View Full Version : blankets for shelter

01-23-2004, 06:55 PM
CCL mentioned this in her thread and I am working on some myself. Mine are about the size of a baby blanket and have batting in between washable poly/cotton. No handquilting - just handtied with heavy yarn, double tied every six inches on so - enough that the batting does not shift. I think the size is about 17x23 (allowing for seams) so one yard of 48" fabric is enough for *two. Or, I may get some flannel to use on one side. It should fit nicely in a cage or carrier and I hope it will go home with the kitties!! But whatever they choose to do with them is fine. Sew it like an inside out pillow case, back to back with the batting and turn and stitch the final seam. If anyone has better instructions, or knows what the shelters prefer - please let me know!! The old blanket is an excellent idea and I am sure much cheaper than the batting! Thanks!!

* edit I said a yard makes one but it actually makes two!..it will make FOUR if you use a plain muslin for one side.

01-23-2004, 07:06 PM
For those that aren't sewers but can knit or crochet, we also use small knitted blankets to warm the cages at adoption day events.

01-24-2004, 01:04 AM
Deb - would you post a picture of one you've made? I want to make some and have a sewing machine but I'm still beginner and not quite sure what to do. I'm teaching myself how to sew as I go and I've only made a few things.

I did read that if you use batting you should make stitches across the blanket to keep the batting secure so does that mean I just use a decorative stitch to make a quilted looking pattern across the blanket?

01-24-2004, 10:07 AM
Originally posted by jazzcat
Deb - would you post a picture of one you've made? I
Hey Lori - you get more than you asked for:D I went and sewed one up to see how long it takes also and it takes less than an hour. I took some pics along the way - now this is just my way - there are probably lots of good ways but this is very easy. First I cut two pieces of fabric and one piece of batting, pin the fabric right sides together and the batting against the wrong side on top and pin together..sew around three sides..
Then turn it inside out and you will have the pretty side out, batting inside, and one open side....
Then pin that open side together, tucking in the raw edges and catching the batting - I use a zigzag stitch for this.
Here it is finished...backside...
One yard of fabric makes four of them, if you use plain muslin for the backing or the yard can make two if they are printed on both sides.
To quilt - Just make a few straight lines, maybe diagonal with a large stitch, several times across the quilt should do it! Or if the fabric has a large pattern, you could simply outline parts of the pattern and they would stand out and hold the bat in place at the same time! I am headed to Wal-Mart to see if I can find some cute pet themed fabrics. So far I have used pieces I have picked up over the years and hoarded. I would like to find something with pawprints if I can. I think I will also start using a flannel or lightweight solid as the backing so there is only print on one side.
Enjoy! :D

01-24-2004, 10:56 AM
Since I never make anything from scratch (except chili and stew) I go through my comforters every once in a while to look for wear. If there are any tears or anything, I'll cut them up in squares, stitch them and have instant kitty comforters!!!

01-24-2004, 11:00 AM
Originally posted by moosmom
Since I never make anything from scratch (except chili and stew) I go through my comforters every once in a while to look for wear. If there are any tears or anything, I'll cut them up in squares, stitch them and have instant kitty comforters!!!
Now THAT is a great idea!! I have some old comforters and bedpreads that I keep just for extra warmth, etc ... I am off to take a look!!...........

01-24-2004, 11:23 AM
Deb - Thank you for the step by step pics!! That really helps me. I've got lots of remnants that I bought to learn how to sew on and some of them are very large so I can make blankets with them.

I'm going to check at JoAnn's Fabrics for more remnants because they really discout them.

I like the comforter idea but I had a major fall clean out here and donated all my old comforters and blankets - darn! Oh well, they went to a good cause too - the local mission.

01-24-2004, 12:19 PM
That is soooooooooooooo nice of you to do! :) They look great and I'm sure the lucky recepients of these cuddly blankets will truely appreciate them.

01-24-2004, 12:55 PM
Hey guys - I've got some left over yarn from other projects that I can use to crochet blankets/pads. Is 17 inches x 23 inches (as mentioned above) the prefered size for the carriers?

I confess, I've never measured our carrier.

01-24-2004, 02:02 PM
For all those interested in sewing, quilting, crocheting, knitting, (or by any other means) making Snuggles to donate to shelters in need, here is the website that offers patterns, recommended dimensions, shelters currently requesting, etc.


01-24-2004, 02:31 PM
Thanks AvaJoy - Their website recommends:

14" x 14" for cats and small animals
24" x 24" for cats and small to medium dogs
36" x 36" for medium to large dogs

These sizes are just guidelines. The actual Snuggles don't have to be exact. They could be made out of acrylic yarn or cotton in any pattern or color that you choose. The ends should be double-knotted and fastened off long and woven through the work to prevent unraveling from washing and wear. They are best when they are made thick for comfort and warmth.

