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View Full Version : Western theme bedroom ideas...

01-22-2004, 09:44 PM
Ok, I'm on to something here. I want to redo Jaden's room. And I have no artistic ability what so ever. I'm visioning a cowboy scene. Perhaps deep red or dark navy blue walls. He already has a beautiful pine dresser. I have seen pics of some of your houses. I know you can help me! I'd love suggestions. I'm thinking ropes, horseshoes, cowboy boots...BTW, I haven't made him clean all week since he has the flu...don't mind the mess...

Here is what I've bought so far:

Belt buckle plaques


Rawhide strap hook plaque (I'm thinking I'd hang ropes on it maybe?)


Rawhide strap shelf (old books? cowboy boot? greenry?)


Metal plaque


coat rack


And, I saw some brushed nickel picture frames with turquoise accents...they were expensive and I couldn't decide what to put in them...

and...a few other things I picked up

This thinga majig I think is to hold wine bottles...another use?


Plant stands but I'm going to use them as tables (BTW the color is much more rustic in person)...


Denim bedding...


His dresser:


His closet...I need a solution for it...I'm not a big fan of closet doors, I want some cool curtains or something over his closet.


01-22-2004, 09:56 PM
hmmm well it depends on the type of cowboy scene you want. You could do a kind of nice airy day ride thing using beiges, light greens and some blues. Or you could go for a kind of sunrise/sunset look and use some reds and darker blues that type of stuff...heck if you were feeling extra creative or if you could find a stencil for it you could even do a cowboy riding off in to the sunset. That's about all I can think of really.

Well there is one more thing and I don't mean it in a bad way but you might want to consider refinishing that dresser. It looks pretty good now but if it was stripped and refinished it would look awesome.

01-22-2004, 09:58 PM
Originally posted by Crikit
hmmm well it depends on the type of cowboy scene you want. You could do a kind of nice airy day ride thing using beiges, light greens and some blues. Or you could go for a kind of sunrise/sunset look and use some reds and darker blues that type of stuff...heck if you were feeling extra creative or if you could find a stencil for it you could even do a cowboy riding off in to the sunset. That's about all I can think of really.

Well there is one more thing and I don't mean it in a bad way but you might want to consider refinishing that dresser. It looks pretty good now but if it was stripped and refinished it would look awesome.

The cowboy riding into the sunset is a GREAT idea! I can't do it, but my hubby can! In fact, I saw how you do murals on TV. You rent a projector like they use at schools. And then trace the image onto the wall. Maybe a dark red wall with a black image...like a shadow?

I'm thinking reds and darker blues as far as colors go...maybe even some plaid in there...

The dresser, it looks much better in person. It's still dusty from the remodel. lol. In fact, it's brand new. It's a rustic pine with rusted handles. It came that way. That style is common around here. I think they make them in Mexico.

01-22-2004, 10:02 PM
Since you don;t like closet doors - how about some of those Saloon type doors? You could store his "junk" in either an old fashioned pickle barrel on the closet floor or in some fruit baskets... or even some old looking leather trunks. Hang 12" thick or deeper shelves in lieu of a rod - its easier and you don't get those nasty hanger marks...you also get a lot more storage in there if everything is folded. It also serves for shoes, clotehs, books, toys... multi purpose.

Do you know anybody who does murals? If not, this one could be easy: make one wall into the town jail - complete with black iron bars and wanted posters. Hang a shlef real high (about 18" from the ceiling) and put fake Sasparilla labels on water bottles, grapjuice bottles, etc. Hang a real cool Saloon type mirror under it, then put his dresser under that. (how cool would it be to find a register as his piggy bank?)

Ok, That's what I've got off the top of my head... give me the night to think about it!

01-22-2004, 10:05 PM
Oh man! I love to decorate! I wish I was there! You’ve got some neat things to decorate with, too. I like the dresser a lot.

*flies to Modesto*

Nah, we’d have too much fun!

You could plant a cactus in the wine bottle thingy.

You could hang a rope and some spurs on the rawhide strap hook.

Old western books and maybe a pair of old, weathered leather work gloves on the shelf? Maybe a different type of cactus, too.

01-22-2004, 10:05 PM
My son was into the western thing for a while. Here's one thing I did. I got some old ropes, and nailed them up around the room, where the ceiling and walls meet, like molding. It looked really cute, for a little cowboy's room. :)

01-23-2004, 05:58 AM
Hi Tonya!!!!
You are Off to a Great Start!!!!
You got some Great Items!!!!!!!
There is a Fabulous website you can go to...I get their catalogues!!
it is backinthesaddle.com

hope you like!!!

01-23-2004, 06:11 AM
How about getting some old cowboy boots to keep his legos in?

And an old saddle to sit in while he plays Nintendo?

01-23-2004, 08:03 AM
OMG! You all are coming up with some great ideas! Keep going!

01-23-2004, 08:11 AM
Yee- Haw!!!

01-23-2004, 12:49 PM
Hang a horseshoe at the top of the door.. it means good luck. :)

01-24-2004, 06:47 PM
Ooooh! Check out this website I just found. Jaden's room is going to rock!
