View Full Version : Behavioural Issue

01-23-2004, 10:50 PM
Since Boomer was hand reared by me, he is terribly spoiled and acts that way, but also seem to be lacking a full understanding of "cat language", even though he grew up with my other 3 cats.

He is even bigger than Beans now and a total lump (not fat, just really big and strong) and he chases the others til they get really, REALLY pissed with him and hiss and spit and hit him...and he still doesn't get it. He literally trips them by grapping their hind legs and then he holds them down and treats them like a chew toy, (He's never displayed any sexual behavior at all). The only one he respects is (ME and) Beans, and backs off immediately if she shows signs of having had enough.

He is not being mean, he just wants to play, but he cannot get into his thick skull, they are cats just like him and NOT toys (It's particularly hard on Bownie the Bat as she is a small girl).

He was neutered 3 months ago and has calmed down a little since then and is also more affectionate - just like he was when he was a tiny kitten.

He is very whiny towards me (comes running and complains the minute something doesn't go his way), and often wants me to show HIM attention and give him cuddles - if that doesn't work he resorts to stealing and dragging off anything he can find on the kitchen counter or computer desk, or he starts plucking all the leaves off of my plants!

Any advice on this behaviour (how to improve it) or is it still "just" kitten behavior...or "spoiled brat" behavior?


Laura's Babies
01-23-2004, 11:21 PM
Sounds like you got your hands full. For those times when he is just getting into things (just to be bad) have you tried a bottle of spay water? Usually, with mine I find it only takes twice for the same thing and they forget about doing that again.

01-23-2004, 11:36 PM
Oh yes, as soon as I touch the spray bottle he takes off, and the second I turn my back he is back at doing the exact same thing again!

01-23-2004, 11:42 PM
This is just a suggestion. However, if he is just trying to play, it may mean that he just has too much energy. I am not sure how much you paly with him, but if it is not much try playing with him a little more and work off some of that energy and he may leave the other kitties alone more.

Like I said just a suggestion, and I am no expert in this area. Hopefully, some one else will have other suggestions.

Good luck and I hope you find the solution.

01-24-2004, 12:09 AM
Thanks! I DO play quite a lot with him with the kittylight and cat ticklers and I throw mousies and what not. He loves the first 5 minutes, then he gets lazy and just lays there watching ME storm around with the toys, lol + he gets to wrestle me (but he gets angry if he "loses" and then walks away).

Another one of his funny little habits is that he chews on everything - Everything from the drying rack, tubes of lotion to the groceries I bring home. He's also chewed off the corners of their catwalks on the wall.

*Sigh* Lol!

01-24-2004, 06:11 AM
I think you should get used to the fact that you have a little BRAT.......LOL

Sounds like a real character to me. But I'll bet he'll outgrow a lot of it in time.

01-24-2004, 06:23 AM
Sorry, I have really no advice here! :o

I figure he has never really learned the feline behavior skills because he was hand-raised (and spoilt!!!) by a human. And as you know, the three girls rejected him more or less when he was a baby, because he's been so wild...

It's good that he at least respect Beans as the queen of the house, but this won't help little Bownie... :(

You, however, are still his mommy and he still plays the baby when interacting with you. :)


01-24-2004, 10:38 AM
I think you should get used to the fact that you have a little BRAT

I think you're right - Guess I'll just have to learn how to umm, embrace it LOL :D

01-24-2004, 10:56 AM
I have a brat, too. I feel for you!

01-24-2004, 11:03 AM
^ Which one is the brat?

01-24-2004, 11:39 AM
I know that feeling, Grover was hand raised too. Stubby just leaves when he sees her coming, sometimes he will play with her a little. Grover is my boss. That is what she knows and believes. I have the same problem, it seems she is always looking for something to get into. She knows that I just can't punish her, and she does what she wants to.

I have no advice, sorry..


01-24-2004, 12:29 PM
Have you tried putting Rescue Remedy in his water or a Feliway plug in? Our house has gotten much more happier now that we do that daily.

01-24-2004, 01:52 PM

01-24-2004, 10:21 PM
What is Rescue Remedy and Feliway?

01-25-2004, 01:39 PM
Rescue is some plant drops -I am sure you can get it in a pharmacy. Belongs to Bach flowers, I am sure you can read about it if you enter it in google.
Feliway is pheromones.

But I agree. Let's call it MKS, manipulative kitty syndrom -he just found out how to keep you busy. And that is what mine can do VERY well.

01-26-2004, 07:18 AM
I'm sorry because I know it can be so trying at times but I had to laugh!! Leroy is my BRAT and I have just learned to go with it. He will get what he wants one way or another and I have accepted that fact. I just learned how to shake my head and laugh. I do stop him when he is overly aggresive to the other kitties. I'm very fortunate that I do have one (Pete) that also loves to play very rough. He is the only one that will play with Leroy and they go at it hard. As long as nobody screams in pain I let them get out that energy. I don't know what I would do if Pete wasn't here. I guess I would just keep pulling Leroy off of the others and try to redirect his attention with toys. Good luck and it will mellow some as he gets older.http://petoftheday.com/talk/images/our_smilies/biggrin.gif

01-26-2004, 11:24 AM
Lol, he DOES crack me up constantly, but my main worry was/is that he is very hard on the girls sometimes (and they don't like playing rough), and doesn't listen when he is being told to stop,

He IS a character and I luh him, coz he IS my baby, but at the moment he is the sweetest when he is SLEEPING (he sleeps in the bed with me and the other furbabies every night) :D

...but I'm sooo glad, I'm not the only one with a brat. This place needs a MKS support group, lol ;)

Julie Grove
01-27-2004, 11:58 AM
Mmm.. sounds like a pampered puss to me! Gigi was a bit like that. If I did something that didn't include her in some way (unless of course she was doing something else she prefered at the time), then she would 'show off' and do things to get my attention. I sympathise!

leslie flenner
01-27-2004, 07:49 PM
I've heard that our local shelters use rescue remedy but I'm yet to read or hear about it's effectiveness. There are cocktails like these that have been around for several years- but again, I don't know success rates, so to speak. Can't hurt and better than prozac or buspar!