01-24-2004, 03:29 PM
Well I just called my mom about this, we have been wanting to help cats for a very long time. We have taken in more than are fair share of stray's because STUPID people would drop them off in the park which was right behind are old house so we fed them and would let them in when ever they wanted. My mom doesn't have that house anymore so now we need a way to help and this seems perfect.

My mom knows how to sew, I have been wanting to learn how to sew, and this seems like the perfect way, helping animals and learning at the same time. What can be better than that?

I am going to call my local humane society on Monday morning and get sizes and see if they need them. If not there is another place around me that I also will be calling Monday morning. My mom has more than enough fabric right now and she loved the idea.

I would love to be able to foster cats, but I don't think I could let them go. And I know I can't afford it right now. So I'm glad I will be able to help in some way shape or form.


P.S. Thanks for the great idea sirrahbed and CCL!

01-24-2004, 06:09 PM
Actually it was Avajoy who started the whole thing in another thread. Look what you got going Avajoy!! YEA!! Lots of kitty blankets for the homeless furbabies!!
When I talked to the shelter yesterday they also told me that they can use any pieces of fabric that are big enough for a cat body to stretch out on. They use them for the spay and nueter clinic. She said they lay down a piece of fabric on the stainless steal surgical table under each kitty. I also asked about sizes and she said they take anything!!
It sounds like anything and everything can be used. At least here in my local shelter, but I would guess it's the same everywhere.
Isn't this wonderful??! I'm sure the kitties and the shelters will appreciate this more than we will ever know.
I just love PT people!!

01-24-2004, 10:07 PM
I called a few shelters in my area, none of which were open. So I decided to call a few vets after my mom and I talked about it. The vet I called is an emergency vet clinic which is open 24/7 I asked them if they needed anything like this and they said that they do. The woman I talked to said that the staff brings in blankets and towels that are old, and they are starting to run low on them. That all the staff has brought in as much as they can. So my mom and I are also going to make some from them as well.

On monday morning I still plan on calling the shelters back and finding out if they need them, if so my mom and I will also make them for them as well. My mom and I already have it all set up. She has more than enough scrap fabric that we can use for now, when we run out she will buy more then the next time I will buy more. I am going to take alot of the fabric home with me so I can cut it then once a week I will run all the fabric over to her house so she can get sewing on them. On my days off from work I will be over there this week working on them, so we can take some to the vets office within the next couple of weeks.

01-24-2004, 10:30 PM
Just wanted to say this place is really inspirational when it comes to helping out cats in any form of need. :)

I wish there were as much focus on it over here too - perhaps there is, but just not in my area.
Inspired by a bunch of threads here, I'm gonna look into that aspect of being a cat person now too!

01-25-2004, 01:45 AM
I love seeing all the creative new ideas here. I also sew for the cat shelter where we are members of.
As the shelter is quite far away and we cannot help with working there I thought it would be fun to sew and collect stuff they might need.
I always buy huge amounts of fabrics on sale outs, especially checked pattern fabrics, as they are the most easy to be sewed (I am a beginner as well)...the cushions are 40cm x 60cm and stuffed with quilting material...I add two buttons and a rubber mat on the downside of the cushions so that they stay in place even when the cats get in action, so the cushions can be used on floors as well...as these cushions will be heavy used I step the cat face and a boarder around the cushion to make sure that even after a lot of trips to the washing machine everything stays in place...(see picture)
Sometimes I just use old towels to sew stuffed blankies from...it's a very good alternative to other fabrics...

Laura's Babies
01-25-2004, 09:15 AM
I have wanted to do more to help out the homeless and this is great! I am not able to get to deeply involved due to how I work, but this would really work for me! I am going to start right away making kitty blankets for our local rescue orgianzation and see if I can get my daughter involved too..

This time of the year, fleece and flannel are on sale. Out of 1 yard of fleece, you can get 4 blankets and they love that fleece and are quick to get that Happy Feet thing going on it. Below I am posting a bed I made for my babies just the other day and there is always one sleeping on it. They also love my flannel rag quilt my sister made me for Christmas.


01-25-2004, 11:31 AM
bisi.cat - Love that blanket with cat face. How did you make the face? I like the rubber mat idea too, very nice.

Laura's babies - that bed is really nice. Did you make it from a pattern or on your own? My cats love that type of bed and I'd like to be able to make some.

01-25-2004, 11:32 AM
Laura how did you make that??!! It is sooooo cuuuute!! Would you please be willing to share the instructions? I just love the fabric you used!! I have so many kitties that I can't always afford to buy alot of these beds and then find out they won't use them. This would be a whole lot cheaper and I could give them more of them!!! I just love the one you made!!http://petoftheday.com/talk/images/our_smilies/biggrin.gif
The talent here is amazing!!

