View Full Version : misty is a cleaners nightmare! lol

01-22-2004, 11:07 PM
jeeze, misty gets into the weirdest things, earlier this evening misty came to me with all her hair on her legs and face spiked, like pasted into that poistion, I could not figer out what on earth she had gotten into, that is until I caught her in the act, I walking into the kitchen to fetch misty, because I was going to give her bath to get the sticky stuff off of her, well I cought her with her head in a bag of flour! then she was trying to clean herself, while covered in flour, anyone rember what water and flour makes? past. all over her, so I hop her in the tub, and I am in a prediciment, adding more water to the flour is not goung to get the past off, so I have to take some soft soap, and give her a good hard scrub down to get all that past out, then after she was all clean she got into tomato sauce, and turned herelf orange. tomato sauce is nearly impossable to get off of white fur, I know that from expreiec because she has gotten into tomato sauce before. argh, then later I hear a noise, I look in the kitchen and what do I see? misty and broke down the barrier I had around the four, reopened the bag, and continued on! :eek:

01-23-2004, 05:13 AM
Awwww Misty you nawtee girl ;) you cant fool a Border Collie.

Ahhh i could just imagine what Misty would have looked like LOL too funny

:D :) :D :)

01-23-2004, 06:14 AM
LOL! She's worse than a 2-year-old child, isn't she? hehe

Guess you're going to have to child-proof the house!