, and it's worthless

*I don't even want to begin to my work pet peeves--working with the public really brings a lot of them out, but I hate people who are miserable all the time--stay home!!!!!

*People who won't change one little thing for the better, just because it's been done the same way for the past 6 years

*slow drivers

*people who don't use turn signals (the cops here NEVER do, it drives me nuts)

*yellow cars

I'm sure there are a ton more, I'm just having trouble thinking of them right now:)

Ally Cat's Mommy
01-27-2004, 02:02 AM
At the moment I am REALLY annoyed with people who abuse / take for granted my hospitality.

We live in Bahrain, all my hubby's colleagues live in Saudi (45 minute drive), but in Bahrain...
- you can DRINK alchohol
- women can drive
and women don't have to wear an Abaya (black robe thingy)


Occasionally I would invite his co-workers for a BBQ or lunch, and put on a nice spread for them. Of course we always have a good stock of beer and wine etc (which is NOT cheap here)....Now they are just inviting themselves - at least three times a month - they will just say to my hubby "Oh we're coming to Bahrain this weekend - we'll pop in and see you" - except the "invasion" is always around a mealtime, and being a very houseproud hostess I always go out of my way to make a nice meal for them.

The latest thing now is that one particular family have started SLEEPING OVER - with their 3 kids - all under 8:eek:

I really just want a weekend with no visitors!!! I even missed the charity bike rally last Friday, as they hadn't left by 11 am, so I couldn't go:(

01-27-2004, 02:20 AM
Call waiting infuritates me, like others have said, if you are talking to me, hell the other person can wait their turn, makes one feel what you have to say is not that important, like if you are halfway through a comment, and they say oh hang on just got to answer a call coming in, ARRGH!!! GRRR!!! I just feel like hanging up,especially if they take a long time to come back to you, and text messaging bothers me too somewhat, my sister is addicted to it, she is forever on the dam phone texting, sometimes silly little messages,like her kids will text her Whats for Dinner? sorry sis love ya to death, but this does bug me when I am with you, we have such little time together as it is.

Another peeve is when visitors use your toilet, leaving it smelling not like roses, neglect to use the toilet spray or close the door, and my hallway and whole house reeks, no thank you.

I hate it when people are not punctual,and are always late for an event or to pick you up or whatever.

Another peeve is when you see something advertised in a brochure, go to get it, and they say oh sorry its not in the store just yet, GRRR!!!, and I have just wasted my precious time making a special trip to get it. GRRR!!

01-27-2004, 08:01 AM
Originally posted by Ally Cat's Mommy
At the moment I am REALLY annoyed with people who abuse / take for granted my hospitality.

We live in Bahrain, all my hubby's colleagues live in Saudi (45 minute drive), but in Bahrain...
- you can DRINK alchohol
- women can drive
and women don't have to wear an Abaya (black robe thingy)


Occasionally I would invite his co-workers for a BBQ or lunch, and put on a nice spread for them. Of course we always have a good stock of beer and wine etc (which is NOT cheap here)....Now they are just inviting themselves - at least three times a month - they will just say to my hubby "Oh we're coming to Bahrain this weekend - we'll pop in and see you" - except the "invasion" is always around a mealtime, and being a very houseproud hostess I always go out of my way to make a nice meal for them.

The latest thing now is that one particular family have started SLEEPING OVER - with their 3 kids - all under 8:eek:

I really just want a weekend with no visitors!!! I even missed the charity bike rally last Friday, as they hadn't left by 11 am, so I couldn't go:(

Oh, That's drive me nuts, Aly! Thank God I live in a boring hick town. lol. I don't know why, but I'm not a huge fan of entertaining. I'd much rather be entertained. lol.

01-27-2004, 10:43 AM
Hmmmm some of mine are:

*My FACS (family and consumer science *aka* home ec) teacher, everyones hates her and she just doesn't know when to shut up!

*Flies and other bugs

*When I go over to someone's house and they smoke while I'm there in the same room, especially when they know that smoke bothers me a lot, and I have trouble being around it.

*When my locker gets jammed:rolleyes: :p (it happened 3 times in one day about a week ago)

And there are plenty of others, I just can't think of them;)

01-27-2004, 10:53 AM
* A group of people in a store that spread out across in front of you and then stop or walk REALLY slow... When I'm shopping I'm a "get in and get out" type and I hate it when people take up the whole aisle and won't let me by!

* People who always have some illness or pain and give you a full report about it everytime you see them.

* People who are ALWAYS negative, and just never have a happy word to say ever! Constant complainers.

* Rude people at the movie theater who won't shut up during the movie and rattle their candy wrappers constantly or crack their knuckles :rolleyes:

* Trying to argue with a man. Of course he's ALWAYS right :p

01-27-2004, 06:49 PM
Originally posted by K9soul
* Rude people at the movie theater who crack their knuckles :rolleyes:

That would be me. :o It's just a habit of mine...it's nothing intentional, I promise. :p

01-27-2004, 07:15 PM
hmm... probably I can think of tons... haha...

I tried to brush my teeth at work when no one is using the bathroom... but I H-A-T-E it when you know I am brushing my teeth, WHYYYYYYYYYYYY do you want to talk to me????????

When my sis done eating and there are left over on the plate, instead of rinsing it and put it in the sink (not even asking her to do her own #@$ dishes), just put the plate with leftover and or bones in it.

Same with pops. Instead of emptying the pop in the sink and throw away the cup...THE ENTIRE CUP ALONG WITH POP IN THE SINK?

Ok, I think I should stop now before my blood pressure rises too much... I will be back though. ;)

01-27-2004, 07:17 PM
Ok, I am back. haha...

how about instead of stuffing more trash in the garbage can (it will overflow and be on the floor no matter HOW HARD you push), TAKE THE TRASH OUT????????????

Ok, that's it for now.

01-27-2004, 07:18 PM
Bosses who ignore the signs of a faltering system, until it crashes.

People who decide to leave a job and do not train the person that takes their place.

People that walk by an item that has fallen off a shelf in a store.

People that flick ciggie butts on the freeway.

Dudes that work out and wear their shirts 4 sizes too small.

People that stop in the middle of the aisle of the supermarket to make a conference call regarding breakfast cereal.

People who "foul" the air in an elevator.

People selling crap for their kids at work......instead of, "can you help my kid out...." its, " I know you'll buy some......."
Since you know I am going to say "NO" ....why ask???

People who cannot sit in a waiting room without setting out a
laptop, cell phone, lunch and all kinds of paper work, just to have a LOUD conversation while they play 'pong' and eat.....five minutes later the receptionist calls them and waits a the door for 15 minutes while they pack up the traveling circus.

01-27-2004, 07:25 PM
People who suck on hard candy/lifesavers loudly, making a disgusting noise while carrying on a conversation.

People who "foul" the air in an elevator.


Are you talking about fouling the air in an elevator by their body odor??? Or other crevices??? :eek: :eek:

01-27-2004, 08:36 PM
Washing my hands in ice cold water in the middle of winter because for the 5th year in a row, the office doesn't want to spring for a hot water heater for our bathroom.

People who don't flush in public bathrooms.

Women who just have to "hover" over the seat in the public bathrooms. Alot of them don't clean the seat afterwards.

Husband always leaves food wrappers sitting on the counter.

Husband gets mad when Bailey tears up his hats...Hello, you know she does this, put it up high on the bookshelf where she can't reach. He's gone thru 7 hats in less than a year.

People in a fight who try to win the fight by repeating themselves 12 times in a row.

01-27-2004, 08:43 PM
Originally posted by RICHARD
People who "foul" the air in an elevator.
EWWWWW, at least him/her could have waited until the office meeting :eek: :eek:

guster girl
01-27-2004, 08:58 PM
Originally posted by Aspen and Misty
Turn signals. When I'm in the car with my dad and he turns to go into the other lane and leaves the turn signal on and it goes tick;tick;tick;tick UGGH!! ::pulls hair out:: or when someone else who is like in front of me on the road or something leaves there turn signal on! I just want to make a sign that says Turn your turn signal off! The women who drives me home from school leaves her turn signal on EVERY time she makes a turn and will leave it on for like a min, I wanna reach over and turn it off.


That has to be one of my biggest pet peeves on the road, as well. I hate when people don't use their turn signal and wonder why no one is letting them over. But, it's almost worse when someone's left their's on. Ugh. I've driven by people and gotten in front of them with my turn signal on just to see if it gets their attention. I don't know if it has or not, though. :)

01-27-2004, 08:59 PM
Originally posted by GoldenRetrLuver
That would be me. :o It's just a habit of mine...it's nothing intentional, I promise. :p

Hehe, actually what made me bring up the knuckles bit was when I saw the last Lord of the Rings movie, this guy was sitting next to me, and right in the intense quiet scenes... *pop* *pop* *pop*... and he just kept doing it... I wanted to belt him LOL.