01-25-2004, 11:53 AM
I notice that our cats love to stretch out on our very fluffy bathmats. They are thick with a rubber backing and about the right size for a carrier.

So I called our shelter to inquire but they said no. They have to wash them so often to get rid of the germs and they take HOURS to dry. So, no takers on this idea. Makes sense.

*ABYCAT* Alice
01-25-2004, 12:02 PM
This is another kind of "bed" that I've made for the kitties out of some old covers and it's made like a tunnel.

01-25-2004, 12:25 PM
WOW! Everyone's blankies are sooooo nice! I too have often thought about trying to crochet or sew some cat blankets, now you all have me INSPIRED!!! Way to go PTers.... you are the BEST!:D

Laura's Babies
01-26-2004, 08:31 AM
I just cut out a big square (with the fabric folded so you have 2 sides) and rounded the edges a little, then cut out a long straight piece (ended up having to cut out another piece to make it long enough to go around the whole thing.. Fold to create a tube and pin it on, all the way around.., then sewed it on. Then I stuffed the edge part.. HINT: make sure it is wide enough to get your arm in it to shove the stuffing in it. I stuffed from one end, then the other.

Here's the neat part, I had a lot of OLD throw pillows and I recycled the stuffing from them for the whole thing. Old throw pillows or bed pillows work.

Then I pinned the botton layer on with the stuffed tube part INSIDE, and sewed it together, leaving an opening to put the stuffing in it, turn right sides out. Once stuffed, I joined the edges of the outter part with needle and thread and sewed up the bottom where I put the stuffing in it.. Cats don't care if it is all squares up or you make mistakes, all they care about is that it is comfortable. Just make sure it is not packed really tight so that it is soft. There is always one of them on it now that they have it..

You could do this with any soft material or just make a pillow case cover for a old pillow for them... anything that they would like to lay on. Are these instructions clear enough to understand?

01-27-2004, 05:41 PM
I went to my mom's for the day today and we got to work on the blankets. There were 2 kids and 3 adults there so it looked like a mini sweat shop. The kids were having a great time as well as us adults. We have almost the tops of 5 blankets done with all of her scrap material. Tomorrow I hope to get those 5 finished completely. That way we feel like we got something done. The kids probably wont have school tomorrow due to the snow we are getting now. So all of us will be getting back to work. I will also be taking more pictures and posting them tomorrow when I get home.


leslie flenner
01-27-2004, 09:54 PM
cubby, what happened to the strays behind your mom's house after she sold it? I'm new to this website so maybe you've already said? I'm assuming they were taken care of somehow? Do you go back to look for more dumped cats (you said people dump in the park..) Just really curious..
let us know! thanks!

leslie flenner
01-27-2004, 11:45 PM
oh how awful for you!
Well, I don't know what state your in but in new england we use "Friends of Animals" or we go through stray orgs. that have discounts through vets. But when you're dealing with a large population, it can still be so expensive. Esp because you're gonna test 1st (where I live used to be $15.00 and is now $25.00 with discount!). If they are positive, well, there's a whole other story- can't put them back ya know..
But if neg-can just test a few to know if the colony is healthy then tell the vet, no more testing, the colony is clean).
The lowest I've seen out here is $45.00 for a spay and $35.00 for a nueter. And they keep going up... Jan does her own distempers vaccines and through the discount for the vet to do it (last I heard) $10.00 and rabies about the same. So it's a lot but.. Imagine all the babies you'll be seeing and by the time mum brings them around, too feral to adopt out and they too will breed.. Well, you know how it can get, I don't need to say! If you need to do fund raising, is it possible to do it through Pet Talk or is that forbidden!? I would gladly help...Get some trappers lined up-people who know how to do it right (like, you do NOT trap a female without knowing whether or not she's nursing- seen trappers bungle that up! all you have to do is put catnip down, at night, then shine a flashlight on the belly to see if nipples are wet or if fur is separated from nursing- even then, best to pull for milk when she's in the trap to make sure- any nursing mom should be released to get back to her hidden babies- but I'm way ahead of the game here aren't I? let me know how I and others can help?!

leslie flenner
01-28-2004, 12:07 AM
Let your mom know that unspayed females are at high high high risk for ovarian cancer. And, repeated litters means depleated calcium= babies starve- painful way to die. and if that doesn't do it....
A few years ago, Jan spotted a cat that looked strangely lying or dragging in someones driveway as she happened to drive by a house after grocery shopping one day, and went up to the cat, found that she had given birth so many times that her entire uterus was prolapsed. In other words, it was dragging on the ground. the poor thing could hardly walk, and to top it off she was nursing! I can't remember if kittens were ever located but I know Jan brought the poor thing right to the vet and the best they could do was euthanize her. She was in much pain.

