View Full Version : Yukon Quest giggle

01-22-2004, 06:01 PM
Earlier today, I was at our local sled dog supply store--http://www.tanzilla.ca

I was picking up a brand new all cable gangline--i have a couple dogs who chew when they are excited and my gangline is decimated! There was a musher at the cash register trying to get directions to run his team into a local lake, Alligator Lake, which just happens to be where I run my dogs alot. So I gave him directions and as he was leaving he asked if I was running the QUEST!! The Yukon Quest. LOL!!When I finished laughing, I thanked him for even considering that I was capable of such a thing and explained that I only do skijoring races and my dog team is purely recreational. Turns out he is running the Quest!! I invited him to drop by my dog yard on one of his training runs so he could understand why this team is not planning to ever run the Quest.

01-22-2004, 07:07 PM
Let us know when he arrives and what he thinks of your darlings!!!

I am certain he is going to be surprised!!!!

01-23-2004, 08:44 AM
That's funny! :D

01-23-2004, 10:37 AM
Wow--what a compliment!!!

Maybe when he stops by he can convince you to do it;)