View Full Version : We passed the class!!

01-21-2004, 11:30 PM
Hi All,

We had our last obdience class this week and we passed! Yay! I'm not for sure what we learned....lol. Its funny. I can get her to do the stuff at home and at the dog classes but I can't get her to do the stuff anywhere else. I must admit that I didn't work that hard with her. I picked a very busy time of year to do it. I'm going to keep on working with her and we have already signed up to do advance obedience. It will be awhile before that class starts so I should have plenty of time to work with Katie and fine tune what we have already learned. I loved doing the classes. It was fun to get out and do something with Katie. I didn't even realize that it was the last class. I was so disappointed when I found out. I had wanted to bring my camera to take pics of all the doggies. At the last class we got to do a little bit of agility stuff and that was pretty cool. I got Katie to do the hurdle thing which wasn't much of a jump for her she just walked over it...lol and then the amazing thing is I got her to go through the tunnel. I didn't think she would do it. It was funny! I had to do some coaxing but she finally did it. Then we put the 2 together and she did the jump and tunnel. Woo Hoo! A bit slow and awkward but she did it. I loved it when we got to the tunnel and I shout "Katie-Tunnel" , she starts in and gets her body about half way in and then stops like Uh Oh..where am I. I just said C'mon girl, you can do it and she hurried on through. We could sign up for that too, but I'm not for sure if her Akita ways are good for agility..lol....sometimes she will just stop and look around and poke about and look at me like Ok, I have had enough. When she does that we are through for the day...lol. She did have to embarrass me one last time in class. We were working on the "Now" command. This means she is suppose to come running to you very fast. This is not to be used very often and only for emergencies. I'm suppose to sound very strict when I give this command. We do use a special treat for this one so it wil help her learn to come faster. So I'm standing way at the other side of the room and try to use my very strictest voice (not) and holler "Katie-Now". Katie just comes slowly trotting and right in the middle she decides she has to visit all the other doggies first and give them a lick. Everyone was just laughing away. Needless to say she did not get the special treat. A nice piece of chicken. She didn't know I had it so I showed it to her and took her back and when we repeated the command she came running quick! Of course she knew I had the special treat that time. Silly girl!! I would highly recommend dog obdience classes to anyone. It is great to do something with your dog and it is also good socializing for you and your dog and hopefully you will both learn something..hehehe

Robin :)

01-21-2004, 11:58 PM
Way to go Katie, YA SMARTIE PANTS! ;)

Ooooh, agility! That is a fun way to end the class! Was the tunnel one of those collapsible soft-sided ones? I think if I were a dog I would not want to walk through one of those! Too scary!

In the puppy class I took with Jack we went to Waikiki for the last class and walked our puppies in a big long line all along the beach parks. It was ...interesting. ;)

You might want to work on that "Now" command a bit more - silly girl! :D ;) (Katie, you're too funny!)

01-22-2004, 05:46 AM
Congratulations on passing the class. I am sure with practice you can get Katie to obey your commands anywhere!

01-22-2004, 07:07 AM

That is great, I am glad you enjoyed your obedience classes.

And keep up the good work

01-22-2004, 08:22 AM
Congratulations! Sounds like Katie really likes agility. :D

01-22-2004, 08:40 AM
I knew she'd pass the class with flying colors! I'm sure with consistant training that she will do great no matter where she is:D

01-22-2004, 09:27 AM
Congrats sweet, beautiful, smart Katie and Mommy!

I'm sure she'll do just great with regular training workouts when you are able. Good luck!

01-22-2004, 09:45 AM
Congratulations to you and Katie!!!!

I'm sure it was a fun experience--I had to laugh out loud about her not coming to you until she knew you had the chicken--smarty pants!!!!!!

01-22-2004, 02:27 PM
That's great! Congratulations to you both!!:D :)

01-22-2004, 04:10 PM

What great fun you guys had! And Katie, you done your Mommy SO proud! I love going to doggie classes with Star. We still go for refresher advanced classes and agility, too. I love spending time with the other parents and meeting all the other doggies. Socializing is the best part! Aren't they hysterical learning the tunnel!:D Katie, you're such a smartie, waiting for that chicken treat! Too bad you weren't able to get any pics Robin, but maybe next time 'round!:) You did great, Katie girl!

01-22-2004, 04:31 PM
Major kudos, Katie and Robin!!

Hey Robin,

If you and Katie enjoyed agility, you should go for it. The
journey's what's important and having fun and bonding
with your dog. Not to mention getting to meet and socialize
with other dog obsessed folks. It's just a great activity, I


01-22-2004, 04:40 PM
Congrats Robin and Katie!!! I'm glad you enjoyed your class :) it is so much fun to get out and do things with your dog :) With have done freestyle, agility and therpy work, in addtion to the basic manners class. I love it all!!