Laura's Babies
01-29-2004, 03:08 PM
Since reading your post, I have had it on my mind, knowing that is something I can do to help the homeless babies since a deep comittment on my part would be impossiable. (Due to how I work) Yesterday, while I was in knots and worried to death about my baby while she was in surgery, I found keeping busy helped to distract me so I pulled out my scraps and went to work.

Once I get a pile of them made, I am going to call our local rescue program and donate what I made. I have been wanting to help and your thread inspired me as well as a day of worrying about my own baby. Here are the ones I made so far.




May this thread inspire more! (From my baby Amy)

01-29-2004, 03:12 PM
Those are simply gorgeous!!!! Oh what lucky kitties who will be resting on those! Great job, and BIG heart!!!


01-29-2004, 03:16 PM
These look great Laura! I just got back from Wal-Mart myself, armed with bits and pieces of cute fabrics. I like how you seem to do all the quilting with the sewing machine - outlining, etc and may try some that way. Have fun and keep posting pictures everyone - so we can stay inspired with ideas!! I also want to try a kitty face outline like Nellie's mom made. :)

01-29-2004, 04:15 PM
I decided to give it a try and make some blankets. I've made 17 so far. Most are from remnants I bought at JoAnn Fabric for next to nothing.

The cowgirl fabric I got for $.19 and it was enough for one blanket.



I called the rescue group where I adopted Jazz and Scout and she said they would love the blankets. I just hope they will hold up well. I plan to make many more.

Thanks for the great idea and all the help. Bisi.cat is trying to teach me how to make that adorable cat face like she stitches on her blankets.

Laura's Babies
01-29-2004, 04:33 PM
on her first night of volenteering... I have asked her for a address and this is where I am sending mine. Anyone else wanting to do that, pm her and see if she will send a address. Those babies need us to gather together and DO something more that sit in horror and read her posts about that shelter! I am going to send more than blankets too if she gives me a address. Anyone got toys your kitties no longer play with? Lets get together and DO something... There but by the Grace of God, could be our babies!

01-29-2004, 05:23 PM
I have finished one blanket so far. I am very slow at this whole sewing thing. There are 2 kids that are also working on making blankets as well they have 8 almost done. So they are kicking them out faster than anyone. Anyways here are the pictures of the ONE that I have made. Don't mind Cubby he had to claim it when I brought it home. Cat's what can I say? :rolleyes:

Here is the little boy named Chris that is working on one of the ones he has almost done.

Here is his older sister working on her first one which is almost done her name is Stepanie.

Here is mine getting ready to be sewn together.

More coming!

01-29-2004, 05:30 PM
Here is my brothers girlfriend Andrea, she is allergic to cats but she still didn't mind helping us with this project.

Here is Chris sewing.

Here is Stepanie sewing her's.

Here is my finished product.

Here it is again being enjoyed by Cubby. He wanted to show every one what they will be used for!

Here is another view of it.

Last one I promise. I just wanted to show all the patch work.

All the blankets are from extra material that my Mom had from making quilts for everyone. I hope you all enjoy them, and my Mom's mini sweat shop we had going.


P.s. Don't be worried about Cubby's scent. All the blankets will be washed before we take them in.

01-30-2004, 12:23 AM
Aaawww Jazzcat and cubby31682, your blankets are made with so much love and I know the cats will appreciate it soooooo much...shared happiness is doubled happiness!!!
Once you've started, you can't stop, isn't it?!:D

01-30-2004, 09:26 AM
You guys!!! Just reading this post and seeing all this outpouring of love just made me cry!!
I have been making blankets too (sorry no pics). I already gave some of them to the shelter. I'm sure that everyones local shelters are in as much need as mine.
If the stitches in these blankets carry some of the love that was put into them and now into the cages of any kitty, then I know they will all be well and happy soon!!!
God Bless everybody!! You people make me smile!!!:D :D http://petoftheday.com/talk/images/our_smilies/biggrin.gif

01-30-2004, 09:39 AM
Everyone's blankets look fantastic! I can't wait to start my crochet project.

cubby31682 - I especially like your assembly line of workers and with Cubby in charge of "quality control", there are going to be many happy kitties out there.

On the downside, my local shelter doesn't want blankets. They use old towels so I'll take some over there. (Don't get me started on the shelter -- they are the ones that put Kuhio to sleep due to a "clerical error").

I also checked our no-kill shelter and they don't need any at the moment.

Anyway, if you'll post/PM mailing addresses of your shelters (catcrazylady, Jen, ??) I'll mail my blankets your way.

BTW - I'm thinking about making them like pillow cases so that a pillow or a hot water bottle can be put inside. Anyone see a problem with that?

