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View Full Version : Food and Table Manners

01-21-2004, 08:19 AM
Last night my 17 year old son tried to make dinner... it wasn't very edible, so we decided very late to get Chinese Takout. We loaded all of the boxes and containers onto the table and started dishing out. As typical, Pouncer and the dog were up front and center begging for whatever they could get. I had to hunt down Allen. It seems Takeout is their utmost favorite - yummm, all that pork & chicken!!!

So here's the question: What are your cats like? Allen LOVES chicken but would never beg for it. We know he likes it, so we hunt him down and give him little pieces. Strange thing is that he HAS to have it hand-fed and in little itty bitty pieces. He takes it from you in an almost dainty way! Pouncer on the other hand waits for you to be distracted before he grabs the biggest piece off your plate and drag it away! Allen will get a few pieces and happily walk away, while Pouncer thinks the plates are his to lick clean(again always the helpful boy.)

Julie Grove
01-21-2004, 08:30 AM
Lucy is not a fussy eater and doesn't demand anything in particular although she does like peanut butter on toast. Gigi was a fussy eater and loved avocado, crab, and greek yoghurt with honey!

01-21-2004, 09:05 AM
Leroy (naturally) has to be offered anything we are eating. Pepper Jack is pretty much the same way. The others only show interest if it smells like something they might want. Chicken is a favorite but when we bring home fish they go nuts!! We always buy several pieces of extra fish just for this reason. I take the batter off and give them several bites each. Chicken and fish they would eat all day long if allowed!!

01-21-2004, 09:06 AM
This is how Kim begs:
This is how Biddy Begs:
Various stages of begging:

The truth is, most of the cats will eat anyting!! Rutherford and Jasper always THINK they want it, but usually turn it down. Fern NEVER takes treats. Willow and Calvin are usually left out because they are not fast enough. ;) We TRY to sneak them some, but it's difficult.

01-21-2004, 09:47 AM
[QUOTE]Originally posted by jenluckenbach
[B]This is how Kim begs:

She looks like she's praying...

"Please, God, Pleae let her give me some of that delicious food!"

01-21-2004, 09:50 AM
Dylan will eat ANYTHING but does not beg exactly, just sort of sits there all soulful eyed. Emily gets her face right in your plate and nothing keeps her out short of shoving her OFF the table repeatedly. Eliot - there is no treat he will even accept - we can't entice him at all! Guess that is why he is so lean and sleek. Emily and Dylan are...uh...rubenesque.:rolleyes:

PS Jen the begging pics are adorable!!! *I* could not resist those:D

01-21-2004, 09:51 AM
Jen- ROFLMAO!!! You have some serious beggars there!! How cute! You have got to post that table picture in the other bad manners thread!! That is just too funny!!! I think you are eating cereal maybe?? I think I see a bowl over the kitties!! :D :D http://petoftheday.com/talk/images/our_smilies/biggrin.gif

All your babies are sooo adorable. Kim looks just like my Pepper Jack!! I always thaought they resembled from your sig but now I really see it. I'll have to go look for a picture of him.

01-21-2004, 10:04 AM
This is how Mystic (AKA Flubby) begs for her treats. All you have to do is ask her if she has been a good girl today and she will sit up like this so you know that she wants her treats. She also will beg this way each night for turkey from her daddy's sandwich.

Smokey does not sit up and beg for food instead he screams....I can actually hear him upstairs when he is down in the kitchen.

Abner's favorite food is actually a drink....milk. He runs behind you talking the whole way until you put you cup down and then he has his fill.

01-21-2004, 11:36 AM
Originally posted by jenluckenbach

Various stages of begging:


Those pics look like the beginning of civil unrest...;)

01-21-2004, 11:50 AM
Ripley has a serious sweet tooth and loves anything peanut butter but that is about it.

Jazz really only likes milk and will almost scream when you take the jug our of the fridge. She will sometimes eat tiny bites of white meat chicken and a little yogurt.

Scout loves almost anything but sweets. She has horrible table manners and tries to sit on the table while we eat. If she's not on the table she will climb up your leg using all claws, ouch! We've been working on this with the help of a water bottle and she is getting better but it's like her brain is sucked out of her head when she smells food. Guess it's from being an abused stray so it's difficult to be too hard on her.