If someone just does it once or twice I probably wouldn't think much of it :D

01-27-2004, 09:03 PM
Originally posted by Sevens
Husband gets mad when Bailey tears up his hats...Hello, you know she does this, put it up high on the bookshelf where she can't reach. He's gone thru 7 hats in less than a year.

LOL That sounds like something my husband would do. Mine leaves the kitchen trash out instead of putting it back in the cupboard under the sink, and then gets mad when the dogs get into the trash. It's like "Hello... most dogs will get into the trash if it's left out there like an invitation!"

01-27-2004, 10:29 PM
People with their radio cell phones at the stores...Do I need to know that Joe is in jail or that Jill is sleeping with Bob, while I'm shopping. Take it off radio and use it as a phone! And if you have to shout at them to talk...........Go outside! Just last week I had a girl in front of me and 1 in back of me in line, both shouting on their nextell's. I learned way more then I needed to know! :eek:

People that always assume the worse before the best. Why is it so much easier to find, the bad in people then the good? And then say they are your friends.

I hate when friends call and leave a message to "call them when I get in", then 4 or 5 more calls, finally a message "Why haven't you called me back" :rolleyes: WHY? Because I haven't gotton in yet to get the first message. If I haven't called you'd think they figure out that I'm not home yet and ringing my phone off the hook is not going to make me get back any faster. My x-brother-in-law left 20 messages out of 32 calls, for me one day and got more anger after each call. I was out of town, what did he think I had ESP and knew he was calling!!

01-27-2004, 11:15 PM
My two biggest pet peeves are over weight dogs and dogs with really long nails. I see this every day at work and it never fails to make me angry. How can someone do that to their dog???

Also to go along with that is owners who will not admit their dog is overweight and don't think they need to do anything about their "chubby" dogs. Sorry people your dog isn't chubby it's obese!!!

01-28-2004, 12:33 AM
When people ask for advice, then get pissed/angry when they don't agree with the advice given.
When people lie CONSTANTLY.
Bad pet owners.
People who 'brag' about their animals getting hurt because "it's funny", to them.
When people say things aobut animals being hurt, when they know it upsets me.

01-28-2004, 11:46 AM
Originally posted by moosmom


Are you talking about fouling the air in an elevator by their body odor??? Or other crevices??? :eek: :eek:

I was just talking...;)


Any kind of air pollution.....

Yesterday I got on the elevator with my breakfast and almost died.....Someone needed to adjust their diet.


I almost forgot.

People who make a huge showing of having the latest technology at a meeting....

It's always a 15-20 minute presentation that takes away from the topic at hand. At the next meeting there are 5 people in the corner trying to figure out a feature on their photo taking-cell phone-PDA that can link up with the Tivo at home so the can record the TV show that they forgot to program last night.

Did I mention that they raided the second quarter office budget to get their toy???

01-28-2004, 11:55 AM
Originally posted by RICHARD

People who cannot sit in a waiting room without setting out a
laptop, cell phone, lunch and all kinds of paper work, just to have a LOUD conversation while they play 'pong' and eat.....five minutes later the receptionist calls them and waits a the door for 15 minutes while they pack up the traveling circus.

I hear ya Richard! We had a patient in the waiting room once who sat and clipped his nails. It was awful. Nails flying here, there and everywhere!

Also we have a sign in the waiting room right over the trash can. It says "No Food or Drink." What do we find in the trash each night under this sign.....? Soda bottles, candy wrappers, remains of food, etc. Oh well, I work for an ophthalmologist so many their vision is really bad. :p :p

01-28-2004, 12:00 PM
Originally posted by Pam
I hear ya Richard! We had a patient in the waiting room once who sat and clipped his nails. It was awful. Nails flying here, there and everywhere!


Maybe that is the right place to do it.

"Hey you can put an eye out that way....";)

01-28-2004, 12:03 PM
I have 2 that really really bug me ! people who say um after every 2nd or 3rd word. ( lots of Jocks) But the one that bugs me the most people wearing sandles that don't pick their feet up and scuff their feet . when I worked at the mall it was VERY annoying.

01-28-2004, 12:21 PM
Here's one:

*When I'm on msn and the same person keeps on signing in about 10 times in a row. Its so annoying, because that little box pops up too.

01-28-2004, 02:48 PM
People that clip their fingernails in public and let the "remnants" drop all over the place.:eek: EWWWWWW

01-28-2004, 02:59 PM
I've got a lot. :o Sorry if these applies to anyone but it reeeaaally gets to me.

* I can't stand it when people walk slowly and are in front of me. It bugs me sooo much because I'm generally a fast walker so to have this slow person in front of you is really aggravating for me.
* Don't even talk about racism or breedism around me :rolleyes:

* Inconsiderate people

* Liars

* Two faced people

* Shallow and conceited people

* Girls that are screechy and shrieky (these girls in my class, "Oh yeah and she was with this hot guy! Eeeeeeeee!" God help me :rolleyes:
* People who constantly talk during a movie

* Couples who make out in the hall or locker area

* Parents who have their children running around public places and not seem to care

* Judgemental people

Load more, lol :p

01-28-2004, 05:26 PM
*People who don't spay or neuter their pets That really PISSES ME OFF!!:mad: :mad:

*yellow cars

*people who BLAST their music while they are driving

* when my sister locks her door for no appenert reason

* Inconsiderate people

* spam mail

* pop-ups

*Bad pet owners

* People who don't clean up after their dogs

I'm sure that I'll be back!;)

guster girl
01-28-2004, 06:42 PM
Hey, I have tons of pet peeves, and, have to remind myself of this saying all the time to keep from tearing my hair out. :) "Don't sweat the small stuff....and, it's all small stuff." There's a small book by Richard Carlson, PH.D., and, it's a book I've read multiple times. I keep one at my desk and one at home. I read a little from it every day to keep the perspective. :) I love this thread, though, it's cracking me up. But, just to throw something out there, I wanted to say that. :)

But, since we are on the subject, I think some of my biggest pet peeves would be.....

- people who don't spay/neuter (it's taking his manhood!)..gag

- seeing really small kids at really loud concerts or events with
loud fireworks (ouch on the ears!!)

- people who say "But, I actually drive better when I'm drunk"

- stereotyping/hypocrisy/racism/bigotry, etc

- people with no sense of humor

- thong underwear intentionally showing above pants

- reality shows

- feminine product commercials (do any women EVER actually ask
ANY other women if they've ever had "that not-so-fresh

And, that's all folks. For now, anyway.... :)

But, remember.....(I'm saying this to myself, as well!)...don't sweat the small stuff!


01-28-2004, 06:50 PM
Originally posted by guster girl

- thong underwear intentionally showing above pants

- feminine product commercials (do any women EVER actually ask
ANY other women if they've ever had "that not-so-fresh


I almost forgot.....I just got on the freeway on Monday and was surprised as a black pair of thong underwear passed me by......

About 75 miles an hour.

On a Harley.

On the dude driving the bike.....

I did a triple take and HAD to catch up JUST TO MAKE SURE.......

Yep, I hate to see exposed thongs on big burly biker dudes....

No so fresh????

Isn't that what women talk about when they excuse themselves from the table and head toward the bathroom in a pack???

01-28-2004, 07:01 PM
Since I don't have a car (yet), this is my peeve...

Taxi cab drivers with personal cell phones, which they answer....Umm hey your driving me??

01-28-2004, 07:28 PM
Ok I have a couple of things right off of the top of my head.. I'll be back.;) :p

When friends hold hands... Something just bothers the crap out of me when I see girls doing that..

When people in my barrel racing class just throw down their sadles so the cowhands can do it, instead of getting off of their lazy butt and doing it their selves.

When we get home from the grocery store, and my brothers will not come out to help unload and they leave it for the girls to do while they sit and watch tv.

In class, when one or two read aloud when everyone else is reading silently.. That drives me crazy..

Guys that just like you if you are pretty, and don't care about who you are inside.. and girls that constantly look in the mirror every 5 seconds, and make fun of the geekier people.

Ok.. that's enough for now.
;) I'll be back.:D

01-28-2004, 07:54 PM
Hmm some of you are making me think of more. Liana, I'm like you about being more of a fast walker, and getting annoyed being stuck behind slow people :p

Attention-seeking types. You know those people who just always need to have attention, whether it's good or bad, and will do anything to stay in the spotlight so to speak.

