View Full Version : Can dogs have acid reflux?

01-23-2004, 09:11 AM
This might sound silly but Ripley is a strange little guy when he is feeling sick to his stomach. The few times he has been sick he gives no indication of what is about to happen. You know that terrible gagging sound that dogs make right before? Well, Ripley doesn't do that so there is no time to prepare - i.e., get him to a room without carpet, off furniture, etc. I was wondering if he has GERD or maybe just a sensitive tummy. Sometimes he will turn up his nose at doggie treats and even at his morning apple pieces that his daddy gives him. Does anyone know if dogs can have acid reflux or GERD?

01-23-2004, 09:14 AM
What comes up? Is it acid or whole pieces of food?

If I feed Max right before bed, and he lays down right after he eats, then when he gets up sometimes he just sprays whole chunks out. It's an esophogus problem with him. The food just gets stuck in there and doesn't go all the way down to his stomach. I have gotten around the problem by soaking his food at night, and making sure he walks around a little after eating.

01-23-2004, 09:18 AM
Originally posted by stacwase
What comes up? Is it acid or whole pieces of food?

Food. Today he ate his normal dry crunchies for breakfast. About an hour later he ate a few tiny pieces of cut up apple. I looked over at him just as he was opening his mouth and the little apple pieces were coming out but no kibble though. That's what made me wonder. If he was truly emptying out the contents of his tummy there should have been kibble.

01-23-2004, 10:28 AM
I honestly don't know Pam.
Kito throws up in the same manner though--no warning, and BAM--there's the chunks!!!

I know Kito has a sensitive widdle tummy though, so I try very hard not to alter his eating too much. He gets the same food, same treats in his kong, and a few special snackies once in a while.

I hope the Ripster is feeling ok!!!:)

01-23-2004, 01:52 PM
Yup, they can get acid reflux. One of the dogs that I take care of on a regular basis has it. So I have to give him medicine 30 minutes before mealtime, and then he's isn't allowed to play at all or do anything for an hour afer he eats so help keep his tummy calm. Sorry I don't know too much about it, I just know that it is possible for a dog to get acid reflux.

01-23-2004, 04:31 PM
How old were the apples? Possibly they were a bit old, and maybe fermented some?

01-23-2004, 04:58 PM
Originally posted by wolfsoul
How old were the apples? Possibly they were a bit old, and maybe fermented some?

No they were just bought. I buy apples constantly because my hubby eats an apple each day for breakfast (strange breakfast, I know :rolleyes: ) and he always cuts up a few small pieces for Bella and Ripley. This can happen to Ripley with kibble or even the little tiny carrots that I feed him as treats. It's not exactly like he is throwing up. It's sort of like this food never makes it to his tummy and it sort of just comes back up a few minutes later and very quietly . :rolleyes:

Uabassoon thanks for the info. I guess if this becomes more chronic I will mention it to the vet and maybe Rip will need some meds too.