View Full Version : Harley is acting mean. Please help.

My Peanuts
01-22-2004, 02:17 PM
Harley has been growling a lot lately, but not snapping at all. Still I'm concerned. He is sneezing a little, but he is eating his food and treats. He is a bit sluggish at times, but is his normal wild JRT a lot too. Should I call the vet or wait a few days? If it's anything it is probably just a cold. (It's 6 degrees actual temp here!) Also I am remodeling my room, aka Harley’s room, so that might be upsetting him too. Any suggestions on what I should do?

01-22-2004, 02:19 PM
Who is he growling at and when? Is it a serious growl? Or is JRT 'speak' Like he's talking? Millie does that A LOT, but she almost never growls in seriousness.

01-22-2004, 02:24 PM
baby has been growling a bit to lately. at my little brother when he sits beside her.

it is weired

in my family we dont stand for growling doggies. so Baby gets in big trouble when she growls.

My Peanuts
01-22-2004, 02:25 PM
Originally posted by micki76
Who is he growling at and when? Is it a serious growl? Or is JRT 'speak' Like he's talking? Millie does that A LOT, but she almost never growls in seriousness.

He sleeps with me and never growls at me when we are in the bed together, but now he is. He does growl sometimes normally, but this is worse. He never growls at my parents and now he is. Also, Sylvia steps on him while he is sleeping because he is under the covers, he always growls a little, but this morning it was more severe. But like I said, he is eating and most of the time he is acting fine.

01-22-2004, 02:31 PM
My first thoughts were of any changes in your home, lifestyle that might be upsetting him. Maybe the remodeling is stressing him out, making him feel as though his space were being invaded; or it could be he's not feeling well too:( I know several dogs who don't like being disturbed while sleeping, but it sound like this is new to Harley. I'd probably get him to the vet's in the next day or so if it continues, just to rule out a physical cause. Have you corrected him when he growls...what was his reaction? It really is odd and I know it must be very upsetting for you too. Maybe the vet will have some ideas...I hope things improve:)

01-22-2004, 02:37 PM
Originally posted by My Peanuts
He sleeps with me and never growls at me when we are in the bed together, but now he is. He does growl sometimes normally, but this is worse. He never growls at my parents and now he is. Also, Sylvia steps on him while he is sleeping because he is under the covers, he always growls a little, but this morning it was more severe. But like I said, he is eating and most of the time he is acting fine.

You are not going to want to hear this, but you may have to remove him from your bed for a few days (some dogs must be permanently removed from their human’s bed) and also put him on the ‘nothing in life is free’ program. We’ve had to do this a few times with Chester. He’s very strong willed and wants to be the alpha. He also sleeps in the bed with us (all 3 do :eek: ) and sometimes it goes to his head and he will begin growling and defying us.

If you’re not familiar with the program, you just make Harley ask for EVERYTHING before you give it to him. Food, treats, you go through the doorway first, he eats only after you have, etc. He gets NOTHING without sitting or lying down first.

But, being that he’s a JRT, I strongly suggest you get him under control now. If not, you may end up with a huge problem.

A vet check may be in order also. He may have a fever or something.

I have to laugh though, because Millie always steps on Chester when he's under the covers and he gets sooooo mad at her! It sounds like WWIII!

My Peanuts
01-22-2004, 02:37 PM
I just remembered something else. He has been stealing stuffed animals too. When I yell at him to correct him he gets mad for a minute and then gets really nice.( jumping up to be picked up and licking my face)

The way I correct him when he growls is by pointing and yelling. His reaction is the same at the above.

01-22-2004, 02:44 PM
Gee, I wish Carrie (a veteran Pet Talker) were still around. She's a dog behaviorist and always had such great advice. But I don't think she'd give any better advice than micki!:) I remember Carrie being appalled that any of us would ever allows our dogs to sleep in our beds with us. It has the potential of causing just such issues as you have described. I think getting him on the "nothing in life is free" program is a great suggestion. It does really sound as though he's trying to assume the alpha role!

01-22-2004, 02:49 PM
I was going to say maybe he was in physical pain, but after reading that he'd suddenly begun stealing toys I guess that's not it. What a shame - I know you must love having him in you bed, but it sounds like he's going to have to be grounded. hehe pun intended.

01-22-2004, 03:07 PM
Originally posted by stacwase
What a shame - I know you must love having him in you bed, but it sounds like he's going to have to be grounded. hehe pun intended.


:o My goodness, thank you Sandra. What a nice compliment! :o

Diana, you may want to PM Aly. She’s a trainer and probably can give you some good advice.

If you try the NILIF program and are still having problems after a few days, I’d suggest a behaviorist. That way they can maybe see him in action, although if he’s like mine, he’d be an angel there! :rolleyes:

01-22-2004, 03:19 PM
Hmm maybe the disruption going on in the house has made him feel insecure and so he's seeking security by trying to assert his dominance in the pack. I too think Micki probably gave you the best advice in dealing with it, though for sure it can't be easy. How is Sylvia behaving? Same as always?

My Peanuts
01-22-2004, 03:23 PM
Originally posted by K9soul
How is Sylvia behaving? Same as always?

When I say this it is only with love... Sylvia is to stupid to be affected by something like remodeling! :D She is just a happy little playful puppy, as always.

01-22-2004, 03:32 PM
Originally posted by My Peanuts
When I say this it is only with love... Sylvia is to stupid to be affected by something like remodeling! :D She is just a happy little playful puppy, as always.

Ah, so you have a pair like mine! :D Chester gets like Harley and my little Millie is like Sylvia! We call Millie the Brainless Wonder sometimes :o She's always happy go lucky, though! Always smiling, too.

01-22-2004, 03:33 PM
Hehe little Sylvia, nothing to throw her off her stride :). I was wondering with her getting older if there were any tension between them but it sounds like Sylvia is just laid back and perfectly happy where she is.

My Peanuts
01-26-2004, 01:52 PM
A little update about Harley. My room is pretty much back to normal and all of the chaos from remodeling is over. Harley is also back to normal! :D His mood changed back as quickly as it came. I'm so glad and relieved. Thanks for all you help and support. :D :D

01-26-2004, 06:26 PM
The doggie equivilent of the terrible twos. :D

I am glad Harley is doing better, but I would also put him on the NILIF program that Micki mentioned for a while. The fact that he growled at you AT ALL deserves it. It may very well have been the stress of redecorating your room, but do you want him to act like this everytime anything in your life changes?

Do not think of it as punishment. Status seeking dogs live happier lives when they realize that they do not have to control everything. ;)