Dishonesty/two-faced people. This is how I see it: If you don't like me, don't act like you do. You don't have to be blatantly mean or rude, but also don't pretend to be my best friend and then talk about how you hate my guts behind my back. This was the worst when I was in high school, but still happened easily at work (when I worked away from home). Happened a lot at my last job, the receptionist acted like she was everyone's closest friend, always understanding and always so interested in anything you had to say... and then later find out she's yapping behind your back with someone else about how awful you are. There's always someone like that it seems like, and it just makes me sick.

I'm down to earth, say what I feel, but also try my best to be tactful and compassionate too. I get no satisfaction from deliberately hurting anyone, even if I don't particularly like them.

guster girl
01-28-2004, 08:53 PM
Ok, first of all. I totally agree with k9soul's comments about "dishonesty/two-faced people". I'm exactly the same way. If I don't like you, you're probably going to know it. I don't go out of my way to be nasty or anything, but, i also try to avoid faking how I feel. There is a girl I work with that is exactly like the receptionist you were referring to. I'd rather have someone tell me to my face that they don't like me and to leave me alone after that than be fake.

And, for Richard.....Here goes. I've only been on this message board for a couple weeks, but, I love your posts. And, I was reading the last few posts in this thread and got to yours, but, I didn't see who's it was. I'm reading it, thinking...this has to be that guy, Richard. So, I looked, and, sure enough! It was you! You make me laugh. :) thanks!

guster girl
01-28-2004, 08:59 PM
Originally posted by RICHARD

No so fresh????

Isn't that what women talk about when they excuse themselves from the table and head toward the bathroom in a pack??? [/B]

And, actually, no. What we talk about is strictly confidential. ;)

01-28-2004, 09:06 PM
Originally posted by *LabLoverKEB*
* Inconsiderate people

I am laughing because I read this a little too quickly and thought it said *incontinent people.* LOL! :D Well, that would be a pet peeve of mine too I guess if I ever met one. :o :D

01-28-2004, 09:12 PM
Originally posted by Pam
I am laughing because I read this a little too quickly and thought it said *incontinent people.* LOL!

OMG! LOL!!! I just busted out laughing when I read that Pam. Though I think it'd be more of a peeve to be the incontinent one :o

01-28-2004, 10:06 PM
Originally posted by guster girl
- thong underwear intentionally showing above pants


I was just in a grocery store the other day. This hmmmm....think of a nice word...... girl....had low riding sweat pants, and her gstrings were pulled up as high as they could possibly be. OMG, I never wanted to knock the crap out of someone for no apparent reason so bad!

guster girl
01-28-2004, 10:34 PM
Originally posted by Tonya
I was just in a grocery store the other day. This hmmmm....think of a nice word...... girl....had low riding sweat pants, and her gstrings were pulled up as high as they could possibly be. OMG, I never wanted to knock the crap out of someone for no apparent reason so bad!

I know what you mean. I can stand it when it's someone on stage or something like that, and, it's actually the outfit made to look like the side straps are showing of the panties.... (I hope I'm describing that correctly, I know what I'm TRYING to say!). But, when it's quite obviously a pair of thong underwear and you can see the back strap (the thong), that just bothers me. I've recently seen it all the time! I go out with my eighteen-year-old niece to clubs or whatever, and, it's become a trend among girls her age and younger. It's so unattractive. Isn't the whole point of thongs to NOT HAVE A PANTY LINE?!!? I'm terribly confused. ha ha ha. Although, it does give me something to laugh about, cuz sometimes it's pretty funny. I mean, I've seen it where the panties are so crumpled up over the jeans, like if they were to pull the panties tight up, they'd come up to their chest. It's just retarded.

01-29-2004, 02:50 PM
major peeves

right here right now....

these have just happened in the last four hours, all done by doctors.....

This morning in the cafeteria, a doctor sticks his hand under the sneeze guard and starts to sample the potatos.....he then uses the scoop to make sure he cleans out the tray.....
I was in line behind a doctor who has a Dim Sum
tray in his hands.....you get two Dim Sum, pot stickers and eggrolls.....He proceeds to eat everything, crumbles up the paper tray, picks up a napkin and walks out without paying!!!

(two weeks ago they cut our employee discount due to budget cutbacks)
On the way back to my office I see a doctor walk out of the post op area with a carton of juice-the juice is for the children when they get out of surgery and want a drink.....

I used to feel sorry for the work that doctor's have to do, but now I am not so sympathetic....

01-29-2004, 03:13 PM
When people think they know about MY animals, no matter what I say they somehow think in their tiny minds that they're correct.

01-29-2004, 04:13 PM
Oh! Another one. When girls wear low rise jeans, but their underwear are not lowrise. They've got freakin granny underwear showing out the back. I suppose it's better then the occasional butt crack views those dang low rise pants give.

01-29-2004, 04:17 PM
Originally posted by Tonya
Oh! Another one. When girls wear low rise jeans, but their underwear are not lowrise. They've got freakin granny underwear showing out the back. I suppose it's better then the occasional butt crack views those dang low rise pants give.

LMAO!:D I know what you mean, a girl in my class is like that, her underwear is always sticking out alot:p

01-29-2004, 04:23 PM
Tonya that is terrible, but guess what? My hubby bought me "granny underwear" for Christmas! I realize I am a granny, but I don't like granny underwear. So I finally told him, hey hubby you know you bought me granny underwear? Are you trying to tell me something?

I suppose that would be a pet peeve! And don't say a word Richard about my granny underwear!! I can't help it!;)

01-29-2004, 04:28 PM

There is nothing wrong with granny underwear...just don't wear low rise pants with them! lol.


Don't you just want to tuck them in for her? lol. Kinda like when someone's tag is sticking out.

01-29-2004, 04:32 PM
Originally posted by trayi52
Tonya that is terrible, but guess what? My hubby bought me "granny underwear" for Christmas! I realize I am a granny, but I don't like granny underwear. So I finally told him, hey hubby you know you bought me granny underwear? Are you trying to tell me something?

I suppose that would be a pet peeve! And don't say a word Richard about my granny underwear!! I can't help it!;)
Hey, there's nothing wrong with Granny Underwear or Granny Bras for that matter. At least there's some material there "hold it all in";) ;) When I was younger I tried those skimpy little things, but somehow I still felt nikked under my skirt.

Another story: Every Christmas for years, my Granny used to find a special package under the tree for her from the postman. It would always contain a pair of "panties" (can I say that here??) that were bought at the local XXX store. They were always red and very skimpy. It was the family joke for years and I always knew it was my Dad that purchased them. One year we put them on the family dog and took a picture. Poor Hooper was never the same after that.:D :D

01-29-2004, 04:46 PM
But I want to wear low rise pants or whatever you call them!;) , Oh by the way, I burnt my bras years ago, haven't replaced them yet.........:p ;)

01-29-2004, 05:07 PM
1. People who talk on cell phones in public places, like restaurants, doctor's waiting rooms and the checkout line of a grocery store, and feel the have to SHOUT into the phone, talking about three times as loud as everyone else in the area. And of course, they can't make it a short conversation, oh no ... they have to discuss the entire latest Jerry Springer show in minute detail for fifteen minutes.

2. People who drive giant, gas-guzzling SUV's that never seen any rougher terrain than the Walmart parking lot, and then are so clueless as to plaster the bumper of the 12 mpg beast with bumper stickers saying, "Keep the Earth Green!" or "No War for Oil!" Hello.

3. People who do not control their children in public places, allowing them to scream, spit, throw fits, lean over the back of the booth in a restaurant where you are sitting, etc. Take it home.

4. People are are practically deaf, and still use the telephone. They call to make an appointment at my business, and cannot hear a single word I say. I SHOUT as loud as I can, and they just keep saying, "What?" Then, of course, it is MY fault that they can't hear, and they are angry with me. Just have someone that can hear call, please.

5. People that are very overweight who dress like Brittany Spears. Honestly, do these people think that is attractive? Do they not have mirrors at home? I saw a women in KFC the other day, she had to be at least 30 years old and at LEAST 300 pounds, I'm not kidding. And what was she wearing ... low rise, skin tight pants with her underwear showing, and a tiny, tight shirt ... with a giant, HUGE roll of stomach and hip fat squished in between. Oh, my.

01-29-2004, 05:46 PM
People that are very overweight who dress like Brittany Spears. Honestly, do these people think that is attractive? Do they not have mirrors at home? I saw a women in KFC the other day, she had to be at least 30 years old and at LEAST 300 pounds, I'm not kidding. And what was she wearing ... low rise, skin tight pants with her underwear showing, and a tiny, tight shirt ... with a giant, HUGE roll of stomach and hip fat squished in between. Oh, my.

