View Full Version : Help with not very accepting cat.....

01-25-2004, 10:52 AM
Ok to make a long story short I'm back in my mom's house with my hubby to help with things around the house and I have had Spunky since she was a little baby. Now she is 7 years old and such a crab. I have 5 other cats besides her and all 5 get along even though one I have was beaten and is scared to death of people. Whenever any of the walk by her she just growls and hissing and throws this big temper tantrum. As I sit here right now there are cat fights going on, it seems to be getting worse and not better and we've been here 2 months. I have come home to find her sleeping next to them but why does she all of a sudden turn into cat from hell? I don't know if I should be doing postive or negative reinforcement, I need ideas!!!

01-25-2004, 11:03 AM
Hi, smnw6. I just wanted to say welcome to Pet Talk.

My cats do not get along all that well either. Their fights are pretty random and rare, so I just break them up when it happens. I don't have a clue what you should do, but I'm sure you'll get some great advice from the rest of the PT'ers.

Ally Cat's Mommy
01-25-2004, 12:48 PM
Hi, and welcome to Pet Talk.

Sorry to hear you have a "problem child":rolleyes: I am actually going through something similar with my two - enought peace and quiet to convince me that all is ok - and then all of a sudden they are ripping each other apart!

Over the past two weeks (mine have been together since October), things have improved. I have received loads of advice and encouragement from others here, and I also keep them totally apart at bight - this seems to be giving them enough of a "time-out" that they can at least tolerate each other during the day.

Have Spunky and your other 5 cats always lived together? Is it only the location (ie move to your Mom's house) which has changed, or have there been other cats/animals introduced?

Good luck, and keep us posted.

01-25-2004, 05:49 PM
Welcome! My guys get along great, so I have absolutely no advice to give you, only hopes that things will get better. Many people here have multiple cats and have delt with similar situations... I'm sure someone will come along with something to help.

Please tell us some more about your cats - how long have you had all five, are they all males, females? Like aly cats mommy asked, did this behavior start after the move? Sometimes this info can help a bit... not only that but we are very nosy here!;)

I welcome you to Pet Talk and hope you become a regualr member or our family!

01-25-2004, 06:37 PM
I had Spunky all by herself at my mom's for her whole life up until 2 months ago when I brought my 3 cats (Mya 1.5 year female, Kali 1.5 year female, Julius 7 mos. old male) Then we got a 2.5 year old female ragdoll mix named Jinx and then a 2 year old male named Felix so its been a huge transition period for all but I'm just frustarted since the rest of the 5 get along and she just doesn't want to accept them on her territory.

Ally Cat's Mommy
01-25-2004, 09:59 PM
That sheds A LOT of light on the situation. Spunky is used to being the Queen of the house, and it trying to establish the rules. My situation is similar - Ally was an only cat and a spoiled little madam for over two years, and she is very aggresive with Connor.

I don't really know what to suggest - if it was just introducing one cat to another, there is plenty of advice regarding the process of introducing them. In some cases, such as mine, it helped a bit to separate them and then re-intorduce them after a break.

Does Spunky have a special place that she can go, to get away from the others? I have also found that Ally really enjoys having some "special time" with me, without having to share with Connor. Is there any way you could isolate Spunky for short periods, give her a treat and some quality time, so she knows she is still loved?

Sorry I am not able to give you further info - I am battling with the same problem myself. Maybe some of the others can give you further advice?

Some members have had success with Feliway plug-ins or spray, or putting some Rescue Remedy in the drinking water - maybe you could try this - it seems to generate a more calm environment.

Good luck, and don't forget to let us know how things are progressing.

01-25-2004, 10:31 PM
Jenluckenbach and other Pet Talkers who have multicat households will be able to give you some good advice ...

I introduced a new kitty into a house where the existing kitty was used to being a spoilt only kitty. She got along well with Randi, but you could still tell that she resented his presense a little. What I did was make sure that I had plenty of "alone" time with her, just to make sure that she still knows that she is loved and cherished. Ally cat's idea of keeping her separated at night is good too - also think about watching their feeding habits? Is she getting crowded out a bit there?

Good luck and welcome to PT!

01-25-2004, 10:48 PM
I wish you could have tried this from the beginning.
I don't know if it can help now. They all have their 'mental picture' of all the other cats.

But I would try putting one drop of vanilla extract on the shoulder blades of everycat.

This makes them all smell the same to eachother.

This is great for introductions, but in your case, if it does work, how long are you supposed to keep it up? Jeez.

And I'd also try to get her to accept the most mellow cat in the house first, one on one. She may be overwhelmed.
Does she have a special territory? A bed, a room or a spot on the floor?

Try to keep the others away from her private spots.