01-30-2004, 01:26 PM
One of my quality control staff alerted me to a potential hazard in my blanket production - so thought I would pass it along in case any of you are using my technigue of hand tying with yarn. I have been making square knots and Eliot let me know how easily he can get them loose!! YIKES!! So, now I am retying with TIGHT triple knots and quality control now approves them! I am a little slow - have eleven done so far but they look so cute! I splurged on some cute cat print fabric but next will get back to remnants. Pictures coming soon! Again PLEASE keep the pictures coming for inspiration folks!!:D :D

01-30-2004, 03:06 PM
whew! a productive day! Here are my latest projects from the fabric I bought yesterday - 4 of each cat pattern. plus one from a remnant.
Here is an assortment...
I had another idea!! I have a batch of quilt squares ( 12 or more of them) I pieced many years ago that I intended to make into a "lapquilt" that is done a strip at a time. Well, I know good and well I will NEVER finish it and the intricate piecing work is already done! Note the colors of the 70's!! :D Anyway, they are 18 inch squares, but I think they will make good kitty blankets, too - they just need finishing off on the edges - most are already quilted:D

01-30-2004, 03:26 PM
I just wanted to just mention that you can always find used comforters and quilts at a thrift store or good will store....one comforter could be cut into several blankets for the cats. So if you dont have any in your closets, then maybe you might like to try this.

Also, i once saw on a decorating show, to make really cozy pillows...they cut up big, comfy, old sweaters and put a pillow inside, and it made neat pillows for a cozy, cabin look...you could use the same idea to make beds for the kitties, out of old sweaters...just cut the arms off...put some batting in the middle and sew into a rectangle or square...

Anyway, just thought i would pass along these ideas too...


01-30-2004, 03:26 PM
Deb - those are so cute!! I saw the blue fabric and walmart and almost bought some. I did splurge and bought some neat looking cat fabric on ebay.

I see you did the bisi.cat face on your blanket - yours if very cute too. Bisi.cat is trying to teach me how to do that. She was even kind of enough to send me a picture of her hand drawn stencil so I can copy it (I can't draw a straight line). I hope to start putting a face on my blankets soon. I also like your quilt squares idea. I'm sure the kitties will love them.

Cubby's blanket is gorgeous. There is so much work put into that!

I'm going to make a few larger blankets for the dogs too.:)

01-30-2004, 03:32 PM
Originally posted by jazzcat
I'm going to make a few larger blankets for the dogs too.:)

Dale's big dog bed...i made myself. It was much more cost effective than spending $80 on an extra large dog bed from petsmarts. I had an old comforter...folded it in half and then in half again (so it is quite fluffy)...and then sewed some fleece fabric that i got for a great price at Joanne's, and made it so, i can slip it off and wash it, when need be! :)

01-30-2004, 03:36 PM
Originally posted by Christiansmommy
Dale's big dog bed...i made myself. It was much more cost effective than spending $80 on an extra large dog bed from petsmarts. I had an old comforter...folded it in half and then in half again (so it is quite fluffy)...and then sewed some fleece fabric that i got for a great price at Joanne's, and made it so, i can slip it off and wash it, when need be! :)

Great idea!!

Laura's Babies
01-30-2004, 05:52 PM
I went to wal mart and while I have TON'S of fabric here at home, I HAD to buy some more, just for this!! I have LOADS that was my Mama's and I got it when she passed and I know she would be thrilled to see me use it for this.... But I saw the cutiest fabric and had to buy it! ( I made anout 6 small fleece ones last night and took to show my neighbor, her Senior cat claimed one so I let him keep it.)

Keep it going folks. It may inspire more and I am sending mine to that Animal shelter that CCL is helping out at!

01-31-2004, 05:59 AM
Recently I bought a couple of sheets sets that were on sale so that I could recover my couch cushions. That took less fabric than I thought so I have a whole set of sheets left over! Sooooo I read this thread and got the bug to make some:) I don't know if the adoption center here on base will be allowed to take them, but I figure that if they don't I can send them home to my mom and she can give them to wherever she's giving hers:) I don't have any pics yet because my camera batteries died, but I'll go out and buy some tommorow. I folded the sheets in half so that the covers were nice and thick. Boomer has given them his seal of approval:p yesterday I heard him playing around and when I went out into the hallway I found him on top of one blanket and under another :rolleyes: :D I love that little goofball. I attempted to copy that kitty face design, though mine is nowhere near as nice. I also stiched a few fish onto another. Anywho, I'll put up pictures tomorrow:)

01-31-2004, 07:02 AM
Ok, I managed to squeeze a little more juice from my batteries, so here is what I've done so far:



They are obviously hand made by someone with very little sewing experience:p but I don't think the kitties will mind too much if they don't LOOK perfect:):):)
I used a zigzag stitch to make the kitty face and a very small straight stitch to make the fish.

