View Full Version : House trained...

01-22-2004, 11:41 AM
Dear you all, a few weeks ago I contacted you as I had just adopted a new tiny friend... Maurice who was 3 months old, and had a few problem as he wasn't house trained (obviously) but used to urinate in his "bed"... well we solved the problem, and as the time went by he started to become house trained, first at night then the whole morning ( I was coming back from work to take him out) then the afternoon... with some little "accidents" from time to time.
Maurice is now 5 1/2 months old, but th e big problem is that I moved 3 weeks ago to my new appartement and cannot come back anymore... which means that I take him out twice around 6:30 am and 7:15am then go to the office and come back around 5pm... I know it's a long time... and despite the first 2 days , everyday I find 1, 2 or 3 of a few little "presents" ... I know that he is very tiny, and that it's a long period of time , but is it possible for a dog to wait that long, ? what should i do? when could that happen? Even if I am a "selfish" owner, I have the feeling that I am not the only who does that... so any advise.... thanks in advance

01-22-2004, 04:18 PM
10 hours is quite a long time for a pup that age to hold it. Give him a few weeks and once he is over 6 months old, he will have better bladder and stool control. But right now I'd just leave paper down for him to potty on because a 5 month old pup just can't wait that long.

01-29-2004, 07:07 AM
Aly gave good advice. And you are right, you aren't the only one that leaves their pup all day. We have to work to support them. :D

I just wanted to say that he is adorable! I love that picture.

02-03-2004, 06:52 PM
Okay, he is a little fellow. You might want to look into the grass in a box idea or litter box for your little guy. I hate to see any dog have to wait over 5 hours to go to the bathroom.


02-04-2004, 09:11 PM
Maurice is simply adorable!!!!!!!

When my mother in law got her pom puppy, she also had to work, so she left him in the kitchen (with a baby gate), and put down pee pads for him to use. My husband's grandmother has always used the pads for her chi. It will be easier on you to clean up if you just train Maurice to use the pads.
My Riley is over a year old now, but still can have an accident if left over 5 hours.
Do you have any relatives or neighbors who would be willing to take Maurice out for you during the day? If not, I would go with the pads.

Good luck!!!

I would love to see more pictures of Maurice!!!!