View Full Version : Boomer's Adventure Part 2. The DareDevil

01-24-2004, 12:26 AM
Today started innocently enough, Boomer was extra cuddly and talkative. It was obvious that he wanted something, but he wasn't being annoying about it. Later on in the afternoon I realized that he really wanted to go out on the balcony again. I figured as long as I hooked him to his harness and leash he would be ok. So I cornered him and hooked on his harness, knowing that as soon as he realized that the evil harness meant that he could go outside he'd relax and be resinged to his fate. So anyway, I get it on him and open the door. He cautiously exits, though without any of the usual "meowmie look i have to crawl on my tummy, this harness is just so painful." I stay out with him for a few minutes as he investigates every single bit of pigeon droppings. After this I figure it's safe for me to step inside the sliding glass door to sit on the carpet which is much more comfortable than the concrete:rolleyes: :D As I do this I accidently give Boomer more slack on the leash than I was planning and of course he felt it. Just at that moment a pigeon decides to fly right past my balcony and in one incredibly swift movement Boomer manages to A) deftly jump onto the railing of my *9*th floor balcony and B) give his meowmie a taste of what a heart attack might feel like. I suppose I should have learned not to let him out there before this little incident, but I didn't... SO now his outdoor excursions are officially put off until we get that pigeon netting put up. So yeah, even though Boomer is fine, it was horrible to have my kitties life flash before my eyes. One little slip and that could've been that. I don't even think the harness he was wearing would've allowed me to hold onto him. Anyway, that's part two of his amazing adventure. Stupid pigeons..:D :D :rolleyes::( :( :eek:

01-24-2004, 06:08 AM
:eek: :eek: :eek: :eek:
WHEW! That was close.