01-31-2004, 07:30 AM
Missy, these are really cute! Digitals cameras are WONDERFUL aren't they? Everyone, PLEASE keep posting your blankets to give us all more idea, OK? Everytime, I see pictures - off I go to sew more!! Really cute ideas, Missy :D They look great and NOT like someone who just got their first sewing machine :eek: I am going to try the fish and kitties because I have a large amount of lightweight denim. Maybe a cute mousie too?? How would I draw a mousie??........mmmmm.....

Laura's Babies
01-31-2004, 08:29 AM
I emailed the shelter in Shelbyville, Ky. that CCL works at and they will be glad to take my blankets and that is where mine are going. Anyone else want to send some? These blankets on here are just so cute. There are going to be a lot of very happy kitties!

01-31-2004, 08:59 AM
Missy your blankets are adorable!!!! I love that fish idea!! Your moms idea of a mouse is cute too!! There are going to be some very happy kitties all around the world!!:D :D http://petoftheday.com/talk/images/our_smilies/biggrin.gif

Laura's Babies
02-01-2004, 06:33 PM
You asked for more pictures, well, here are mine! I have 24 that I am boxing up and fixing to mail off to CCL's shelter. You can see the stack on the side of some that I shot for you.

Most were made out of stuff I already had onhand, some, with scraps.





02-01-2004, 07:45 PM
Ok, I know I would be thrown out of a quilting bee for these but they will do for mass production!! Here are a few I made today.




And Approved by Pervy!!

Laura your quilts are absolutely adorable!!!http://petoftheday.com/talk/images/our_smilies/biggrin.gif

02-01-2004, 08:02 PM
Oh DRAT!!!!

I resisted looking at this thread until now and now I MUST go sew up some blankets!!!!!!!!:eek:

I don't have time for this!!!!!!!:p But I can't be out done!!!:rolleyes:

I'll let you know if I am successful......hee hee

By the way 1) Great idea and 2) Great looking blankets......EVERYONE!!!!

Laura's Babies
02-01-2004, 08:28 PM
CCL, you baby is beautiful! She looks so darn sweet laying there. Your blankies are so pretty!!!! Mine too, were kitty tested and approved. Giz even tried to get in the box while I was boxing them up.. Goodness, there are sure going to be some happy kitties!! That is what we should call ourselves "The Happy Kitty Blanket Club"! (Mine are more pad size since I am not sure how large or small those cages will be.)

02-01-2004, 08:37 PM
Sirrahbed those are PRECIOUS!!!! You certainly are feeling creative!! How cute!!
Laura your blankets made me feel warm and snuggly just looking at them! I love the kitties you put on them!
All the blankets I have seen have been ADORABLE!! I'm telling you guys that there is no way all these kitties can not feel some of the love that was put into them!!!
Lets send the love around the world folks!!!http://petoftheday.com/talk/images/our_smilies/biggrin.gif

02-01-2004, 10:39 PM
Great looking blankets everyone. I wish I had talent in that area.:) However, if the kitties ever need help with there computers please let me know.;)

CCL I loved the shots of your blamket tester. I think thaey passed.:D

Laura's Babies
02-02-2004, 02:09 PM
My blankets were mailed to CCL's shelter today and should be there Wed.! YIPIEE! I am so excited and dissapointed that I can't do more before I have to go back to work. I can not wait to see pictures of the kitties on them. This is so exciting!!!!

02-02-2004, 03:51 PM
Laura, check your PM's

Laura's Babies
02-03-2004, 09:25 AM
Time for me to go back to work so I will be gone for about a month. BUT, please keep this going, keep sewing. There are a lot of kitties out there that need these blankies and the love we put into them. Just wish I had my sewing stuff on that boat!!! Think of how many I could make in 28 days!!! I would run out of supplies real quick! One of the first things I will do when I get back is ask if you are still doing this and how many have been donated so far.. ...so keep a count!

02-10-2004, 10:13 AM
Hey all! I have been temporarily working on a cradle bumper for my new grandbaby (well, due in August anyway) but now back in production of kitty quilts! Oh, and of course the bumper has kitties on it. ;) I was looking at the quilting section of Wal-Mart yesterday and found "quiltbundles" of fabric and each piece is a quarter yard cut to 22"x18" which is exactly how I cut my blankets! So I bought several bundles and this is great fun to open them up and see the fun assortment of fabrics!! And, already cut to size!! I am now using muslin for the backing and an old blanket for the batting. The handtying - I have given up because it is hard on the fingers and I read at the "Snugglers" site that many shelters do not accept them - the danger that the kitties can pull out the yarn and ingest it - and my quality staff showed me this early on.
Jen - I am eagerly waiting for pictures of your masterpieces:D
Off I go to sew and will post the blankets of the day later on. I would really love to see what else some of you are doing because the new ideas keep me excited and wanting to keep sewing! Thanks!!