Haha!! :eek: :D :o :p :D I busted out laughign when I saw this!! Lol, oh my. :D

01-29-2004, 05:52 PM
People who dress like Britney Spears -- period! :eek:

01-29-2004, 05:57 PM
Originally posted by Kfamr
People who dress like Britney Spears -- period! :eek:

Then you don't like me. :( Haha, just kidding. :p

01-29-2004, 10:13 PM
LOL, Julie!

I don't like the way Britney dresses AT ALL!

01-29-2004, 10:42 PM
Oh, here is one! Tonight, in the parking lot of a store. A boy that was about 6-8 years old was ripping his mother a new arsehole. He was screaming at her at the top of his lungs. Calling her all kinds of stuff. I could hear him as loud as can be from all the way across the lot. Mom was just saying something to him in a quiet voice while he was going off! It seemed obvious to me that this kid must witness his father yelling at his mother that way. Oh, and BTW, I was behind in line with the family minutes before, the mom had told him that he couldn't have this stupid candy, so I believe that is what the argument was about.

I wanted to walk over there and knock the crap out of that kid for talking to his mother that way. And then, perhaps knock the crap out of the mother for allowing that.

01-29-2004, 11:51 PM
Originally posted by Tonya
I wanted to walk over there and knock the crap out of that kid for talking to his mother that way. And then, perhaps knock the crap out of the mother for allowing that.

Oh, I know it! I cannot stand that. I have to leave. My kid's head would be rolling across the parking lot, let me tell you! ;)

My husband calls me "Man." This is especially embarrassing in public. I'm in Costco today, and he goes "Hey, man...check this out..." I hate it!!!

My son calls me "Dude" sometimes .. only because he and all his friends say is constantly. I just crack up. He get embarrassed. Too funny.

I don't know why this one bothers me, but guys who say "the wife". Why can't it be "my wife"?

Oh, the guy at our postoffice says that ALL the time ... "So, I was telling the wife last night ..." What? She has no name? It's like saying "the dog" or "the car". She's a possesion? Sheesh!

Also to go along with that is owners who will not admit their dog is overweight and don't think they need to do anything about their "chubby" dogs. Sorry people your dog isn't chubby it's obese!!!

Oh, I hate that too! And then they say, "I only feed him a cup of dog food a day!" Well, maybe .... plus all the leftover from dinner, plus 15 milk bones, plus .... LOL

And, a message board pet peeve of mine ... when people write thinly veiled insults towards other people in seemingly innocent posts or in their signatures. Puhleese.

Ok, I have to stop now! I could go on forever! ;)

01-30-2004, 12:24 AM
But I have a petpeeve on the opposite end of the overweight thing.
- I get annoyed when people assume that my dog is overweight b/c I overfeed her. She has a thyroid problem and my vet told me that I could have NOT fed her and she would have still not lost any weight. She has lost 4 pounds and has 10 more to go. Like my sister was telling her father in law "Yea Keegan's a chunky girl" I shot back " Hey she has a thyroid condition and IS losing weight." I camethisclose tosaying So what's your excuse?
but I didn't!!

- people that assume I am overweight b/c I do nothing but sit around and eat doritoes and bon bons all day. I work my a$$ off at work even tho you can't tell it.

- oh yea and I don't like the way that Brittany dresses either but the person that gets me the most is Paris Hilton and that Nicole Ritchie. I watched maybe 20 minutes of their show and I wanted to smear their faces in the cow poop.

01-30-2004, 12:34 AM
Originally posted by shais_mom
But I have a petpeeve on the opposite end of the overweight thing.
- I get annoyed when people assume that my dog is overweight b/c I overfeed her. She has a thyroid problem and my vet told me that I could have NOT fed her and she would have still not lost any weight. She has lost 4 pounds and has 10 more to go. Like my sister was telling her father in law "Yea Keegan's a chunky girl" I shot back " Hey she has a thyroid condition and IS losing weight." I camethisclose tosaying So what's your excuse?
but I didn't!!

I can understand why you would get angry about that.

I didn't mean people like you who know their dog is overweight and have brought it to the vet to get it checked out, and have it on medication and are actively working towards getting their dog to a healthy weight. Good for you and Keegan, btw.

I was referring in my post to people who bring their dogs into work that are hugely obese. We always gently bring it up to owners and ask if they have considered that the dog may have a thyroid problem. They respond that the dog is healthy and it just likes to eat, or it is just chubby.
Or they say yeah it has a thyroid problem, but they use it as an excuse and aren't doing anything about it.

01-30-2004, 12:37 AM
Ooooh I have many, but here's mine for today:

I'm in this art class for school. We've done 3 projects so far, black and white drawings of different kinds. The subject criteria is just "something alive." My first drawing was of a woman's face. The last two have been of Nebo. They were not just boring pics (at least I thought so) I tried to make them interesting. I worked on the composition and made sure I had an interesting background and arrangement.

Everyone else has done a human face for every drawing. And most of them didn't have much of a background or composition, just a head on a piece of paper. Yet *I* get critisized for mine just because it is of a dog. Umm..SO?? Can't artwork of an animal be just as good as that of a human?

I guess I'll have to draw humans for the rest of the time, just so I don't get any more snide comments. :rolleyes:

01-30-2004, 12:37 AM
Originally posted by Shelteez2
I can understand why you would get angry about that.

I didn't mean people like you who know their dog is overweight and have brought it to the vet to get it checked out, and have it on medication and are actively working towards getting their dog to a healthy weight. Good for you and Keegan, btw.

I was referring in my post to people who bring their dogs into work that are hugely obese. We always gently bring it up to owners and ask if they have considered that the dog may have a thyroid problem. They respond that the dog is healthy and it just likes to eat, or it is just chubby.
Or they say yeah it has a thyroid problem, but they use it as an excuse and aren't doing anything about it.

And that's what I meant, too ... not people who recognise the problem and are actively trying to fix it, but people who either don't care or are in denial that it is a problem to begin with.

01-30-2004, 12:45 AM
Originally posted by Twisterdog

5. People that are very overweight who dress like Brittany Spears. Honestly, do these people think that is attractive? Do they not have mirrors at home? I saw a women in KFC the other day, she had to be at least 30 years old and at LEAST 300 pounds, I'm not kidding. And what was she wearing ... low rise, skin tight pants with her underwear showing, and a tiny, tight shirt ... with a giant, HUGE roll of stomach and hip fat squished in between. Oh, my.

OMG!!!! You don't know HOW HARD I was laughing as I read that! HILARIOUS! And the funny thing is I saw one of those women today at the doctor's office! I was sitting in the waiting room, just waiting for my turn, and this ENORMOUS lady walks is. She was HUGE! I mean, she had to be at least 350 pounds or more. Her stomach looked like a beachball, and her butt was shaking as she walked. :eek: Anyway, comments about her size aside..........I don't like making fun of people because of their weight, but its what she was wearing that got to me! A mini skirt, with her HUGE legs showing (and shaking LOL), and a tiny tank top...............with her underwear showing above her skirt. :rolleyes: And mind you, it was COLD today! Some people.....:rolleyes: It was such a relief when the doctor called me because I got to leave the waiting room and didn't have to see her underwear sticking out anymore. :p

01-30-2004, 12:48 AM
Originally posted by Shelteez2
I can understand why you would get angry about that.

I didn't mean people like you who know their dog is overweight and have brought it to the vet to get it checked out, and have it on medication and are actively working towards getting their dog to a healthy weight. Good for you and Keegan, btw.

I was referring in my post to people who bring their dogs into work that are hugely obese. We always gently bring it up to owners and ask if they have considered that the dog may have a thyroid problem. They respond that the dog is healthy and it just likes to eat, or it is just chubby.
Or they say yeah it has a thyroid problem, but they use it as an excuse and aren't doing anything about it.

And that's what I meant, too ... not people who recognise the problem and are actively trying to fix it, but people who either don't care or are in denial that it is a problem to begin with

Thank you!!!!
:) Just wanted to say also that I get that "IN real LIFE".:)
Thanks for understanding and I wanted to make sure I wasn't insulting anyone! ;)

01-30-2004, 08:42 AM
Children of the human kind.....ack i just dont like them.There was a small child at the Pet Expo today it had food all over its face and it kept staring at me. i had to move

Homophobes, racists, etc.

Animal abusers.

People who dont find it nessecery to spay/ neuter their pets.

People at Flyball comps who's dogs are agressive and they yell at you to move out of the way because they are coming through:mad: :eek: , hey your dog has the problem so control it URGH

When people ask if they can breed there Staffy/Bull terrier with my Rotty/Heeler X becasue they would be "awesome". 1) She is spayed, 2) NO 3) dont be so bloody stupid :rolleyes:

People who dont ask before feeding treats to MY dogs and the dogs of others. A woman at dog club was trying to feed a piece of cheese to one of the dogs without asking his owner it turned out the dog cannot handle dairy food of any kind and he was sick for days, poor boy :(

Ok i will stop now, but i shall be back. ;)

01-30-2004, 09:07 AM

Don't you just want to tuck them in for her? lol. Kinda like when someone's tag is sticking out.

