View Full Version : I think I'm in trouble...AGAIN...

01-23-2004, 09:41 AM
I think I'm going through my mid-life crisis now. I have been feeling really useless lately. I know that I work hard all week and then take care of nine cats and a home. It just seems like in the scheme of things I'm not doing anything that matters. You know what I mean? So, I decided to contact the local shelter and volunteer. I don't have much time, but I can give up some of my lazy TV time or do computer work, something! I sent them an email last night around 8:00 pm giving them a little of my background and explaining why I wanted to help. By 10:00 pm I had a response that started with..."Where have you been for all of our lives!!!!" It went on to tell me they have 150 cats and needed any and all types of help.
I'm really nervous about this because I get so emotionally involved that I really wonder how I will do with it. My nature is to go full throttle into something so that is why I think I'm in trouble. I'm probably going to be whining to you guys soon so get ready!

Here is another reason I think this might be a bad thing. This face reached out and took my heart the minute I saw it. I haven't even met her yet and I'm a mushy pile. Her name is Cantaloupe.

Before I go into this I want all the advice I can get from experienced shelter volunteers. How do I stay emotionally detached?

01-23-2004, 09:43 AM
Have fun volunteering. The bitter-sweet joys are well worth the emotional roller coaster.

01-23-2004, 09:50 AM
Up until a year ago I volunteered at our local shelter once a week. Most of the kitties were either ferals or strays so most of them were not real friendly. We had one kitty named Cee-Cee and she lost an eye to glaucoma and was the most beautiful long-haired sweetheart anyone could want. She was there for about 2 yrs and finally got adoped out. It really broke my heart that I would not see her again but at the same time you have to realize that letting them go to a good home is the best reward.

I also took part in adopting out cats from PetSmart and that was OK for me. Seeing a 8 yr old girl walking away with a new kitten in her arms just melted my heart.

Tubby & Peanut's Mom
01-23-2004, 09:56 AM
I'm not a volunteer, wish I could but I just don't have the time, but I don't think you can stop from getting emotionally involved. I think it's one of the hazards of rescue work, but like Jen said, the bitter sweet joys are worth it. It's hard to see the ones you've fallen in love with leave, but you know they are going to good homes and will be better off than in the shelter - even if that means you won't see them anymore.

I think the hard part would see the abuse cases that come in. That would just tear me apart and make me want to do some not so nice things to some not so nice people.

I know you'll get better responses from those who have actually done volunteer work at shelters, but I guess I just wanted to say good luck and stay strong. Remember that even though it's hard on you, the kitties need you.

Good luck!

Oh, and if you have a particularly hard time with something, be sure and let us know. You know the power of PT prayer and just remember that we are here to support you - so whine away! :D

01-23-2004, 10:04 AM
I am VERY proud of you! I hope you get some good advice here - about the detached part. I used to work as a nurse and then volunteer - that is the only comparison I can make - I worked with elderly and just learned to love them but not take them quite so personally into my heart as I did in the beginning - too painful at each loss. I think you and I are both softies - and this is not going to be easy to learn, unfortunately - but just keep telling yourself that the part you play IS useful and you do NOT have to take them home with you to help them. What you give them while you are working is ENORMOUS.

As for helping with a shelter - I like to sew and am starting to make some little blankets to donate. I got that idea from someone here. That way I can feel useful but not get personally involved like you are. Good for you!!!

PS Someone else will come for Cantaloupe!!! You will see:D

01-23-2004, 10:18 AM
I know I haven't met her yet but Sirrahbed I don't want someone else to come for her!http://petoftheday.com/talk/images/our_smilies/biggrin.gif You see where my problem is???http://petoftheday.com/talk/images/our_smilies/wink.gif
Just kidding and thanks guys for the advice. I have agreed to do computer work and blankets (also got that idea here. K&L maybe?). I won't be happy unless I do some hands on so I'm going to go into a place with 150 cats and if I'm never seen again it's because I'm curled up somewhere with tons of fur babies!!

Oh, and if you have a particularly hard time with something, be sure and let us know. You know the power of PT prayer and just remember that we are here to support you - so whine away!

You people are all so wonderful!!http://petoftheday.com/talk/images/our_smilies/biggrin.gif

01-23-2004, 10:23 AM
Originally posted by catcrazylady
I know I haven't met her yet but Sirrahbed I don't want someone else to come for her.
Just kidding and thanks guys for the advice. I have agreed to do computer work and blankets (also got that idea here. K&L maybe?).
OK...look, you ARE short on girls...and 10 would even out the family...:D ...and fruit (e.g. Cantaloupe)is GOOD for you. Let us know.;) And...this is a GREAT way to maybe take care of some certain stacks of fabric you are hoarding!!!:D :D

01-23-2004, 10:31 AM
Ok Sirrahbed!!! Don't encourage me!!http://petoftheday.com/talk/images/our_smilies/eek.gif
I absolutely agree about the fabric!! I think I could actually give it up for kitties!!

btw-Cantaloupe gives me heartburn!!http://petoftheday.com/talk/images/our_smilies/biggrin.gif

K & L
01-23-2004, 10:33 AM
You go girl! I responded to this in my thread! You can do it! You'll probably be on an emotial roller coaster at first, but knowing you're helping all these babies will be worth it!

