View Full Version : Thoughts and Advice about Agility

01-23-2004, 12:28 PM
Hi everyone! I'm sure you've covered this topic before, but since I'm new to the "dog side" I was wondering if I could get some tips and/or advice about agility. I'm thinking about enrolling my dog Priya in a beginner agility class because she just loves to run and play. My question is, how well behaved do they have to be? Priya isn't exactly the best trained dog. :o She can sit and stay (sometimes) and come and heel, but that's about it. I'm still working with her. She just has a mind of her own and is always curious about things and getting distracted. I thought putting her into an agility class would help her learn to focus on something, yet be active at the same time. Beginner class is 5 sessions starting in March. Is there anything I should do to prepare? Is it typical to have little dogs in agility? I know when she gets running around our neighborhood park with our friend's dogs, she's like a little black bullet running around :)


01-23-2004, 12:35 PM
I think having a good solid down, stay and recall would be needed for agility. We took Kai to basic obedience (again) to 'fine tune' him so we could take agility lessons.

Is it typical to have little dogs in agility?
You can find dogs of all sizes in agility. Shelties are quite compact and are really popular in agility. I've also seen lots of papillons in as well.

01-23-2004, 05:34 PM
Karen, it's so great to see you back. You have been missed!! I have just enrolled Bella in basic obedience (she starts 2/9/04) because I have been toying with the idea of putting her in agility. I know she would love it. Basic obedience is the prerequisite for agility at the school where she will go, so we shall see what happens. Please, we need PICTURES and stories of your new pupster and also the kitties!

I know this is Dog General, but did you know that the kitties are taking a cruise in Cat General? I don't think it's too late for yours to jump on board! :) (Marius may be interested to know that Edwina is going. :) )