LOL, I know, she doesn't even care sometimes:rolleyes:

People that are very overweight who dress like Brittany Spears. Honestly, do these people think that is attractive? Do they not have mirrors at home? I saw a women in KFC the other day, she had to be at least 30 years old and at LEAST 300 pounds, I'm not kidding. And what was she wearing ... low rise, skin tight pants with her underwear showing, and a tiny, tight shirt ... with a giant, HUGE roll of stomach and hip fat squished in between. Oh, my.

LMAO! I've seen lots of those too, and its just disgusting. Not at all "attractive" lol:p

one more I have to add- when parents don't control their kids behaviors in public. One time I was at a restaurant and the table behind us had about 4 little kids who had all these toys and they were playing and chasing each other the entire time. They kept on knocking down my jacket, the first time they didn't even pick it up. Then the second time they knocked it down and fell right on top. I looked at him and so he just picked it up and handed it to me. The parents didn't even say sorry or say anything! The kids were so annoying.

01-30-2004, 03:06 PM
POP UPS!AAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHH!Microsoft keeps sending me stupid pop ups that crap up my computer because apparently they dont think a certain part of the human anatomy that i do not have because I am a girl is not big enough!:rolleyes: I really dont think they should send those kinds of ads to random people.

01-31-2004, 07:53 PM
People giving commands to my dogs without even realizing what the commands really mean. This one girl comes over from time to time and tells Kai to down when he jumps up on her. I can't stand it! Down for him is lay down..not stop jumping. I've told her before and it still happens. :mad:
People yelling "Fido come! Come! Come here fido! Come!" to their dog over and over again when it's obvious that the dog won't.
People criticizing me for overfeeding Kai, not taking him out enough or calling him fat. I can't stand it. I'm not blind, I know it and we're working on it.
Girls at the mall (and school) who link their arms together and take up the whole hallway.
People who greet me by saying "IT'S A LASSIE!" when they see my dogs. :mad:
The girl I mentioned in the first pet peeve also calls me when she has nothing to talk about. She calls me and asks me what I'm doing. I'm usually very busy and respond with a "I'm training the dogs" or "I'm cooking dinner" and she'll still keep me on the phone for HOURS!
I don't have the greatest hearing so when my brother says something and I miss it, I ask him to repeat it. He always says "Nevermind". ARG!

01-31-2004, 08:00 PM
Originally posted by binka_nugget
People who greet me by saying "IT'S A LASSIE!" when they see my dogs. :mad:

I can't believe I forgot that one!
ARGH, you don't know HOW many times Molly gets called Lassie every flippin' day. Excuse me, but she has a name! :mad: Lassie was played by male dogs anyway...:rolleyes: Get it right people!

01-31-2004, 08:07 PM
There's this girl that calls me at least 3 times EVERYDAY!:mad: Well, now she probably figured out that I hate her calling, so its gotten better.
-She calls for no reason at all, just sits on the phone.
-Once she calls and asks what I'm doing, I told her I'm reading a book. She's like ohh, and keeps on talking. Obviously, I'm busy, so I got really mad.
-Once I pickd up and I said "hello?" and she was IN THE MIDDLE of a conversation with her brother:rolleyes:
-Everytime she calls, and she's talking to me, suddenly, without even covering the phone or even telling me, she talks to someone else at home. Its so annoying!:mad:
-Once she called in the middle of dinner, and I told her I was having dinner. She's like "oh" and keeps on talking about other stuff.
-Once I had to go, and so I said "I have to go" she just doesn't get it, she was like "go where?":rolleyes: so I explained to her and she just kept on talking.

Those are just a a few of the many reasons why she's so annoying.

01-31-2004, 08:27 PM
Originally posted by binka_nugget

People giving commands to my dogs without even realizing what the commands really mean. This one girl comes over from time to time and tells Kai to down when he jumps up on her. I can't stand it! Down for him is lay down..not stop jumping. I've told her before and it still happens. :mad:

If Clipse is jumping up on me and I say down, he lies down. If I say off, he springs off of me.

People yelling "Fido come! Come! Come here fido! Come!" to their dog over and over again when it's obvious that the dog won't.

I hate when people call my dog to come. That's their formal recall command. Unfortunately many people over use it so I'm re-training my dogs so that their formal command will be "front" instead of come.

People who greet me by saying "IT'S A LASSIE!" when they see my dogs. :mad:

Oh I can take it one step further. I had a lady argue with me that Emily was indeed a collie. Her daughter had come up to me to ask if she could pet Em, and I said yes, and her mom piped in "That's a collie dog like lassie" and I said actually she is a shetland sheepdog also called a sheltie. The lady got angry with me and told me she knew her dog breeds and that was a collie. :rolleyes:
Now of course I get "oh look a lassie dog and a border collie...."

Originally posted by GoldenRetrLuver
I can't believe I forgot that one!
ARGH, you don't know HOW many times Molly gets called Lassie every flippin' day. Excuse me, but she has a name! :mad:Lassie was played by male dogs anyway... :rolleyes:Get it right people!

At least they got the breed right!!

01-31-2004, 08:33 PM
Originally posted by Shelteez2
Oh I can take it one step further. I had a lady argue with me that Emily was indeed a collie. Her daughter had come up to me to ask if she could pet Em, and I said yes, and her mom piped in "That's a collie dog like lassie" and I said actually she is a shetland sheepdog also called a sheltie. The lady got angry with me and told me she knew her dog breeds and that was a collie. :rolleyes:
Now of course I get "oh look a lassie dog and a border collie....

LOL! Oh yes...she would know what breed your dog would be. :rolleyes:

Originally posted by Shelteez2
At least they got the breed right!!

Haha, I guess so. :p It doesn't really bother me when a *little* kid says it, but when a full grown adult does...it's just plain annoying. :mad:

01-31-2004, 08:37 PM
Originally posted by GoldenRetrLuver
LOL! Oh yes...she would know what breed your dog would be. :rolleyes:

Haha, I guess so. :p It doesn't really bother me when a *little* kid says it, but when a full grown adult does...it's just plain annoying. :mad:

I gave up letting it bug me a long time ago. I know now that most of the general public just don't know, so I just educate them if I can, and in fact if someone asks me what type of dog I have and give me a blank look when I reply sheltie, I follow it up with sort of like a small lassie....LOL

01-31-2004, 08:51 PM
I had the Lassie thing constantly with my collies too. Also had a few try to tell me Willie was a border collie :rolleyes:. It does get pretty tiring to constantly have your dogs called Lassie every time you go out with them.

01-31-2004, 09:27 PM
~Any kind of chewing with your mouth open. It's particularly disgusting with gum...just chomping/smacking away.

~People who insist on pulling out right in front of you-almost killing you-when there's 500 feet behind you until the next car. Then they drive slow in front of you.

~Anyone who is looking at clothes in a store and something falls on the ground and they just leave it there.

~Clients who slow up 10-15 minutes late for an appointment with shopping bags or coffee in their hand. Oh, you had time for that, huh?? The same client who then wants to use the bathroom before their appointment.

~People who wait until they get to the speaker to decide what they want to order at the drive-through. Hello, you had 5 minutes in line to decide!

~Anyone who thinks it's appropriate to take their shoes off in public. Just because you can't smell it doesn't mean your feet don't stink.

~People who think just because a woman is pregnant she wants total strangers touching her belly. Back off, bub!

~Any misbehaving/snott laden/bratty/dirty/sticky or smelly little kids in restaurants. Yuck.

~Hypochondriacs....just kick it already.

That's all I can think of for now.


01-31-2004, 10:10 PM
I really hate it when couples have to make out before leaving one another(especially if it is only for 5 minutes) and then whisper things to each other when people are staring at them.

I hate it when people pass on their prejudices to their children. I cant believe some of the things I hear coming out of a 4 year olds mouth. There is a African American boy who lives in my mostly white apartment complex. His mother basically just leaves him to raise himself. I have basically taken him under my wing. Children call him the N word all the time. I go and talk to the parents and they tell me the boy deserved it. How wrong is that?

I dont like it when people tell me I am too young to get married or that I am too young to be in love. I am 20 years old. I am a mature woman who knows what she wants and how she feels.

I dont like when girls show off their panties. I am so freakin' paranoid that my underwear might be showing that sometimes I tie a sweatshirt around my waist or change my whole outfit.

I dont like when people get away with animal abuse and child abuse.

I dont like to see dogs chained up outside with no food or water in the hot sun with no shelter. It is so cruel!