02-10-2004, 10:46 AM
I am not a sewing person , at all , and usually wait for eithr garage sales , or a Cat Food promo , like the Science Diet Blankets , or The Iams cat Beds that were out last year. But The English Cat sitters brought new bedding , and some blankies that the Cats , of course just love! They are wonderful people!

02-10-2004, 01:00 PM
Originally posted by jenluckenbach
Oh DRAT!!!!

I resisted looking at this thread until now and now I MUST go sew up some blankets!!!!!!!!:eek:

I don't have time for this!!!!!!!:p But I can't be out done!!!:rolleyes:

I'll let you know if I am successful......hee hee

By the way 1) Great idea and 2) Great looking blankets......EVERYONE!!!!

ME TOO!!! Now I know what to do with all of my fabric samples! I have three drawers full of designer fabric samples of discontinued fabrics too prettty to throw away:D So some cat is going to get a blanket made out of 100% silk and another out of 100% wool, and another 100% mohair!!! LOL! I'll get cracking as soon as I'm finished with this one project I'm working on!

02-10-2004, 01:23 PM
Sirrahbed those are gorgeous!! They told me at the shelter last night that Laura's little quilts had arrived. I went looking for them and most were in the wash. They had used them that fast!! They were amazed at the cat faces and detail that are in these quilts. I told her that a lot of people on this website were making blankets and sending them to shelters all over the world!! She was amazed and in awe of what happens on this site. I told her that I was too!!

If the world ever gets enough of these blankets then I want you to make me a BIG blankie!! They are so cute!!!http://petoftheday.com/talk/images/our_smilies/biggrin.gif

A lady here at work brought me an old torn quilt today so I'm going to cut it up and add some binding. I've got to get busy and make some more. They get dirty so fast and have to be changed often. Kitties just love to flip their water bowls!!!

02-10-2004, 02:07 PM
I am so very proud of all of you!!!! I just read through each and every one of these posts and saw all the pictures. There are some kitties who are resting more comfortably because of you efforts, for sure!!!!! :)

Thank you all, from the bottom of my "non-sewing" heart. :)


02-10-2004, 11:01 PM
catnapper - I want to see pictures when you get those designer blankets made. Just remember though, if you're going to give them to a shelter make sure they are machine washable. Although I'm sure some shelter kitty would look smashing on a mohair blanket, lol!

sirrahbed - your latest blankets look great and what an excellent job your quality control officer is doing.:D

02-11-2004, 02:09 AM
This thread is so amazing!!!

The power of Pet Talk!!!:D :D :D

02-11-2004, 07:30 AM
Originally posted by jazzcat
catnapper - I want to see pictures when you get those designer blankets made. Just remember though, if you're going to give them to a shelter make sure they are machine washable. Although I'm sure some shelter kitty would look smashing on a mohair blanket, lol!

sirrahbed - your latest blankets look great and what an excellent job your quality control officer is doing.:D

He he he! I know mohair, wool, etc is not machine washable! I was so blown away and excited that I was thinking how Fab-u-lous everyting would look in these stun-ning fabrics! I'll have to search through for ones that are machine washable.... in the very least, three years ago my daughter and I cut sqaures for the fish-themed quilt we were making for her room. It never got past the square stage! I'm sure cats would love tropical fish print quilts! Hmmmm.... the lost squares must be around somewhere.

I am so excited to do this! I need to find my rotary cutter and start today!

02-11-2004, 07:55 AM
I do believe we have another new and excited sewer!! I can't wait to see what you come up with Catnapper! I'm sure with Allen and Pouncer there to offer advice your blankets will be wonderful!!!http://petoftheday.com/talk/images/our_smilies/biggrin.gif

02-22-2004, 05:45 PM
Originally posted by catcrazylady
I do believe we have another new and excited sewer!! I can't wait to see what you come up with Catnapper! I'm sure with Allen and Pouncer there to offer advice your blankets will be wonderful!!!http://petoftheday.com/talk/images/our_smilies/biggrin.gif

I have graduated from excited sewer to frustrated sewer!!!:D

I can sit and sew for hours and hours by hand and be happy and content. But pull out a sewing machine? GRRRR....

I finished ONE quilt tonight - just as I finished, the needle snapped (is that an omen?) I must say, its pretty ugly:( but do the kitties care? I put it on Pouncer's shelf to see if he'll sleep on it and how he likes it (inspector #1) More to come though!

