View Full Version : What would you do?

01-21-2004, 08:28 AM
What would you do if you won the lottery - the BIG one - over 100 million?

My husband and I were talking last night and he would give a million to each of our family mambers, then donate an indoor pool to the highschool (my daughter's on the swim team and since the school has no pool, they swim at the YMCA!) I want to do something with animal rescue, but haven't quite decided what that would be! I also want to set a scholarship for art students at my College.

So - now be honest - what would you do if you hit the lottery?

01-21-2004, 08:57 AM
if i won over 100 million dollars?.....hmmmm....i would probly jump around and scream until i hypervenitlated;)

then i would put enough away to sufficiently cover college/grad school/vet school/doctor/lawyer school costs. then i would put some away so that i could fly around and visit people whenever i wanted. i would buy my mom a house, and my aunt and uncle a nice new 5th wheel and a new pickup truck(lol) and then i would give some to charity. then i would get a stock expert to come invest some of my money....then...i would go SHOPPING!!!:D

01-21-2004, 09:11 AM
Well, 100 million after taxes would be ..what??? 50 million?

OK, still a lot!

I have a hard time deciding if I would buy a new house or REALLY fix up the one I've got. I always THINK I'd stay here and just re-vamp, but that is subject to change.

I'd probably buy new vehicles knowing that this would be the only way I'd be able to afford them. But nothing outreageous. Just a GOOD reliable station wagons like we both have now.

a LOT would go to cat rescue, that I am certain, but how much I could not be sure.
I've always fantasized about buying out my next door naighbor (row home) so I could have a shelter for cats. maybe I'd do that with the house on BOTH sides of me with that kind of money!

01-21-2004, 09:27 AM
Well, my wedding is next month so I would spend A TON on that. I would give a few million to my mom who has always supported me. I would give Rob's family a new house and a few million. I would buy a house and a car. I would buy my cats and dogs a lot of neat stuff. I would give a million to my old high school choir program and I would put the rest in the bank to built interest.:D
Ah yes, and I would buy myself a doberman and my mom a German Shepherd. Also I would buy Lucy a new Kennel since her's seems to be shrinking. LOL

01-21-2004, 09:53 AM
Ok let's spend 10 millions for some family members.
40 millions for charity: cat shelters, tigers in Siberia, children in Africa
10 millions we leave open. Maybe I feel that some 1000 year old Byzantine churches in Southern Greece need a roof so that their frescoes aren't washed away.
Lets assume I keep 40 millions for my private luxury: my life would be travelling and writing. But to feel really well I would need some houses around the world. I would start with a beach house ( a smaller one) in Northern California or Southern Oregon. I'd need something in Italy -how about a flat in a Venetian palace- or Southern France. For beach? A Thai island? A traditional house with a courtyard in Marrakesch? Another beach house in New Zealand?

I'll have to solve the cat problem: Cats do not like to travel that much.

Maybe it's good that my chances are so low. (*smiles while thinking of Filou and Tigris*)

01-21-2004, 11:00 AM
Wow! Okay, let's see...

First, I'd pay all my bills off. I'd buy a huge house on alot of land and build a shelter on it with tons of enclosures for ferals. It would be in a nice warm climate. I'd then go onto petfinder.com and rescue all the cats on it.

I'd buy my daughter a nice condo or house (whichever she prefers) and buy her a comfortable car with a chauffer (she can't drive because of her limitations from a brain tumor) so she didn't have to take the bus to get around.

I'd donate alot to various animal rescue organizations.

I would then build a shelter for the animals at the Dearborn Animal Shelter and FIRE the director and her staff and hire my own staff.

I'd invest some and put the rest in the bank.

01-21-2004, 11:13 AM
Donna, that's a great idea for a new thread: Whom would you fire if you got the 100 million jackpot ;)

I have ideas too:D

01-21-2004, 11:30 AM

walk into the big boss's office and put a few thousand dollars on her desk, explain to her that this will take care of her hurt feelings and tell her what I think....

Then I would call up the nearest HUMVEE dealer at 12 midnight and tell him that if he wanted to sell a Black Hummer he better get to the dealership in 1/2 hour....(that's my only ACT LIKE A JERK deed....)

Buy a trailer, go to the nearest Buell dealership and buy me a motorcycle, Go to the Yamaha dealership and buy an off-road bike.

Then to the sporting goods store and get myself ALL the camping equipment I have ever wanted.

Go home, give my mom some money, Pick up the cat and go camping for about 1 month.