I have so many more. I will have to come back.

Thanks for starting this thread, I have gotten a lot of my chest. :D

guster girl
02-07-2004, 04:00 PM
Hey, I just remembered another pet peeve of mine. Actually, my boyfriend does it, and, it just makes me cringe. When someone pronounces E-L-S-E as E-L-T-S. ugh. Just a silly thing, I know, but, it drives me bananas. ;)

02-07-2004, 04:05 PM
Oh! Remembered another! When you pull out onto a road. The car is a mile back, but you "cut them off" because they were traveling 100 mph. And they get mad at yoU!

02-07-2004, 04:12 PM
here's mine

i was at the store helping my mom shop for grocies (sp?) anyway we got to the check out line and the line wasn't bad it went by real fast.but the person that was scanning the items (cashier)and the bag person were yapping on and on it took us about 10 or 15 min to get out of there thanks to the cashier and bagger and their yapping mouthes :mad: i am so mad that i said that we should report those 2 employees :rolleyes:

all i can say is.....................TEENS :mad: have no respect for others why are they allowed to work :p grrrrrrrrrrrrrr.take care:)


02-07-2004, 05:10 PM
Here's my pet peeve of the day~

Idiot owners at the dog park. :mad:

02-07-2004, 05:11 PM
Originally posted by Truffles

all i can say is.....................TEENS :mad: have no respect for others why are they allowed to work :p grrrrrrrrrrrrrr.take care:)

I hope you're just speaking of these two teens that were working in the grocery store. :confused:

02-07-2004, 05:13 PM
Digital camera cards that become corrupted after youve gotten a lot of good pics!!!!!!!!!!!

02-07-2004, 05:22 PM
Originally posted by Truffles
all i can say is.....................TEENS :mad: have no respect for others why are they allowed to work :p grrrrrrrrrrrrrr.take care:)

I have had people of all ages be rude to me before at stores. I don't think it's fair at all to classify all teens one way. Perhaps you did not mean it the way it sounded. I know how much it hurt and angered me to be stereotyped because I was young when I was a teenager.

02-07-2004, 05:32 PM

UGGGGH! Make him stop! He says he is not calling me man, it's a term. "So don't get so upset, man."

It's whitetrash and annoying! :mad:

02-07-2004, 06:27 PM
Originally posted by Truffles
all i can say is.....................TEENS :mad: have no respect for others why are they allowed to work :p grrrrrrrrrrrrrr.take care:)

Umm...we're really not that bad. Sure there a few "in the barrel" that are rotten, but I've seen some adults act worse than most teens I've seen. :rolleyes:

02-07-2004, 10:24 PM
yeah, all teens arnt bad

02-08-2004, 09:08 AM
Originally posted by dukedogsmom
Digital camera cards that become corrupted after youve gotten a lot of good pics!!!!!!!!!!!

That happened to me once!:mad: I got so mad....because I've just spent my time taking a lot of pics, and when my dad was going to upload them on the computer, they were all gone!

02-08-2004, 03:57 PM
yes i only met those two teens :rolleyes: i know there are good teens out there:) sorry if i offended anyone that wasn't my intention:( take care:)


02-08-2004, 10:40 PM
When people say I need to cut my dog's nails. :rolleyes:

When people get mad at someone and complain about it, saying stuff towards or directed to the person, when you're the only other person in the room.

02-09-2004, 02:38 AM
Hehehe, Most people here know my big one....

-Loud kids
-Rowdy kids
-Obnoxious kids
-Screaming babies
-Self-entitlement-obsessed parents
-People who tell me how much they "hate" reltiles/bugs after I've told them about my belived pets.
-People who share with me stories of killing reptiles/bugs after I've told them how much I love them.
-Hearing "you'll change your miiiiiiind"

Oh, and a biggie: When people say "poisonous" instead of "venomous". SNAKES ARE VENOMOUS, NOT POISONOUS! Frogs=poisonous, snakes/bugs=VENOMOUS!! *Explodes*

Erf....I should Stop now....Hehe...

guster girl
02-21-2004, 05:11 PM
Ok, I just was online and saw this...."golden labrador". Does this annoy anyone else like it does me? Ugh. Please, correct me if I'm wrong. But, I've always been under the impression that there are yellow labradors and golden retrievers. Anyway, and, another dog related peeve...folks who say "shit-zoo". OMG. Again, sorry if I'm incorrect, but, I thought it was pronounced "sheed-zoo". :) Just had to get that out. :)

02-21-2004, 05:38 PM
Originally posted by guster girl
Ok, I just was online and saw this...."golden labrador". Does this annoy anyone else like it does me? Ugh. Please, correct me if I'm wrong. But, I've always been under the impression that there are yellow labradors and golden retrievers. Anyway, and, another dog related peeve...folks who say "shit-zoo". OMG. Again, sorry if I'm incorrect, but, I thought it was pronounced "sheed-zoo". :) Just had to get that out. :)

He he he, you obviously haven't met my shih tzu! :p I totally agree with you, though. Uh, hello? Why would anyone name breed that way? :confused: :rolleyes:

I also hate is when people say they saw a Miniature Doberman. No such thing. Do you mean a Miniature Pinscher? LOL

BTW Cookiebaker’s Malone is a Golden Labrador technically, I think. I think he’s a mix of Golden Retriever and Labrador, but I know you meant people that do it from ignorance.

guster girl
02-21-2004, 05:52 PM
Originally posted by micki76
BTW Cookiebaker’s Malone is a Golden Labrador technically, I think. I think he’s a mix of Golden Retriever and Labrador

But, it's when someone says "Golden Labrador" likes it's an actual breed. Is it? I mean, sure, a mix....like the infamous "labradoodle"....ugh. ;) yeah, and the miniature doberman bugs me, too.

smokey the elder
02-22-2004, 08:05 AM
Originally posted by micki76
He he he, you obviously haven't met my shih tzu! :p I totally agree with you, though. Uh, hello? Why would anyone name breed that way? :confused: :rolleyes:

Because "shih tzu" is Chinese, not English.

guster girl
02-22-2004, 12:28 PM
Originally posted by smokey the elder
Because "shih tzu" is Chinese, not English.

but, it's still not pronounced "shit-zoo"..... :)

02-22-2004, 09:07 PM
Originally posted by guster girl
but, it's still not pronounced "shit-zoo"..... :)
That has to be one of the biggest pet peeves at work!!! How uneducated can you get?? Jeeesh!

Another pet peeve is when people have their kids call in to make an appointment for their pet to see the vet. That is so annoying!!!

Hm....anything else I can complain about? Gosh, I better just leave it at two... ;)

02-22-2004, 09:10 PM
Well I went a whole 3 minutes before thinking of more....sorry! ;)

When my mother-in-law calls ALL my cats Noah or "her". I have FOUR boys, FOUR girls. The odds are, you'll come accross a HIM eventually! Jeeesh! :rolleyes:

OK...all done for now.

02-22-2004, 09:37 PM
Here are mine lol

1.When you go shopping with friends and the people who are working in the stores look and watch you like a hawk just because your young!!:mad: ugh thats happened to me so many times!! I have never stolen and dont plan on it! Im a good kid!

2.People who suck up to people to get them not to be mad or people in school who suck up to the teachers and become the teachers "pet" and the teacher LOVES them and they get chosen for EVERYTHING! when there is a whole classroom full of kids who want to be chosen too!:rolleyes:

and thats it for now lol:p ;)

02-23-2004, 06:50 AM
there is a kid in my class and he always sucks up to the teacher and makes her laugh. He can go up to her and call her "old" or smelly ect and she doesn't care! but if me or one of my friends did that then she would give us detention! He gets away with EVERYTHING!

Another thing that bothers me is when people tell me I like animals to much and all they do is complain about it. It gets annoying.

Thats it for now lol

02-23-2004, 02:43 PM
People who shop, find out they do not want a product and leave it in the checkout lines.

People who serve themselves at an all-you-can-drink soda or coffee dispenser, then leave the straw-sugar packets-coffe stirrers on the counter.....

02-23-2004, 04:12 PM
1.When you go shopping with friends and the people who are working in the stores look and watch you like a hawk just because your young!! ugh thats happened to me so many times!! I have never stolen and dont plan on it! Im a good kid!

Same here! I go into a store and those sales people follow me around the store watching my every move:rolleyes: I hate that...it makes me so uncomfortable.

Also, when people call me Stephanie by mistake. I tell them "no, its Tiffany", and they're like "ok, I'll remember next time", but they NEVER do:rolleyes: lol, its so annoying.

02-23-2004, 06:31 PM
"Adults" who are immature.
"Adults" who whine like children.

When people who've never done something/experience something/ listening to something/ and so on.. but knock it anyways.