02-22-2004, 09:35 PM
Originally posted by catnapper
I finished ONE quilt tonight
Pictures please :D
PS - waiting for Jen's masterpieces too;) - I have run out of steam and need some new inspiration:o

02-23-2004, 06:00 AM
Sirrahbed I can't imagine why you have run out of steam. It might be because you turned into a mini quilt factory for a while. I would say you have burn out. You'll come back to it.

Catnapper I can tell you for sure that the kitties could care less what they look like! They just want to feel the love and snuggles that come sewn in the stitches!! Don't give up!!

A friend gave me an old worn out quilt and I made 6 little quilts yesterday. I have not done anything fancy so I still have some energy. I have five more cut out and ready to go.

02-23-2004, 06:48 AM
I am going to my Mom's again today to work on more. I don't have very much time this week to work on them. Although I would like to keep working on them. I will be taking my camera with me to take pictures of what we have done.

02-23-2004, 07:56 PM
Originally posted by sirrahbed
PS - waiting for Jen's masterpieces too;) - I have run out of steam and need some new inspiration:o
:o :o
I haven't sewn.....BUT I DID crochet!!!
I have one finished and one started. but you know me......no instant pictures, gotta do it the OLD fashioned way! :p

02-23-2004, 09:58 PM
I got 11 of them done today! So far my mom and I counted them and right now we are up to 20 of them. Next week we plan on taking them to the vets office and dropping them off. My mom gave me all the extra fabric so I can work on them on my own, once I get a place to sew and all the stuff that I need to do it. I will try to get pictures of all of them tomorrow and get them posted tomorrow night if I can.


P.S. I also went and bought some fabric. Because a certain cat, I wont mention any names *caugh* *caugh* Cubby, stole one of the blankets that was finished. He has gone as far as attacking me when I try to take it from him. What a selfish little boy I have here. :rolleyes: :confused:

03-05-2004, 10:26 AM
Thought I would revive this original since Laura is now back and asked about them!! I have contacted both shelters where I got my current babies but have yet to hear from either of them:o I noticed some Ohio shelters that are listed on the "snugglers" sites and guess i could mail them there. CCL or Jen - would either of you like me to mail mine to your shelters? I don't really care where they end up but would like them used!! I loved making them and want some kitties to enjoy them.:D It would feel good to know they go somewhere that I have a "tie" to...you know?

PS hey Jen - still waiting to see your yarn blankies :D

Laura's Babies
03-05-2004, 11:16 AM
I am reading through these and it is bringing tears to my eyes! Such a GREAT bunch of people and I am going to make more too, once I get settled back in...

03-05-2004, 02:12 PM
My mom and I got 20 of them done. We took ours to a vets office. As soon as we walked in the woman acted so suprised. She asked us 2 or 3 times if we really wanted to donate them. She also asked us at one point what we wanted in return all I said is I want them to be used by the animals that are there. Then she pulled one out and told us how beautiful they were and that the animals would love them.


03-05-2004, 02:39 PM
My apologies Sirrahbed. I didn't realize that you had posted about the quilts. DUH!http://petoftheday.com/talk/images/our_smilies/eek.gif

03-05-2004, 02:49 PM
PS hey Jen - still waiting to see your yarn blankies
I am on my 4th but no pictures yet. :(
Catnapper (Kim) said she'd be bringing hers to Petco Adoption Day this Sunday for One by One, so I won't have you send yours to us (but I appreciate the offer). :D:D:D

03-23-2004, 11:18 PM
My Mom brought some fabric squares with her when she crossed the big ocean and I've been busily making more blankets. I'm still going to try to give them to the onbase shelter, but who knows if they'll take them. Everything is more complicated in the military:rolleyes: :D Here are some pictures that my Mom took of me working.

03-23-2004, 11:19 PM
Of course, Boomer had to supervise and make sure that I was working up to proper KSA standards (Kitty Seal of Approval) I think he approves:):):)
By the way, that adorable blue bow tie that Boomer is wearing is one of the things that my Mom and I found at the 100yen store He hated it when it was around his neck, but once we removed it he started playing with it:) Silly kitty:)
http://www.imagestation.com/picture/sraid108/pae724a540e1a4fb1e88803c2d99de640/f93e5857.jpg http://www.imagestation.com/picture/sraid108/pb1134b023d9b5a15079f6473bf448d0e/f93e5861.jpg http://www.imagestation.com/picture/sraid108/p7c8cea13e8c0b99b69fa88ede5ca74a8/f93e587b.jpg

Laura's Babies
03-24-2004, 09:34 AM
I hear your sewing maching humming all the way in SE Louisiana and I hear the kitties screaming "I WANT MY BLANKIE" too. Happy sewing and I hope you have as much fun as I do sewing them!!

Boomer does not look at all happy with that bow on him, even if it is blue!