Sara luvs her Tinky
01-23-2004, 11:41 AM
I'v been thinkin about volunteering at a shelter near my house... i guess i never thought about getting attached... and i guess my common sense would have kicked with me falling so in love with Macy and her babies... but ... if you can, i say go for it... those kitties need to experience all they love they can!..

and whine away... we are here to lend an ear, shoulder or whatever...:)

01-23-2004, 11:42 AM
This is a bit off subject but can you guys tell me how to make the blankets for the shelter kitties? I got a sewing machine two years ago but I'm self taught and have only made a few things (curtains, PJs., tops) so not much experience.

Do you just sew two pieces of fabric together or do you put batting or cushion in between? What size do you make them?

Any help would be appreciated because I'd love to make some for the rescue shelter where I got Jazz and Scout.

As for volunteering - I think that is a wonderful idea!! I try to go every once in a while and just play with the cats but I get too attached and it's so hard for me.

01-23-2004, 12:14 PM
Jazzcat- I can't get it to link for some reason but in the Cat Rescue section under a thread titled "How you got involved in cat rescue" there is a reply from AVAJOY that has the information about sizes and things like that.
I think the ones that I will make will probably have batting in them so they will be softer. I'm certainly not going to try to hand quilt them but I think as long as you run a few stitches to keep the batting from shifting when they are washed you would be fine. I don't think the kitties will mind if they aren't the greatest looking!! A cheap trick I learned from Grandma was to buy those really cheap blankets and cut them up and use them as batting. They quilt really well and won't ball up too bad in the wash plus you can get a bunch out of one big $5.00 blanket. http://petoftheday.com/talk/images/our_smilies/biggrin.gif

01-23-2004, 12:25 PM
Let me tell you something.

My grandfather was the same way - he always thought what he was doing didn't matter. He didn't make much money. He wasn't in politics or anything. He volunteered at the Civic Center a few days a week with my Grandma. He rode around town on his moped, and said "hi" to everybody he met. He went to church sporadically - always sitting in the same seat.

The only unusual thing about him was that he made and sold canes made from the reproductive organs of bulls. That got him some attention - the Kansas City News liked to do stories about him, and he got to be on the radio sometimes.

He said it many times - "I've never done anything that mattered."

Well he died on Christmas day this year. Guess how many people attended his wake? 1476 people signed in! The line went all the way around the funeral home and into the street. Many people didn't even get to come inside to pay their last respects. We estimate around 2000 people showed up. TWO THOUSAND!

He touched each an every one of those people's lives in some way, and it meant enough to them that they came out in the bitter cold during the holidays to attend his wake.

So don't be so sure that what you're doing in this world doesn't matter. Every tiny little thing you do, every interaction you have with any person, means something to somebody! :)

HAVE A NICE DAY!:) :) :)

01-23-2004, 12:37 PM
Here he is - the man I want to model my life after. I made my New Years resolution to be like him in the following ways:

I will go to every party I'm invited to
I will visit people at their houses whenever I can
I will go to church (sometimes! hehe)
I will try to spend as much time as possible with other people
I will not say mean things about other people


01-23-2004, 12:45 PM
You just chewed my butt like my Grandma used too!!http://petoftheday.com/talk/images/our_smilies/biggrin.gif Thank you because I really needed that. I tell people the same thing all the time but I have trouble applying to myself. We never know how many people we touch or effect in our lives.
Thank you also for introducing us to your grandfather. He sounds like a wonderful man. What better tribute to his life could there be than to have someone want to model their life after his.http://petoftheday.com/talk/images/our_smilies/smile.gif

btw-That is one BIG fish!!

01-23-2004, 12:51 PM
Well - I hope he just made a difference in one more life. :)

01-23-2004, 12:59 PM
What a wonderful tribute. :)

01-23-2004, 01:07 PM
Stacey, darn you! Your story about your Grandpa made me cry at work. :o

I wish I could volunteer more with the local shelters, but at the moment I just don't have the time. I donate money and goods, help with transports, and participate in events, but that's the exent of what I do. Sometimes I feel like I'm not giving enough, but then I realize, that what I do give really does help. :)

I'd like to foster someday (when I have a house), but I'm so afraid that I'd get attached. I'm far too emotional. :o

01-23-2004, 02:24 PM
What a lovely tribute and great example regarding your grandpa, Stacy!

Now... Lisa .... I am thrilled that you are going to volunteer!!! You ask how to you do it without getting emotionally attached .... you don't!!! :rolleyes: BUT, you deal with it, and you help soooooo much!!! I know how many I've not been able to turn away in my own home .... I would probably bring one home every night if I volunteered at a shelter. :rolleyes:

Just try to remember that you are doing a great justice to these babies, and I commend you 200%!!!:D