Go to a state where fireworks are legal......buy all the fireworks I can stuff into the truck and
have myself one of the biggest fireworks shows, just for Ed and me!!

I am going to BBQ steaks, drink champagne and eat potato chips.......

when the month is over I am going to give some money to a wild horse rescue.....I AM SCARED OF THEM SUCKERS TOO.....give some to pet rescues...
give some to medical research

open up my own business.....or write...or travel to Alaska and Africa.......see all the animals that scare me....

Then buy some land in Texas and live in a yurt.

01-21-2004, 11:35 AM
Hmmm...................I'd probably give 20 million away to family, dividing it equally amongst them. Then I would spend 1 million on a nice house. Then I would get a nice car, several more birds, big and small. I would donate 10 million for needy animals, keep 5 million in savings, and donate the rest of the 60 million + to poor and deserving people around the world.

01-21-2004, 11:40 AM
I would give away all but 1 million of it to scholarships, foster care programs, and programs for the elderly - and of course to animal shelters!

Then I'd get a small house on a big river, and a few miles downstream I'd get a little piece of land with a building to keep 4 wheelers so I could 4-wheel back home after kayaking down the river.

I'd have a perfect dog run installed by my house, with a door going directly from the house to the dog run.

Oh yea - my house would be on a lot of land with a remote hiking/snowshoeing trail where Max could run off-leash.

I would quit work and spend all my time hiking, snowshoeing, kayaking, gardening, taking photographs and painting.

01-21-2004, 12:31 PM
The first thing I would do is to go into hiding for month or two, not only to figure what I would do, but to avoid seeing the faces of all the friends and relatives I never knew I had.....

First priority would be to pay off my condo and all my personal loans.

Second would be to sell my condo and buy a slightly larger one.

Third, buy a new truck.

Fourth, quit my full-time job and get a part-time one.

Fifth, pay to get my Mom's house fixed up/renovated.

Sixth, donate some to animal charities, including One by One and other rescue organizations known to Pet Talkers.

Last, invest the money that's left over because that's what I will be living on.

It may seem cruel that I'm not really giving any money to my relatives but truly they do not need it.

Oh yes, and then I would attend ALL the Pet Talk meetings...all around the world.

01-21-2004, 04:11 PM
There's a lottery over 100 million?!?!?!:eek: Wow, that's a lot:p

I would have a lot to do if I won it. Hmm, I would like to quit school...but I'm probably not allowed:p

I'd want to get a new house, really big maybe in the countryside or something. I would also like to get new cars, maybe two. I would LOVE one of those old style Rolls-Royces, lol.
I'd spend a lot of money on decorating my house and everything. I would also have ALOT of pets, obviously;) and some horses:D

I'd also donate alot to animal shelters, probably about a million or more, since I've won 100 million.

I would also travel all around the world:D and take lots of cruise trips:D I've been on one cruise trip before, and it was the BEST!

There's alot more I'd do if I won, but I'll probably save about 25 million:p

01-21-2004, 10:47 PM
Well, first of all, I'd give 10% to a church ... just like God says to.

Then ... I'd buy a big island. And build a big house on it. And buy a big boat to get me to and from my island.

And I'd build a couple of smaller houses on it for my son and mom and dad ... on opposite ends of the island, of course. ;)

Then I'd build a big building for all the dogs I cared to rescue.

Ahhhhhhhh ... heaven.


01-21-2004, 10:55 PM
Well...First I would make sure that everyone in my family has a beautiful home of their choice. I'd also make sure the younger ones all have a trust fund for their education. I'm not a big fan of handing cash out to people, so I would probably just make sure everyone had what they needed/wanted and maybe give them $100,000 cash apiece to blow. I'd invest enough to keep some spending money coming.

Then...I'd stay at my job and be a big fat bum until they fired me. Next, I'd buy a fat chunk of land somewhere between San Luis Obispo and San Diego on the coast. I'd build a spacious but not impractical home. And a huge dog sanctuary. I'd run a dog rescue out of there. Somewhere off in the distance of my land would be some cabins. I would allow homeless people to stay there with free room and board in exchange for taking care of the dogs.

While they were staying with me, I'd find some way to set up psychiatric, financial, etc... assistance. I would offer scholarships and grants to the ones that seemed willing to work.

OH! I forgot a part. Twister reminded me. I would give 10%. No money is good money unless it's blessed. And I'd give that 10% to that church here that just opened the dog park.

