View Full Version : PLEASE READ! A lesson hard learned.

01-23-2004, 01:14 PM
Hello Everyone I just got this message from a good friend of mine who just lost her dog due to the carelessness of a worker please read this and remember to keep your pets inside behind closed doors when there are workers entering your home and yard. It is very sad but it is a lesson hard learned. So please take extra caution.

I am writing this with the heaviest of hearts. We had
a terrible thing happen here yesterday afternoon. One
of the workmen left our gate open, and while I was in
the shower Joe let Mabel and Boris out. Buddha and
Tallulah were in their crates - Buddha to stop him
from playing too much and hurting his back, and
'Loolah because I can't trust her when I'm not in the
room. It took him about five minutes to go out and see
where they were, and that is when he discovered the
open gate. Joe ran right in and got me and we both
went out calling and looking. Boris came running up
the driveway, so I grabbed him and put him in the
house while Joe went looking. By the time I got back
outside he had found my Mabel at the side of the road.
Some rotten bastard had run her down and never
stopped, in spite of the fact that we are the only
house for a quarter mile in either direction. I can
only hope that she never felt any pain. I am
devastated...this kind of thing happens to careless
people, and I had never considered myself careless. I
can't stop crying...I feel so numb. I don't know how
I'll ever cope. I have never lost a dog this young,
and in such a horrible way.
I hate to burden you with what should be my
responsiblity, but I don't feel I can type this again.
Could you please somehow inform the regulars on
Pug_Talk what has happened, either by posting it or
forwarding this to whoever you feel would want to
I don't know if I will be able to come back to the
group - it was so much a part of Mabel. For now,
though, I won't unsubscribe. I will see how things go.
I am just taking it one day at a time.
Please keep my little angel's soul in your prayers.

I just wanted to post this so we can all learn from it and so Mabel passoing can be a lesson. Please be extra careful you never no what can happen!

My Peanuts
01-23-2004, 01:53 PM
Oh how horrible. I will pray for your friend to feel better soon. RIP Mabel my Angie is waiting to play with you at the RB.

01-23-2004, 02:36 PM
How sad.

Thank you for posting it as a heads up to us all.

My condolences are with your friend, and may Mabel Rest In Peace.

01-23-2004, 02:53 PM
How horribly tragic :( :(

If I could talk to your friend though, I would tell her to please not be hard on herself. Sometimes no matter how hard you try to take precautions, things happen. It doesn't mean she was careless or irresponsible. It sounds to me like things just happened to go in a bad way from simple human error and circumstances. I know there have been times when something little happened that could have turned out a lot different depending on circumstances.

I know it must be so so awful, and so hard for her not to blame herself. I feel sick at heart for her and her terrible loss. :(

kittie luna
01-23-2004, 03:45 PM
:( Thats so sorry to hear. We can only hope that more people will be careful on the roads and with their pets.
I've had a similar accident. :( RIP Mable

01-23-2004, 03:48 PM
OMG how sad for her. K9soul, right she shouldn't blame herself for this. She could not have know that someone could be that stupid to leave the gate open. You should be able to have some trust in people common sense to close a gate, it's like leaving a door open to your house, you just don't do it!!

I went through this with Tuffy once, the meter reader lady left our gate open and Tuffy took off down the lane. Thanks goodness all he did was play in some trash and bring back a surprize for us. I was so anger at the meter lady that I called and raised he&#, now there is a lock on the gate and a reminder note for people to close the gate. I also got a new meter reader out of the deal, I think she was afraid to come back and face me. (as she should be)

Rest In Peace, Mabel