02-23-2004, 07:02 PM
Originally posted by bluekat
Same here! I go into a store and those sales people follow me around the store watching my every move:rolleyes: I hate that...it makes me so uncomfortable.

Also, when people call me Stephanie by mistake. I tell them "no, its Tiffany", and they're like "ok, I'll remember next time", but they NEVER do:rolleyes: lol, its so annoying.

I remember that when I was younger and how much I resented it. I wish people would understand that discriminating against younger people is just as bad as discriminating against someone's gender, the elderly, or those of different race or culture!

As far as name... I get called Jennifer by mistake a lot, when my name is Jessica :)

02-23-2004, 07:09 PM
I hate discrimination against people who dress different, a.k.a. my friends. Especially since most of them are as shy as can be, and would never hurt anyone.

03-05-2004, 11:16 PM
I got another one! I come across this alot, working for the phone company.

You go to a house. It's small. It's in the ghetto. The yard is thrashed. The kids look like hell. They don't have any nice cool toys to play with. They aren't wearing shoes (sometimes not wearing clothes), they are dirty, and their hair is disheveled. The house is cluttered with nothing nice...It's the middle of the day and everyone is still sleeping. (Aside from the kids running astray and the pitbulls tied to short chains barking at me.)

AND they have something like a immaculate 2004 Cadillac Escalade in the driveway with about ten grand in rims and customizing. :mad:

Priorities, people!

03-05-2004, 11:48 PM
People who can't spell my name right.. how hard can it be? It's RACHEL..

Gangsta Rap gets on my nerves.. *NO offense to those who likes that type of music.. *

03-05-2004, 11:50 PM
Originally posted by CountryWolf07
Gangsta Rap gets on my nerves.. *NO offense to those who likes that type of music.. *

As long as you don't dislike me for liking Gangsta rap. ;) Alot of the old timers at work sterotype people as thugs if they listen to rap. They act all shocked because I'm a middle class white girl who happens to like it. -Like you have to have a felony in order to enjoy it.

03-05-2004, 11:53 PM
Originally posted by Tonya
Alot of the old timers at work sterotype people as thugs if they listen to rap. They act all shocked because I'm a middle class white girl who happens to like it. -Like you have to have a felony in order to enjoy it.

LOL You should have seen the looks on the faces of my co-workers the first time I rapped along to one of my favorite songs...... Shy quiet white girl who not only listens to rap...but knows all the words! LOL

03-06-2004, 12:14 AM
Originally posted by Tonya
As long as you don't dislike me for liking Gangsta rap. ;) Alot of the old timers at work sterotype people as thugs if they listen to rap. They act all shocked because I'm a middle class white girl who happens to like it. -Like you have to have a felony in order to enjoy it.

Try being an old white girl and listening to it. I scare the hell out of people at work, and my inlaws surley think I'm headed to hell and they're worried I may take their son with me! LOL :D

03-06-2004, 11:23 AM
Originally posted by Tonya
As long as you don't dislike me for liking Gangsta rap. ;) Alot of the old timers at work sterotype people as thugs if they listen to rap. They act all shocked because I'm a middle class white girl who happens to like it. -Like you have to have a felony in order to enjoy it.

LOL Tonya! It doesn't matter what music you listen to, it's your style! :D Just like country music is my style.

03-06-2004, 12:04 PM
Originally posted by Tonya
As long as you don't dislike me for liking Gangsta rap. ;) Alot of the old timers at work sterotype people as thugs if they listen to rap. They act all shocked because I'm a middle class white girl who happens to like it. -Like you have to have a felony in order to enjoy it.

Hahaha... Most everyone in my school are shocked when I tell them I listen to rap. I don't follow by the whole 'style' that comes with Rap Music, I dress however I want. Most of my friends are what people, if they like to judge, would call 'freaks'.

This one kid, a freshman, was so surprised when he asked what I was listening to one day in class. When I told him it was Tupac, he was like "Whhhhhaaaat!?" and smiled very large. He said I don't even look like someone who'd listen to Rap.

That's a reason you should never judge people. :)
Of course, I don't listen to just Rap.

Pet Peeves -- People who tend to dislike Rap, yet can't name to me one oldschool rapper, rapper legend, or anything like that. You can't cross out a whole genre unless you've actually listened to the GOOD stuff.

People, of all races, who bring along the word "Wigger" with liking certain music, talking a certain way, or anything like that.
I've never seen anywhere where a Black has to walk, talk, or listen to this -- or where a White has to walk, talk, or listen to that. I despise the word all together, It makes no sense.

:o This one may seem a little hars, but people who SMELL, everyday - all the time. Really, it's not hard to take a shower.

There's this one kid Joe in my school, i've known him since 7th grade.

I'm pretty much sure he doesn't take a shower, or he doesn't wash his clothes, or maybe there's some kind of medical attention he needs because the WHOLE CLASSROOM smells when he's in class.

I swear, the room smells Okay until he comes in. He's the biggest, idiotic lier ever, although I found that *label* hard to beat sometimes! But he's surely got it. Lets just say he's one big pet peeve all together, because he's completely rude. We often argue in 4th period because he says the stupidest things. He sits right in front of my friend Stephanie and I, yet everyday he says he's sick of me. Well um.. the teacher allows you to sit wherever you want, go somewhere else! He never has an actuall argument to defend himself because everything he says are lies. The only time I speak up, is when he says something stupid like "Oh, I got my dog high last night. It's so cute cause she hold the bong in her mouth"..... Um ok, NO. lol. Seriously, he's so stupid it's amusing yet sad.

The only thing he's able to say is "shut the **** up *****" when we 'argue', Or say stupid stuff about my dogs.

He ALWAYS turns his seat around and sits facing towards us, normally leaning all over Stephanie's dedsk and suffocating her with his stench. When the teacher tells him to turn around and leave me alone (she loves me and agrees with much of what I say too him ;x) he says "i'm sitting here trying to talk to my friend Stephanie" ... Stephanie doesn't even like him! Argh.... I could go on and on about him and how idiotic he is ;x

He's completely rude to the teacher too. When she asks him to turn around, he says shut up, or when she says something contradicting what he said he screams "whatever". I swear, there's not once ounce of intelligence in his head because he can never say anything else.

That was really long...... :p

03-06-2004, 12:14 PM
EW! Kay i can relate to that, this kid josh in my 5th hour has super bad dandruff and everytime he leans over my desk, it like flies onto me.. (BLECH!) And he has made it clear he doesn't take showers either...

WHY?! Showers are good......
I guess that would be a big pet peeve to me too..

03-06-2004, 12:44 PM
Nancy Grace is one of the dumbest people on the planet.

She was reporting on the Martha Stewart case last night. She commented on people running out of the court after the trial-
she made it a point to screw up her face and deride the folks who were coming to the front of the building, laughing, twirling t-shirts above their heads in obvious glee that she was found guilty.

The people running out of the building were news producers, reporters that were signaling the people from their stations.

They were just trying to get the story out first.
Watching the replay of the news none of them were laughing, smiling or carrying on.....

03-06-2004, 01:38 PM
Tonya, micky and Kayann:
I'm a little southern white girl with preppy clothes and no rhythm. And you should see me rapping with 50 in my shower! I am the least likely rap fan on earth but I LOVE it.

And, just today I was shopping at Target (Tarjay if you're fancy like me) and a mirror fell out of my full cart onto the floor. This kid with pink hair and more piercings than I can count and black clothes runs over and helps me pick everything up. While the soccer moms just pushed their carts around me. Stereotypes are bad.

smokey the elder
03-06-2004, 03:38 PM
How cool was that? This is off topic, but it reminds me how one of our older (8 y/o) cats who took forever to get adopted was adopted by a couple who ran a tattoo parlor. They had a tiny girl who sat on the floor and played gently with the kitty!

Anyway, pet peeves. I work in a lab. People who blatantly violate the safety rules (chewing gum, wearing open-toed shoes, etc.)!

03-07-2004, 02:03 AM
I think each and every one of us has stereo-typed a person at least once in our lives, it is human nature, I know I am guilty of it, much to my shame, but I am being honest,however as I get older,maybe a little wiser , I am learning not to do so ,what a person looks like does not matter, it is what is inside that counts, as for Rap, I myself enjoy some of it, my son used to love Tupac, he has grown away from it now, and he certainly did not adhere to any certain look associated with the music, it was just simply music that he enjoyed, infact apart from the swearing I particularly loved one of his songs myself.

03-07-2004, 02:16 AM
Tupac is an amazing genius. Anywho who disagrees, just read his poetry. Listen to some of his songs, and try to understand what they truely say.

His poems are amazing, like his songs, really....

03-23-2004, 05:55 PM
OH MAN.....