01-21-2004, 10:55 PM
Every debt we have would be paid. This house would be fixed to our satisfaction, immediately. We would give at least half to our church, which should take care of every need possible for many years to come. Our children's education needs would be provided for, as would our retirement. We would NOT quit work, but we would know we could, if we wanted to. My hope would be that my husband could quit his job and start his own company. We would make sure our extended family was taken care of as well. We would also make sure that the charities that we support, including our rescue groups, got a generous donation. We would support the colleges and universities that we attended more generously than we are able to now. I'm sure I could go on and on, but we would make sure that the money worked for all of us and in a positive manner. :) Wouldn't that be fun???

01-21-2004, 11:04 PM
Hmmmm, I'd be happy winning the $25 mill that's on the line for one of the lotterys here...which reminds me must buy my ticket. :D

First of all I would probably pay off my credit cards...those evil things that they are. Then pay off my sisters, and parents debts, and I would totally pay off the bills that my aunt racked up due to her stroke. Not only would i pay off the bills and stuff for my family but I would give them some money as well not sure how much but they would totally get some.

Then well I would try to find a nice house, not anything to big at least in the house department but I would want a big yard fenced of course for the dogs, maybe an acreage or something it's not like we don't have enough of them around the city.

I would probably get the dogs an SUV (I'll be the driver of course) and maybe get myself a new beetle for when I don't have the dogs, they're such happy cars.

Other then that i'm not sure, I know I would give some money to charities like the SPCA and ARF and stuff like that. Totally give some to my best friend, and I guess after that live a happy and carefree life living off the interest of the millions that I have? with of course occasional trips to places I wouldn't mind going to and the odd addition or two to the goonies.

01-21-2004, 11:18 PM
A LOT of it would go to the animal shelters around here, rescues, etc. Any place to help animals. :)

Second, buy a home in the country. I would have a BIG ranch with rescued Golden Retrievers, and ones from responsible breeders. Maybe add a few Collies and Border Collies too. ;)

Third, open up my own rescue for unwanted/abused dogs.

Next, spoil the dogs. :D:D (Obvious)

Of course, after all that I would *try* to save a little for me. :p

What my parents would do...

1.) Pay off all credit cards
2.) Pay off the house
3.) Sell the house, buy a much bigger house out of state/in a good area
4.) Buy a Harley Davidson Motorcycle. (my dad :rolleyes: )
5.) Put some away for College
6.) Buy new furniture

and the rest would be for fun spending, etc. ;)

Rio and Me
01-22-2004, 03:04 AM
I love dreaming about this stuff.
1. Put in a bank
2. Buy my mum and bro a house of their chose
3.buy self Island, small yet spacious (allways dreamed of my own little island)
4. build luxury house on island
5. buy nice boat
6.make sure certain family members are comfy.
7. buy mum, bro and self brand new cars of our chose
8.give lots to select animal charites
9. get groomer cert.
10.pay off mums bills etc
11. select one or three "good" friends and shop till no more will fit in my nice new big flash car,lol (maybe do a few shoping trips,lol)
12. travel a little
13. look at back accont, cry if lower than 1million, save till interest builds up again and go back to my island with my 10 dogs, they will be Rio, 3 german sheperds, greyhound,3 dogues,st bernard, papilion.all of which from rescue
Ky and Rio

01-22-2004, 06:42 AM
my mom, 69, can finally really retire from that parttime, bloodsucking job, then she gets bionic knees, a ranch condo and her truck is paid off, and she finally gets all the clothes she wants. she grew up during the depression, was the oldest daughter, had a lot of duties to her family, including quitting school at 14(!) to start working , so the younger boys could go to school.. she married my father, had 4 kids, 2 handicapped, and worked like a pack horse since then. she really deserves good times.
as for my job, well that much money would make those pesty annual reviews a lot easier wouldn't it?
and golden endings, the local golden rescue would get anything they could think of.....:)

01-22-2004, 07:59 AM

WEll at first I wouldnt know what to do, I would happy :D lol

But IŽd share many with my family members, buy new house (huge) , car.... Siberian husy, horses ..... lol

But I would put some money to future too :D

01-22-2004, 08:06 AM
Quit. Work.

01-22-2004, 12:31 PM
Although I admire all your philanthropic donations and desires to help the people around you... am I the only one with dreams of a Rock-and-Roll, buttkicking, no-holds-barred fireworks show???


01-22-2004, 06:10 PM
[QUOTE]Originally posted by RICHARD
[... am I the only one with dreams of a Rock-and-Roll, buttkicking, no-holds-barred fireworks show???

can i come? :D i'd bring my own lawn chair:)