View Full Version : Kamble is so smart!

01-22-2004, 07:34 PM
OK - Betsy is taking too long to post Kamble stories so I have to tell you how unusually smart this dog is!! He's so much smarter than Jake or Max (though Max IS absolutely the best dog who ever has existed).

Kamble carries all his toys to his blankie to play with them - and he really keeps track of where everything is!

Right now he's obsessed with Betsy's black socks and this gold cord thing. No matter where Betsy puts them he manages to find them and drag them to his little blankie to play with!

He already rings the bell to go outside! I gave up on trying to train Jake to do that. Kamble's just a little puppy and he already has it down pat!

When he wants something he sits. Even with all his little puppy energy he remembers he needs to sit to get what he wants!

I wish Betsy would get on here and post more stories - I can't remember everything she told me. He's just incredibly intelligent!

01-22-2004, 07:42 PM
They just amaze you with their intelligence, don't they? :D Kamble sounds such a cutie, I think we need more pictures! ;)

01-22-2004, 08:19 PM
Hurry up, Betsy!!!! We want to hear more!

01-22-2004, 09:14 PM
I saw his pic in another post. He's really cute. And I can't believe you can train them to ring a bell when they need to go outside! That's great.

01-23-2004, 09:10 AM
I've always thought you were one adorable and handsome pupper, Kamble!:) But wow, what a smartie pup too!:eek: I can just picture you carefully arranging your stuffies on your blankie... and ringing your bell!:D Now that's one special doggie! Please tell your Mommy to post more pics and stories about handsome, adorable, amazing YOU!:)