I almost blew my peeve in the store the other day.

Had I know what I was in for I wouldn't have unloaded my basket.....

The customer in front of me puts her stuff on the counter and then....

Pulls out two milk vouchers-coupons from the government- to pay for the milk..

Since she doesn't use the whole amount on the coupons, she makes the checker send another employee to the back for another two half-gallons of milk so this woman can use the WHOLE amount for the coupons.....

The next project is to complain about the prices of tomato sauce in cans.....Aren't these on sale?

Sure, with a coupon....Now she demands that the checker give her the discount- without the coupon-
Now I have to wait for the employee that ran to the back for the milk track down two coupons for this gal.....when the coupons finally get to the cashier's hand the woman reaches into her purse and pulls out food stamps-then pays for the balance with an AMERICAN EXPRESS card..

She is on state aid for her kids, complains about
the prices and pays with a credit card at the end.

I was sad to see the milk that my tax dollars paid for go to an inconsiderate, lazy and dishonest person.

03-23-2004, 07:48 PM
People who can't control their dogs, but let them offleash or let themselves be dragged around. Wilbur is DOG-AGGRESSIVE, the LAST THING I NEED is some buffoon being dragged over to me by three gigantic dogs he can't control!!

He had this GORGEOUS shepherd with him, who he insisted "only wants to play" even AFTER I told him not to come any closer. Wilbur attacked the dog and almost got bitten. I was so shaken, or I would have had MANY nsaty things to say to him.

Another one: When people don't teack their kids manners around other people's dogs. Star gets very uncomfortable in strange places, and she has snapped at people....so I keep my dogs on leash and away from groups of people. This kid comes OUT OF NOWHERE and pets Star's butt from behind!! O.O What kind of MORON allows that sort of s**t?! That's the second fastest way I know of to get bitten!

Sorry, that was longer than I intended.

03-23-2004, 07:50 PM
Windshield wipers!:rolleyes: I hate them, no clue why, but I really do hate them lol

Also the word soda. As in soda that you drink. Oooh, it gets on my nerves:rolleyes: :p

03-23-2004, 07:52 PM
Another one: When people spell their kids' names all funky for the sake of "creativity". :rolleyes: What kid wants to grow up with a name like "Vychtoriyeh" (YES, I know of someone with that name!) The kid's just going to have to go through life having to correct people about the spelling of their name, which I know can get annoying.

Miss Meow
03-23-2004, 07:57 PM
I hate the little stringy things when you peel a banana. Can't eat them; the thought makes me sick for some reason :eek:

03-23-2004, 07:59 PM
Originally posted by Miss Meow
I hate the little stringy things when you peel a banana. Can't eat them; the thought makes me sick for some reason :eek:

OMG!! Those are sick! :eek::eek:

03-23-2004, 08:01 PM
Originally posted by Miss Meow
I hate the little stringy things when you peel a banana. Can't eat them; the thought makes me sick for some reason :eek:

ME TOO!!! :eek:

03-23-2004, 09:13 PM
* People who are secretive about who they are. It just makes them seem so sneaky and untrustworthy. I can understand aobut keeping some stuff, but really is it hard to tell your "friends"/people you can "tell anything to" stuff about you?

*When Simba or Nala have the "stinkies".... Clear the room! :eek:

*People who are too picky. Especially when someone does something nice for you, I hate when they go back and say "do this, do that, could you change this?"..

*Bird poop.:eek: :p

*When someone gets mad/sad, then you ask them why, and they don't tell you. Um.. how are you supposed to help if they don't tell you what's the matter?

03-23-2004, 09:16 PM
Originally posted by WolfChan

Another one: When people don't teack their kids manners around other people's dogs. Star gets very uncomfortable in strange places, and she has snapped at people....so I keep my dogs on leash and away from groups of people. This kid comes OUT OF NOWHERE and pets Star's butt from behind!! O.O What kind of MORON allows that sort of s**t?! That's the second fastest way I know of to get bitten!

Ohh.. I hate that too. I was always taught to ask someone if I was allowed to pet their dog (from a safe distance)

I HATE when little kids come up without asking. Now, Simba and Nala wouldn't do anything to a child, because they both love little kids, but still it's very rude not to ask.

03-23-2004, 09:19 PM
Originally posted by Kfamr
*People who are too picky. Especially when someone does something nice for you, I hate when they go back and say "do this, do that, could you change this?"..

oooh! This is one that really gets to me. It always happens when you have gone out of your way to do something nice, and it's not good enough. :mad: I'm up against this all the time at work. :mad:

p.s. Love your new sig, Kayann!! :)

03-23-2004, 09:22 PM
Originally posted by Cookiebaker
oooh! This is one that really gets to me. It always happens when you have gone out of your way to do something nice, and it's not good enough. :mad: I'm up against this all the time at work. :mad:

p.s. Love your new sig, Kayann!! :)

I know! I can understand if they had told you before hand (if they knew aobut it) how they wanted it or how it was to be done, but if they gave you no specifications or it was just a surprise, they should take it how it is and be grateful.

Thanks :D I took that picture this morning. :)

03-24-2004, 08:20 AM
I have a million pet peeves but these are the big ones:

When people say "I could care less", the correct phrase is "I couldn't care less".

The toilet paper should go over, I hate when it's put under. (my husband learned that really quick.)

When people write "alot". It's spelled "a lot". Two words, not one.

05-01-2004, 11:02 AM
My son, always has to announce that he is going to go to the restroom. He stands there and waits until I respond and give him permission.

He's 6 years old! That was fine and dandy when he was 2, but I think he can go now without telling me. I keep telling him to stop asking; I think he does it just to annoy me.

He just did it again and I thought I was going to have to kill him. lol.

05-01-2004, 11:27 AM
Thought of another one..

- When teachers and/or kids clip their fingernails or toe nails during class! Just a few days ago, we had a substitute teacher who, when he turned on the movie for us to watch, went over to the desk, pulled out his nail clipper, and started clipping his nails! :rolleyes: I just find it disgusting!

05-01-2004, 06:21 PM
Originally posted by GoldenRetrLuver
Thought of another one..

- When teachers and/or kids clip their fingernails or toe nails during class! Just a few days ago, we had a substitute teacher who, when he turned on the movie for us to watch, went over to the desk, pulled out his nail clipper, and started clipping his nails! :rolleyes: I just find it disgusting!

I know...sometimes I find my teacher just sitting there clipping her fingernails...with scissors! LOL and sometimes she files her nails too.:rolleyes:

05-02-2004, 11:00 AM

working with the public really brings a lot of them out, but I hate people who are miserable all the time--stay home!!!!!

Boy can I relate to that!! I have people who come through my line at Bed, Bath & Beyond. We're supposed to smile and be nice to them, which is usually no problem. But every once in a while I get someone who is just freakin miserable!! Doesn't say "hi" and just throws the money at you.

That's another one of my pet peeves, people who, when paying for stuff, THROW their money at you rather than hand it to you.

Also, people who talk to their animals while you're on a long distance phone call with them.

My daughter used to do that CONSTANTLY till I finally started hanging up on her. She finally got the hint.

People who say "Irregardless". There IS no such word!!

05-02-2004, 03:59 PM
-Broken Promises.
-Not being planned ahead of time.
-People who hide their true selves.
-People who try to be some sort of authority when they're nothing at all.

--The stupid Florida weather!!

Okay, lets thunder and lightning allll night, then be extremely hot the next day! :rolleyes:

guster girl
06-10-2004, 07:43 PM
Ugh, what irks me on every level (written, spoken, etc) is baby talk. That drives me absolutely crackers! Just heard someone talking to a two year old like they were two years old themselves this morning, so, I wanted to post it on the pet peeve thread....

06-12-2004, 05:11 AM
Does that include baby talk to our pets lol, I am guilty of this for sure and I reckon there could just be a few more in PT.:)

06-12-2004, 05:51 AM
Yep! i'm guilty of talking baby to pets... even others pets, even animals at the Humane Society. :p

06-12-2004, 08:19 AM
I agree about working with people, including myself. I hate the stress of my job because it turns me into someone I don't like, sometimes. And, I hate being on the bad end of customer service(911, regular callers) Just once, I would like a positive one. Like taking shopping orders for Home Shopping or helping people plan parties. Would be much easier to see the nicer side of people, for the most part.

06-12-2004, 03:33 PM
*When a cop pulls u over and asks if u know how fast u are going, lets hope u do because if u can't see your speed-o-meter then you are blind and we have a bigger problem on our hands having a blind driver.

*When ppl, mostly girls, wear flip-flops in the summer with-out their toes painted, i mean it takes 2 mins and it looks like 10x better.

*ppl that show off!:mad:

Thats it 4 now but i will think of more